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Downton Abbey episode 5 ** spoilers**


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Because the Superbowl was such a blowout I was able to convince my hubby to let me change to Downton at 9:00 (yay!!)















-- Poor Edith!! I had a feeling she was pregnant. I am not sure if Michael really skipped town on her or is just stuck in a drain pipe somewhere, but she just never gets a break! And I am still unsure if the paperwork he had her sign is something bad.


-- I just love Isobel Crowley more and more. When she and Mary and Tom were all in the nursery talking about being in love and then she said "Well aren't we the lucky ones!" --- she just has such a good outlook on life.


-- I wish Mr. Bates would stop brooding so much - he is upsetting Anna and not letting them move past the attack. No good will come from that story line.


-- I love the interactions between the Dowager and Mrs. Crowley!


-- Best line of the night: when the Dowager, upon being asked if she liked the jazz music, said "do you think they each know what the other one is playing?"







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I'm hoping the signed paperwork will lead to lots of money for Edith when they discover he's dead.  Sounds a bit heartless, but I don't like him much.  


I do like Mr. Bates and don't mind his brooding.  He loves her and wants her to be happy and well.  It would be strange if her demeanor didn't bother him, don't you think?  

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I too have a feeling that we won't see Michael Gregson again but hopefully he left Edith something good.


Bates is starting to scare me. Of course he is going to find out who did it and then he'll be doing something stupid. I can only hope the writers will let him get away with it.


I wonder what is going to come of the hinted trouble in the US with Cora's family.

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I do like Mr. Bates and don't mind his brooding. He loves her and wants her to be happy and well. It would be strange if her demeanor didn't bother him, don't you think?

I also like Bates and how fiercely protective he is of Anna. He is brooding and intense; that's just who he is. I agree it would be strange if this didn't bother him. That doesn't fit his character.

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I don't like that Tom looks like he's running off to America. I think he'll be happier there, but I still want him to stay.


I hope Edith gets to keep her baby and nothing tragic happens.  Unfortunately, because it's Edith…. 


I love Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Crowley, and the Dowager Countess. <3


Do you think that blond girl whose name I can't remember…Cora's niece…will run off the with bandleader? 

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I don't like that Tom looks like he's running off to America. I think he'll be happier there, but I still want him to stay.


I hope Edith gets to keep her baby and nothing tragic happens.  Unfortunately, because it's Edith…. 


I love Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Crowley, and the Dowager Countess. <3


Do you think that blond girl whose name I can't remember…Cora's niece…will run off the with bandleader? 


I know the answers to all your questions! :D

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I've watched all of Season 4, and this is not a spoiler at all, but there is speculation (and hints from the powers that be in the Downton Abbey production team) that Gregson is somehow involved with the rising Nazi party in Germany.

This is what dh thinks! I told him he was crazy, but I have to say he's usually right about this kind of thing (plot lines)...


Also, I hadn't thought of those papers being good (i.e., leaving Edith his fortune or something). I've been uneasy that he was committing her to something unpleasant, or stealing her money or something. I just had a bad feeling about it.

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So, this is my crazy predictions….and yes, some are a bit fanciful…but I'm having fun...


Gregson did go to Germany as a spy for England.  Sadly, he will meet his demise (because Edith loves him)…but will die a hero for the British Empire.  The papers Edith signed left her a fortune, so she is independent.


Edith's baby will have been adopted by Lady Mary and Lord Gillingham (of course they get to marry).   Edith will not have wanted it to happen, but Lady Mary will get her wish for George to have a sibling.  (She can be pushy.)  Once Edith has her fortune, she runs off to America with her baby and money…. to become famous…because Americans love titles.


Tom goes off to America with Baby Sybil, but not until after the Great Depression.   


I'm assuming that Cora's cousin has lost money in some sort of Ponzi scheme or something related to the Great Depression.  I'm not sure what that means, but perhaps Shirley Maclaine is coming back?


Mrs. Crowley will finally marry the doctor who asked her before and be content.  


Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson will retire happily on the estate…and Mr. & Mrs. Bates will succeed them.


Band leader and Cora's niece run off…and it's a scandal.  Cora's niece does come to her senses, and is sent to America to join Branson and start over again.


And if anything happens to the Dowager Countess, I will stop watching.



What do you think will happen??? :)

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I love how we're getting to know Mrs. Hughes better during this season.  I just love her!  And Mrs. Patmore, too -- she's my favorite character.


Daisy, however, sure has a nasty side to her.  I want to like her, but she doesn't make it easy.


And I'm tired of Thomas Barrow this season.  Somehow I missed the connection between him and Cora's new maid.  Can anyone fill me in?

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I love how we're getting to know Mrs. Hughes better during this season.  I just love her!  And Mrs. Patmore, too -- she's my favorite character.


Daisy, however, sure has a nasty side to her.  I want to like her, but she doesn't make it easy.


And I'm tired of Thomas Barrow this season.  Somehow I missed the connection between him and Cora's new maid.  Can anyone fill me in?



I don't think we know yet what sort of blackmail Barrow has on the new maid…but it's something.


I love Mrs. Patmore and Mrs. Hughes too.


I still wanted Daisy and Alfred to be happy.  

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I sure hope Edith is being left with a fortune.  I got the sinking feeling, the minute she signed those papers, that she was being left with a great debt.  I hope I was wrong.  Why else would he have her sign and leave the country, never to be heard of again?






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How did I miss the fact that Edith is pregnant???


I watched via Comcast On Demand and when she got the letter I had to go back and pause on the letter and read it. More attentive viewers would have caught the word "pregnancy" in the middle of the frame but I watch tv without my glasses (nearsighted so I do catch most things but not words on letters) so I missed it.

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Well, let's see...if I were writing this:


Gregson is killed as a spy for England, leaves all his fortune to Edith, and as it turns out, he had managed to procure a divorce from his wife before his death, and then "claims" a secret marriage to Edith as a means of leaving his estate to her and making it all look legitimate. Edith carries on the deceit so her parents think that she had run off and married Gregson during one her London jaunts. This leaves an out for the baby to not be illegitimate and need "disposing of" by way of being placed with a family in America or something.


Thomas Barrow probably got the maid pregnant, years ago, and she had to leave the baby in an orphanage. He's holding that secret over her head and of course would deny he's the father. She'd be left unable to get work with an uppercrust family like the Granthams.


Anna and Bates have a baby born stillborn because while I would be okay with them having a few minutes of happiness, the other writers would probably shoot me down on that.


Mary takes up with Blake simply because she hates him so much which is how she started out with Matthew...seems fitting.


Tom either goes to America because he can never accept that they love him so much and no longer think of him as "the chauffeur", or instead of the sham, faux, marriage that Edith claims to Gregson, that scum is found in Munich and won't own up to the parentage of the child. Tom, feeling a debt owed to the Granthams for taking him in and accepting him, marries Edith in order to legitimize her kid and like all nobles of the day, claims a perfectly full term, decent sized baby as very premature but doing well in order to cover it up! LOL Like a friend in college who did this claiming the baby was six weeks early though he weighed, wait for it, 9 lbs. 2 oz., 22" long.  Don't want to know how big that baby would have been six weeks later! OUCH


Dear Granny dies. Sorry, this show just isn't happy unless someone is being killed off...they just don't have it in them to have a happy storyline for more than 15 or 20 minutes.


And yes, Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson retire. I also think they marry each other for friendship and companionship in their old age. It would be a comfortable marriage of convenience even if they aren't "in love".


If I had it my way, Thomas B. would be run over by a train and Alfred would send for Daisy. I hate THOMAS; the show's writers seem to love him.


That niece...what's her name...can't stand her. She has the biggest scandal of all...pregnant with the Jazz player's baby and shipped off to America so they don't have to deal with her mess any longer.


The doctor and Mrs. Crowley marry.


Last but not least, some man older than marry shows up claiming to be the illegitimate child of Lord Grantham, a story that turns out to be true causing Cora to consider divorcing him, and Mary to turn on her father like ugly on an ape.


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And who wants to know if their predictions are correct?  Because seriously...this is killing me. :D


Oh, and Cora's brother is involved in the Teapot Dome scandal.  That totally cracked me up.


Just please PM me and let me know if anything happens to the Dowager.


I need to be prepared.  Matthew's death and Anna's rape were too much of a shock. 

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Faith Manor: Last but not least, some man older than marry shows up claiming to be the illegitimate child of Lord Grantham, a story that turns out to be true causing Cora to consider divorcing him, and Mary to turn on her father like ugly on an ape.


Wouldn't that be interesting. I think this was the story line in Monarch of the Glen. I hope Fellowes is not borrowing from other writers.

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