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Dr. Hive...migraine aura question


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About 5 pm today I experienced an aura like I've never experienced before.  It started with a rushing sound in my ears, a bit dizzy, almost feeling like I would pass out (but I never came close to that) and an aura that looked like a shiny spiky crown in a crescent shape.  It was very bright with my eyes closed and present in my field of vision with my eyes open.  It lasted about 30, maybe 45 minutes.  I've NEVER had one like that.  Afterwards about 6 pm, I got a MILD headache.  I didn't even take anything for it until after dinner.  Now, about 8:30, it is 90% gone after taking an extra strength aspirin.  My balance is still a bit "off" and I'm a bit dizzy but I went for a walk with dh and am sitting here typing.  I'm on beta blockers and my BP never went above normal.


The auras I've had before are more along the lines of extra floaters or a "rain" type.  They are not "bright" but more like waves in my field of vision.  The headaches that followed tended to be miserable but not terrible.  In Dec. I had a truly miserable, go to the doc for relief headache that wouldn't go away and turned out to be a hypertensive headache.  Hence the beta blockers. 


So, what happened today?  Am I about to get slammed by a stinker of a migraine and I should leave the Fioricet on the counter?



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The aura that you described is pretty much what happens to me. The visual part lasts about half an hour and then is gone. I don't get the painful headache part at all. So it is possible that you won't.


I know some people get the aura and painful headache, but some people don't. Maybe you will be lucky this time.

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My daughter sometimes gets strange auras before her migraine headaches.  Sometimes they are very colorful and shaped like the "Nike" sign.  They change shapes and colors.  She sometimes gets vertigo with her headaches as well, or feels very light-headed and uncoordinated.  I know that some people can have migraine symptoms but not the actual headache part.   We haven't found any rhyme or reason as to when my daughter gets auras with her migraines and when she doesn't, or if a certain aura is related to a certain intensity headache.  Hopefully you won't get a bad one!

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Mine start as a small dot that I almost don't notice, I just cannot see certain letters while reading and the more I try to focus, the harder it is to see.  Then it gets bigger and more colorful.  If I try to shut down here, the better my life is later.  I go into a dark, quiet room and massage my neck and back muscles, stretch them out (I lay on a couple of tennis balls and move them along my back).


When the vision returns, the pain starts.

The longer the visual aura, the worse the pain.

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I only had aura's when I was pregnant.  they'd last about 45 minutes, I'd go lay down. I didn't get a headache afterwards. (or if I did, it was extremely mild so as to be barely noticeable.)  mine were very bright, and blinding.  like bright sunshine reflecting on waves and it occluded my entire field of vision. 


today, I've had the throbbing, some nausea, doesn't respond to anything. after laying in a dark room for two hours, at least the throbbing isn't as bad as it was earlier.  I'll take the auras.


also try drinking lots of water.


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The aura that you described is pretty much what happens to me. The visual part lasts about half an hour and then is gone. I don't get the painful headache part at all. So it is possible that you won't.


I know some people get the aura and painful headache, but some people don't. Maybe you will be lucky this time.

This is similar to me although I do get mild headaches that some ibu profen and a nap will take care of. Generally they're triggered by not getting enough sleep or not drinking water.


To the OP, they are disorienting and take a bit out of you but I wouldn't be too worried.

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My auras can last up to two hours. They include a zigzag, colourful design is that take up half my vision. Then I go numb up one side of my body and then down the other. If it is really bad, my tongue goes numb. I also have trouble getting out the words I want. And then the headache hits. I am so glad I don't get them regularly anymore.

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I often had a sensation that felt like a vacuum sucking the air around me. It made me feel very strange and off balance. Then the aura would come. While I think the episode you describe is not uncommon, if it is uncommon to you I think it might be worth mentioning to a doctor.

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I've had the aura without a migraine, and migraines without aura, but only once I had both thankfully. A few times I was unable to drive because the aura was so severe it completely blocked my vision. I was stuck at my son's school for 2 hours waiting for the aura to go away. I couldn't even find my car in the parking lot, lol. My aura shows as squiggly wavy lines that are a silver/gold color. I've never had dizziness at all. A few people I know get dizziness, aura and arm weakness with their migraines. 

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