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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Jean, I hope you will have a good day today.

Plans for today:
-dd10: Math, Dutch grammar, English, Latin, Biology (test), History, Logic
-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Spelling, Copywork, Reading, History
-dd5: Math, Copywork, Spelling, Reading, History with dd7
-everyone: read aloud during lunch (2x)
-Greek & Latin vocab
-take dd10 and dd7 to music lessons
-take dd5 and dd3 to library
-pick up prescription meds

-buy Valentine's gift
-read a book
-difficult email, done, probably to be continued.

-get enough steps (fitbit)
-vit D & multi & fish oil

I hope everyone has a great day :D!

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Oh let's see...

- dishes- done

- laundry- not enough for a load

- tidy house- tidy enough

- call dd1's school to report her absent- done

- give dd1 her meds- morning and noon rounds done

- dinner- split pea soup in crock pot

- bedtime routine

- college stuff research- this is a work in progress

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Good Morning....


Jean, I hope you got some rest last night and will have a good day.


What must get done today:

  • school--Algebra, Latin online class tonight, econ class work, study for marine biology test
  • tidy the house-vacuum and dust 1st floor
  • wipe down kitchen with bleach and clean out refrig, put out trash cans for trash day tomorrow.
  • repairman coming to replace the garbage disposal
  • exercise-run walking
  • cook dinner 
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And for me:

--obsess about the weather (ice? Just snow? How much? When?)

--school: maths, English, sciences

--start dinner in the crockpot (sausage-rice casserole)

--pick up dd19 so she can drive to the middle school drama club she runs; give her the book that arrived yesterday

--exercise: Pilates whole body

--emails left from yesterday

--check w ds re dd's laptop (he took it to work to check the harddrive---could be toast :()

--make haircut appointment

--dd FLL 6-7:30 (so looking forward to the tournament Saturday and the end of the season)

--plan alternate outfit for Friday if we get nasty weather Thursday/Friday (and hope the dinner and concert will still be held---I don't know where the guest artist is coming from---have dh check as he's now on the board for this fancy concert series at the university (thus the outfit concerns---I have to be social with some v influential and $$$$ people who are, thankfully, v nice!))

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Jean--still praying for your complete healing



Melissa--hope your dd is on the mend.  



breakfast and lunch for dh

pack stuff for book club

kids up and breakfast

get ready to go

book club

lunch out with my best friend and her kids 

more schoolwork at home


some kind of exercise (raining all day I think)


more school (we're so behind)



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work daycare 730-830

programming meeting 830-930

dd14 latin class online 845-945

teens cadets 630-930 (COs parade so they have to iron their uniforms and polish their boots today)


finish net training for new job

drop off paperwork at new job for banking etc

double check requirements for blood work getting done tomorrow to check for fasting

clean something

cook something

pet care


possible give ds15 a haircut

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Hi all!

DH left on another business trip this morning, so it's just me and the kiddos.

1. read our Scientists in the Field book-discuss

2. boys need to water plants

3. practice piano and guitar: L

4. Pack lunch

5. read Spanish reader

6. algebra practice: L

7. Singapore challenge: J

8. make smoothie with bee pollen

9. drink acv b vitamin supplement

10. clean house in anticipation of cleaners

11. laundry

12 drop L at coop at 1. Work for me at 2

13. order more Scientists in the Field books (these are great!)


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Good Morning, Ladies!

Got my walking in this morning. I've been more diligent about that.


** school for the kids

** youngest dd's have a physical this afternoon. First one with our family doctor. They were seeing another dr. before the adoption was finalized because my dr. doesn't take state insurance. But now, we're all together at the same place.

** ds1 has basketball game tonight

** I'm going to try to get some baking done this afternoon

** dd has tumbling this afternoon


Have a good day, my dears. Jean, hope you feel better and don't push yourself too hard.

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Melissa, hope she will be feeling better asap as I know how they miss school and their friends. :)


I just had the best phone call....our grandson is 2 today, and we sent them a new just gym slide thing for his and his sisters birthday which is Monday.   Our dd said she officially has 2 2 year olds until Monday.  How quickly time passes.  If you want to see them click on my blog link below... :D    Just had to share my happy news for the day! 

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Jean, praying for you today.


Back from AM practice and looking at my to do list is a bit daunting. I really need a vacation. I haven't been on one that didn't involve a swim meet in 3 years. If I could ask for prayer/positive thoughts for dh today. He is stressed at work and stressed about college costs. And he needs a good night's sleep.


To do:

hem pants for mil, so dh can take them to her tomorrow

school for ds3, dd2

oversee teens and get ds2 on board with a new essay

school administration (transcript for dd2)

sports administration (emails, book tickets/hotel)

write a promised book review

get dinner ready

pick up from Judo (get Girl Scout cookies today, mmm)



green smoothie

write 30 minutes

art/craft 30 minutes

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Tammy, your grandkids are the cutest things :D


Thinking of a friend this morning. She has had an autoimmune disease for 15+ years and her kidneys are failing. She had surgery this am to install a port for dialysis, but the surgery had to be interrupted due to a complication (text from another friend). I am heartsick.

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I'm not feeling very motivated in the house cleaning department today...

I have started laundry
made the bed
cooked breakfast
#1 is working on school
#2 is playing

I need to:
clean bathrooms
supper--tacos tonight
take #1 to 4H if it's not canceled due to weather

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Jean, I hope you will have a good day today.


Plans for today:

-dd10: Math, Dutch grammar, English, Latin, Biology (test), History, Logic

-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Spelling, Copywork, Reading, History

-dd5: Math, Copywork, Spelling, Reading, History with dd7

-everyone: read aloud during lunch (2x)

-Greek & Latin vocab

-take dd10 and dd7 to music lessons

-take dd5 and dd3 to library

-pick up prescription meds

-buy Valentine's gift



-read a book

-difficult email, done, probably to be continued.



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil

-NO SUGAR - one cup of coffe with sugar, nothing else

The gift I wanted to buy for dh, was no longer available. :(


I have the lasagna in the oven, the kids are reading their new library books.

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Good Morning....


Jean, I hope you got some rest last night and will have a good day.


What must get done today:

  • school--Algebra, Latin online class tonight, econ class work, study for marine biology test--DONE 
  • tidy the house-vacuum and dust 1st floor--DONE
  • wipe down kitchen with bleach and clean out refrig, put out trash cans for trash day tomorrow.--DONE
  • repairman coming to replace the garbage disposal--DONE
  • exercise-run walking--PUT OFF TIL TOMORROW  I'LL DO DOUBLE 
  • cook dinner --DONE


Luckymama---praying for your friend.  :grouphug:


DH is stopping on his way in to pick up fresh produce and some dairy items.  We have a big storm heading our way...8-12 inches of the white stuff is what were hearing.  I hope it's enough to build a big snowman. 

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Well, dinner has been eaten. Dh is taking the kids to the basketball game, but I'm stAyng home with my youngest since she seems to have one of those rogue viruses that come, spike a fever for a couple hours and then go.


I have to start another batch of bread. I was so mad I almost cussed. Well, I did, under my breath. See, I made the dough. It was on the second rise and I put it in the oven where it was a bit warmer. Then, I forgot about it as I started supper. Then I turned the oven on to 375 to preheat. The bell went off to let me know it was up to temperature. Then, about 10 minutes later I opened my oven door to put the chicken in and there was my dough. Ruined. Well, the top was perfectly cooked. It was yummy. The rest of it was wrecked.

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okay so glad for this day to be coming to an end.  Work this am went way longer than planned and it really set me back.  dd14 never went to latin class taking advantage of my not being home she decided to sleep in and skip it. And ds10 missed his online lit class because I thought it was a thursday class for some reason and so I screwed that one up.  went to work this afternoon, then had staff meeting.  took teens to cadets and worked on net training for new job.  not finished like I hoped I would be but at least progress has been made.  school today included AAR for both youngers, dd14 doing her homework reading for her WWII class and ds15 doing his reading for his classic adventures 2 class, that fool has class tomorrow am and I learned today had not even started his reading.  He was supposed to read the first 12 chapters of Rolf and the Viking Bow.  I am making him do 6 before he goes to sleep even though it is already midnight, and will get him up when I am going to work to finish the other 6 before his class time.  Apparently I need to be on top of their online classes more.  The whole point of paying for those classes was to free up some of my responsibilities while they still worked hard.  *eyeroll* how silly of me to think high schoolers could handle this.  Of course my plan failed to account for the fact that all my kids have ADHD.


Anyway it is now midnight and I am already thinking about tomorrows list so I best be heading to bed and move on :)


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