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Grrr Internet a JAWM vent

Just Another Jen

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 Can I just bow out of electronic life for awhile? I'll probably never remember all these new passwords either so that'll be next weeks problem....


I totally get this.  Later you spend 15 minutes changing your password, because you forgot what it was.  Lather, rinse, repeat.   :grouphug:

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 I'm confused.  What would shopping at Target would have to with her passwords to twitter and gmail getting hacked, and a utility company not accepting her new address? 


Seems like I remember hearing that as the Target ordeal became more broadcast, Target was more forthcoming with info, including the possibility that personal information was compromised. I was wondering if that might make someone a target (no pun intended) for having their email hacked - not that the password would be compromised, but a hacking program might go for it. I don't know how a twitter would be hacked. Anyway, I have kind of been wondering how the stealing and selling of personal info might start to affect things other than debit/credit cards. 


Just curiosity on my part.

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...I signed up the first year, thought it was stupid, and never returned...

Wow! I thought I must be the only one who cannot see the appeal of twitter. I joined, followed SWB, then didn't know what else to do. I have never gone back to twitter. I prefer to read her blog.

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Wow! I thought I must be the only one who cannot see the appeal of twitter. I joined, followed SWB, then didn't know what else to do. I have never gone back to twitter. I prefer to read her blog.



It's a compromise. I quit facebook and then picked up my dormant twitter account. I can keep track of the family members I actually like that way, cause most of them cross post. Plus, now that we live downtown its nice being able to hop on twitter and find out if I need to worry about all those sirens and the street being blocked by police. (Usually twitter has the info faster than the news) I follow a bunch of journalists and feel like a city person knowing the current scandals/events of Chicago...

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A really good tip, for making passwords, is to pick a song lyric, or phrase, and then use the first letter of each word. For instance, if the phrase was , "She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes" you would use, "sbcrtmwsc" as your password. Because it isn't an actual word it is harder to crack. better is if you can throw a number or symbol in there...so if the phrase has an "and" in it use the &. 


Or use a period in the middle. 


I don't forget this way, as I can remember the song lyric easily, and yet it is still a very good password. (my husband has a degree in internet security, and he taught me this. He says even better, if it is something you can use a long password for, is to type out the whole lyric, with capital letters at the start of each word, with no spaces. but most of the stuff I do won't take one that long.)

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Did you shop at Target last December?

Ditto to me as we'll OP. Gmail was luckily locked down when they saw an attempted login in Vietnam. I also had 2 extra security features on my banking system so they couldn't get into that.

I have 6 new passwords now & will rotate them every 2 months. Thanks target.

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Ditto to me as we'll OP. Gmail was luckily locked down when they saw an attempted login in Vietnam. I also had 2 extra security features on my banking system so they couldn't get into that.

I have 6 new passwords now & will rotate them every 2 months. Thanks target.

Ugh...I shopped at Target ONCE in six months. Of course it was just at the right time😡

I have since had my yahoo account hacked twice, and the gmail account I set up in response was eventually hacked too. Random spam was sent to all sorts of addressees in my account that I had not use for years, including colleagues of hubby. Such a nightmare. Things are still not right, with a collection of online accounts because we had to get all new bank cards, accounts, pins, and passwords.

But Target did send an email apologizing for any inconvenience...

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