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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I had a bad migraine yesterday afternoon and was up until 4:00 am :(.


It's 8:00 am now, the kids have had breakfast. We are going to do only the most important school stuff and pick up the house a bit. And pray that the migraine won't return, my head still feels weird.


I'll update when I have done stuff. Or not :D.

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Co-op day! Woo-hoo! (this means the kids get several hours on the playground, if the weather is nice, and I get to chat with other grown-ups while they're in their classes & playing! And we buy pizza slices so I don't have to make or clean up lunch! Can you tell I'm ready to post on the burnout thread too?)


Have to remember to stop & get gas on our way out, and at the bank & grocery store on the way home.


Later i will try to get caught up on some of what we didn't do Monday & Tuesday when my back & head were hurting so badly I couldn't think straight.


Now to get everyone awake, breakfasted, dressed, and ready to go in time for some playground before their first class...

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Jean and Tress--praying for you both! 



I've lost 3 more pounds, that's 20 total less than I weighed last fall!  I'm so excited. 




coffee and computer time 


tidy house

get out chemistry equipment

school with ds: science and writing are the big things today because we have co-op tomorrow, math and reading if time

school with dd: history, chemistry class, alg 2, writing

both need to do a drawing on canvas for art class tomorrow

chemistry lab

clean up from lab

finish up any school work



clean office




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It's 1:00 pm and I have done what I wanted to do. Now I'm sitting here, wondering what I'm going to do for the rest of the afternoon. Which is kind of amazing, I mean, why am I always feeling so rushed, if I can accomplish most of my normal daily todo-list at 1:00 pm. :confused1: I'm obviously missing something. Things I need to do today OR things I don't need to do on other days. :huh:


Okay, never mind me, I'm just going to......fold some laundry. Yes. That's it, fold some laundry. That's easy and I won't need to think while folding.

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Wish I could lose 3 pounds!


I'm Still taking it slow today.  For now..


Coffee and Bible.

Get kids up.

Discuss their subjects for the day.

Decide if they are taking dogs to obedience class this morning. Not happening, I think our heater is broken and I might need to call someone out.  Just what we need right now.


Straighten the house.

Get dressed.

Send 4h emails.



Grade papers for writing class tomorrow. (dreading this, which is why I'm doing it the day before.  when will I learn?)

Finish lesson plan for same class.


​ETA: Have not gotten to anything else b/c of dealing with yet another unexpected problem.  I want to scream!


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48 hours until competition starts at the state Science Olympiad :D


I'm not sure what dd will do today---all the planning is on her. I know she will do a practice rocks and minerals test (as she asked me to set up one more), test the current boomilever iteration, build another boomilever (maybe she won't make any changes and this will be the competition boom!), and take a Water Quality practice test that I wrote. She was mumbling about all the various Mars missions yesterday.


She is meeting with an event partner at 1 for one last practice test for that event.


I will

--help whenever she asks

--exercise: Jillian Michaels NMTZ

--do some laundry

--make dinner

--ignore the very cold weather (cruel after 65 degrees yesterday)

--do whatever else that presents itself!

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work 730-830

work 3-6

teens have cadet armory clean up 630-830pm

dd14 online latin 845-945am


cleaning rotation

clean out car

clean exterior entrance way (specifically, large garbage items to back alley and bag up cardboard for recycling)


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Good luck with the allergy testing, Jean!


How are you feeling now? (I vaguely saw something about kidney pain yesterday.)

3:00 - 4:30  - Allergy testing (and yes, they said that it really takes that long.)  - both blood test and where they poke your skin with a needle all up and down your arms.


4:30 ENT appointment


Head feels like someone is hitting it with a sledgehammer.  

Back (kidneys) are only mildly sore.  I didn't have chills or contractions last night like I had the two nights previously.  I don't know if I passed the stone or if it is taking a little rest in some corner of my body.

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Hope you're feeling better.  That was some ordeal you went through a few days ago.  Hugs/prayer! 


I had allergies for years in MI and here in NC.  However, over time my dr. weaned me and I no longer have symptoms!  My "scratch" test was done around 1987 or so in MI.  My scratch test in NC - I don't remember.  Not only did we move from one state to another, but from region to region. 

A few years ago I heard that allergy testing is now done with blood work and it's supposed to be more accurate. 


Wanted to mention that to you in case that helps. 


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did 15 minutes in the livingroom, figured out my order for r&s (it is being faxed tomorrow once I deposit my child support cheque). Went to grocery store to pick up some bread and otherwise ignored the world around me.  I have been catching up on my shows online though haha.  Actually that R&S order took me twice as long as I thought it would, but it is all set now. 

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To do:

School - DONE

Figure out something for dinner - DONE

Clean front room and dining area - Eh, the mess will still be there tomorrow I suppose.


Start teaching toddler how to go down for nap without me there the whole time. I can't keep spending an hour in there with her til she falls asleep. Not now that DH is on days and my 5 yo is left on her own the whole time. Little one goes to sleep for him in 15 minutes. She fights me for an hour or more for both bedtime and nap. - DAY ONE - failure. She did not nap.

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Laundry done
Re-installed car seat--done
Take boys to grandparents--done

I need to turn on the dishwasher but that can wait.  The boys are gone for a couple of days and I'm sure dh and I will be going out to dinner tonight.


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Jean--I got a rice cooker for my birthday. I've used it once, but it was over cooked on the bottom of the pan. Should I have used more water? It was white basmati rice, so I assumed it should be the same directions as white rice. 

I don't know, Amy.  I only cook "real" rice - aka Japanese rice!


Allergy testing done  (only a couple of mild environmental allergies were found)

Talked phlebotomist through how to find blood in me.

ENT appt. done - still infected.  On antibiotics for 2 more weeks and then we schedule surgery.


Kids almost have dinner done.  Ds's carne asada (which he had me taste) is divine.

Dh is home from his out-of-town trip.

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