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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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It's a new week and a new round of doctor appointments. . . .   I think I really goofed in running out of muscle relaxants.  I had a pretty good day, today but now the pain is starting to ramp up.  Grrrr.


Doctor appointment

clean kitchen


probably pharmacy because that seems to be all I do lately - pop new pills

school of some kind



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Plans for today:
-dd10: Math, Dutch grammar, English, Latin, Biology, History, Geography, Logic
-dd7: Math, Writing, English, Spelling, Geography, Reading
-dd5: games with mama, Spelling, Reading
-everyone: read aloud during lunch
-everyone: traffic education
-Greek & Latin vocab
-study Greek
-read a book


-order vitamines

I hope everyone has a nice day :D!

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Lets see....

- start to boil down sap- thawing (it froze over night)

- dishes- done

- laundry- done

- tidy house- done

- nap-done

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- dh is taking us out and we are going to do some shopping :) meat will stay in fridge

- bedtime routine

- college stuff- did some

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Ah Monday :)


--ignore the forecast for tomorrow; concentrate on the 66 degree high for Friday

--school, a very full day (ballet dress rehearsals and performances this week---must front-load school work!)

--teach dd how to search for references using the university catalog (dd19 can check them out for her)

--exercise: Jillian NMTZ, I think

--grocery run? library?

--continue reading Bravewriter's Help for High School




I know I will do a lot more (I almost never put down regular house and life activities) so that looks good :)


Have a great day, all :party:

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Jean-- :grouphug:


Here we goooo.....


sleep in because made breakfast/lunch for dh last night

coffee and computer time


school with ds: science, writing, reading, grammar, math, history, Awana

school with dd: Spanish, Chemistry, Alg 2

quick run to Kroger and bank


take dd to Spanish

Tea with friends after class

stop by Ingles on the way home (shopping grocery sales today)


make a list of all we need for dd's dual enrollment application and try to get it in by Friday

watch OUAT


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Had to put dd3 in the shower for the *third time* today because of potty accidents. She had been doing so well, no accidents in 2 weeks, that I was really surprised by this. When I finally asked her what was happening, she told me that she likes to shower. :huh:

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Good Morning...the beautiful sun is shining nice and bright this morning!  :D


To do:  

vacuum and dust 1st floor--DONE

finish up laundry/ironing--DONE

walk a lap 2.5 miles--LATER WHEN IT WARMS UP..BURRRRR--DONE

grocery shop for this week and meal plan--IN PROGRESS--DONE

school--full load this week --IN PROGRESS--DONE


Have a lovely day!  :thumbup:

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I'm having a hard time getting motivated today.

Last night we cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed.

I need to do a load of laundry and get school started.

I'd rather take the day off.

Spaghetti or some kind of pasta dish for supper.

I don't have to run any errands today YAY!

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Good morning! Back from am practice and have random kids taking their spring break this week. Dd1 is back to work, ds1 has lots to do, ds2 is working mornings only, dd2 is taking four days off and ds3 has school for four days.


I had my break (although it was not fun...it was stressful and we had a terrible hotel) so I am back to doing school and cleaning.


The house needs some serious attention, so I will be doing that a few hours everyday. Hopefully by this weekend, I will have beaten the house into submission.


pm practices today (2 pools, 2 different times)

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I guess I should get back on the tackle train!



B'fast, lunch, dinner (turkey burgers, baked fries and...?)


Clean crazy mess I made in the kitchen last night making homemade hot pockets (I was too tired last night, plus I had to watch OUAT!)










Finish recovering DR chairs


Dust LR, DR shelves and loft bookcases


Make batch of soap (maybe)


Sweep LR, DR, kitchen and entry


Give Bella a bath




Um...other stuff??


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Teeth brushed.

Pet care done.

Ds knows what to do for school.  Dd has at least one of her school workbooks.  She's coming with me to my appointment.

I have the letter sent to me by my insurance co. which counteracts (somewhat) the orders of the doctor to discuss with the doctor.

Anything else?  Did I mention that I just cannot think this morning?  I'd better jot down a couple of things to discuss with the doctor.

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My sister called and got into a lengthy conversation about how she feels the three of us (have a younger sister, too) are not as close as we used to be a few years ago. I agree with her, and none of us want it to be that way. I think it's harder to not be upset or offended with your family because you have much more invested in them than friends or neighbors. 


Since it was lengthy, I'm not making it to the bank or Kroger today. That will have to be in the morning. Ds also didn't do some of his work and played. Oh well, it was a good conversation! 



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Doctor done


Dd was very enthusiastic about taking me to the hot dog place that they always go to when I'm in the ER.  I had mentioned that I have never gone since I"m always stuck in the ER, so she wanted to make sure I got to have on of their hot dogs!  I got a Seattle dog - a hot dog with cream cheese and scallions.  It was very good, so don't knock it!  Dd got a PB dog - a hot dog with peanut butter and banana on top!  (Dh and ds got much more boring hot dogs like normal people eat.)\


Dd done with reading comprehension.


Lunch and Dr. Who done.


Dd - math done


Ds - math done


Dh seen off to work.  

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Hi Ladies!

A little late checking in today. School took forever. Anyhow, the cleaners are coming soon, we're going too run to the library and then get my allergy shots. Then it's off to bell choir. Dinner is in crock pot (dumped some frozen boneless, skinless chicken thighs in, dumped some teryaki sauce on top of that, made some rice, too, though not in the crock pot) and salads are in fridge, so when dh comes home with the kids (I meet him at church, we trade cars, he takes kids home and feeds them, I stay for bells) dinner is ready.

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I am exhausted.  I took dd shopping for running "essentials".  She has decided that she needs running shoes (which I said that I'd contribute $50 toward), a special tracker you put in the shoe for tracking mileage etc. (she buys that on her own), an armband for her IPod (another purchase for her) and running shorts (I sprang for those).  That whole trip took two hours in all and I forgot to go to the pharmacy.  I'll go later after dropping the kids off at the Y.



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I'm feeling exhausted and for some reason I'm having a hard time accepting that.  I suppose it is because my pain level has gone down so I should be raring to go and get everything caught up around here.  


I have to do a couple of things around here.  I am going to set my 15 minute timer that worked so well for me yesterday and I'm going to clean my CPaP.  Then I'll come back here and reward myself with some rest time.  

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home from work, about to put the first coat of paint on the alcove walls (primed etc before work).  dd14 got invited to her first school dance by a boy in her cadet troop.  I guess technically it is her first date too since he is paying for her ticket.  She is so excited.  As a homeschooler, school dances are one of those things you don't usually get to experience.

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CPap has been disinfected and is drying.

I searched and searched and found the PT exercises I'm supposed to do as well.  After I go pick dd up from the Y, I'll do the exercises.


I also received a call from the organizer of an upcoming conference and found out that dh had volunteered ds for something without ds's or my knowledge.  My knowledge wasn't strictly necessary but ds should have been asked.  And actually, come to think of it, I should have been too because I'm 90% sure this means that I'm going to have to drive 1 hour one way to drop ds off at the conference and then drive home again.  But. . . dh isn't here to defend himself and it may have been one of those things where he hadn't actually agreed but they thought he had. . . .  Anyway. . .   I don't know why I'm typing this out here other than as a cathartic therapy of some sort.  Ds is being remarkable easy going about all of this.  

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Dh is off the hook.  He called during his "dinner" at work and said "I never said he'd do it!"  And now they've changed his schedule at work so he'll be working on the weekend anyway.  I don't know how he or the organizers will work it out.  


Dd helped me to do my PT.  Dh says that PT should not be torture. . . .  so something is wrong, because it was torture and now I'm in pain.


I need to clean the kitchen yet tonight.  Sigh.  I will do it in short short bursts - maybe during commercials.  

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I guess I should get back on the tackle train!



B'fast, lunch, dinner (turkey burgers, baked fries and...?)


Clean crazy mess I made in the kitchen last night making homemade hot pockets (I was too tired last night, plus I had to watch OUAT!)










Finish recovering DR chairs  Almost done.  The staple gun crapped out on me after the 3rd chair.  Boo.


Dust LR, DR shelves and loft bookcases Nope


Make batch of soap (maybe)  Nope


Sweep LR, DR, kitchen and entry


Give Bella a bath




Um...other stuff??


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