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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Plans for today:
-dd10: Math, English, Dutch grammar, Latin, Biology, Geography, Logic
-dd7: Math, Dutch (test), English, Copywork, Geography, Reading
-dd5: Math, Dutch, Copywork, Reading
-everyone: read aloud during lunch
-everyone: traffic education
-dd7&dd5: science experiment? - NO
-Greek & Latin vocab
-study Latin
-call FIL - he did not pick up the phone
-read a book

-get enough steps
-vit D & multi & fish oil
-NO SUGAR.....depends on headache - DONE

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Oh, Monday.  We meet again.  


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (Brown sugar and bacon wrapped chicken, quinoa and cheese-like mac n cheese-and broccoli)







-Science (we're dissecting a starfish!)


1 load of laundry


Fold the laundry I did this weekend


Clean off kitchen counters, especially the bar (it's become a dumping ground!)


Dust the piano!  Good grief, it's starting to look like it belongs in an abandoned house!


Sweep LR, DR, kitchen and entry


Make more homemade hot pockets


Maybe attempt croissant dough (I'm kind of scared!)




 I have to type this quickly because Sherlock is on!  Squee!


Clean kitchen


Ds - school

Dd - school

dinner - something with ground beef?  




Woohoo!!!!  Sherlock!!!!  What did you think?  Did you love it???  James Bond was excited because he figured out the who, they why AND the how before the revel.  I figured out the who and they why, but I would never have figured out the how.  Go join the Diogenes Club (WTM group) and join us in the discussion!


You have been hanging out with Mom in High Heels!  :lol:


You know it baby!  You can join the group too!

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Woohoo!!!!  Sherlock!!!!  What did you think?  Did you love it???  James Bond was excited because he figured out the who, they why AND the how before the revel.  I figured out the who and they why, but I would never have figured out the how.  Go join the Diogenes Club (WTM group) and join us in the discussion!




My family still hasn't forgiven me for watching it a day before they do.  I get to watch it again tomorrow!  Squee!  (And I'm supposed to go to sleep now?)  

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You betcha!  We met at BJ's Bar and Grill!  


Yes, and we need to meet up again, though we'll find a place closer to you this time!  Cooper wants to talk Minecraft with your kids.


My family still hasn't forgiven me for watching it a day before they do.  I get to watch it again tomorrow!  Squee!  (And I'm supposed to go to sleep now?)  


Too bad!  

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- dishes

- laundry- have last load in dryer, already folded and put away 2 loads

- take dd2 to her first doctor appointment- it's tomorrow stinking receptionist told me the wrong day

- some shopping- dh is doing

- get dd1 off the bus (or just dh who knows)- dh is doing

- dinner- pulled pork

- bedtime routine

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Monday already??!! Ugh!


To Do Today:


work diner 5-7am

go back to bed for a bit (no daycare today)


cflean something

cook something


pick up mail

hopefully talk to ENT on phone


work on coursera courses (I signed up for a couple and haven't even started them yet, must get started)

dd6 sparks 6-7

double check camp menu to discuss tonight alterations for dd6 (she is allergic to dairy) 


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I joined the group, too! I LOVE Sherlock!


Melissa--how are things going? It has to be so wonderful to finally have her here!


We bought a new laundry machine yesterday and found a wonderful sale, but it will be a week from tomorrow before it's here. I've arranged to do some laundry at a friend's house, so we will be creating as little laundry as possible this week!  We are probably going to have snow this week, so that should be fun!




breakfast and lunch for dh

coffee and computer time

get a plan together for school today (didn't do that over the weekend)

breakfast for the rest of us

school with ds

sit down with dd about school (She's behind in a couple of subjects, so we need to make a game plan to get caught up. She was especially hormonal last week!)


make food to take to tea

get together laundry to do at friend's house while we're there

go to Spanish

wash laundry during Spanish

have tea afterwards

dinner at home

dry laundry

check weather and decide if we have book club tomorrow (people in the south will not drive in it)

get stuff together for book club if we do


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--school: maths, sciences, English, history

--pick up dd18 whenever

--exercise: elliptical for 60min



--make refried beans, tortillas for dinner

--update Goodreads, BaW thread

--order bday present for dd18 (a Wuthering Heights scarf from etsy)

--show NACLO info to dd14

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Oh yeah...Monday.  :svengo:


I had my first weigh in this morning ...I'm down 9 lbs, but I haven't lost anything since Friday.  I hope this week will prove to be as successful as last week and drop some more pounds. 



  • vacuum, dust and mop
  • clean all bathrooms
  • put away laundry
  • figure out what we will eat this week and put the plan into action
  • full day of school...loads of stuff to grade today as well 
  • first day of exercising and track everything I eat and more research on this diet



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Morning Girlies!

Well, I dragged myself out of bed this morning and went walking. Hated every minute of it. It's usually not like that. Usually I don't mind walking. So, now I've got my coffee, will commence morning devotions momentarily.


On the docket....

**school. I hate school on Mondays. Kids are rowdy and there's just a lot to get done.

** get house cleaned up for cleaners

** run to Fresno to Costco and bring dinner to mil, who fell and hurt her knee. I was a bread making fool yesterday, so I have some bread and cinnamon rolls for them as well.


Hope you all have a great day!

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I could use a prayer! I'm having some major bloating/discomfort in my upper stomach area. I have a weakened sphincter at the top of my stomach and am prone to reflux. I only have to take medicine as needed according to the doctor. I had a scope 1.5 years ago and had a polyp in my stomach which was benign. He didn't say I have a hernia, but I've always wondered if I have one because of a few times I've been far over and felt something sort of flip-flop around my diaphragm area.  I also have one large gallstone that has been there for years and years. I'm hoping it is not the beginning of the end for my gallbladder! 


I've had this feeling before, but it's never lasted this long. It's been all day. I think if I could burp it would help, but that is difficult for me. I think the sphincter not closing causes it to not be pushed up my esophagus. 










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posting late because I've been busy all morning getting things done... 2:00 pm here and here is my list


DS Phonics

DS reading

DS math lesson

DS Reflex math

DD math

DD phonics

DS start Nicene Creed memorization

DS/DD read aloud about snakes

Laundry folded/away

grocery list

grocery store

clean kid's bedroom

clean my bedroom

clean computer room

vacuum upstairs

quick pick up downstairs


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Amy, I hope you are feeling better soon.

Today I have:

made bed
cleaned kitchen
swept and mopped
swept out garage
dusted entire house
laundry--last load in dryer--all other loads folded and put away
cleaned bathrooms
paid bills
supper in crock pot

To do:
Vacuum--toys abound at the moment :)--and now that's done.

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went to work, came home and crawled back into bed.  Upon getting up I went straight for the tub and had a nice long relaxing bubble bath and read.  I used to do this every sunday before I started working at the diner.  But haven't had a chance for months.  It felt glorious.  Just sent dd14 to the grocery store for a few supplies (aka groceries) and then I am going to start cleaning the livingroom while lunch cooks.

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showered, dressed


daycare child arrived (8am)

take daycare child to preschool (9am)

dentist appts for all 4 kids (10-11:15)



     dd6: phonics, math, handwriting, reading

     dd10: math, Megawords, Wordly WIse, handwriting, reading

     ds: math, Wordly Wise, handwriting, science, review scout stuff for Scoutmaster conference tonight

chores: 2 loads of laundry, empty/reload dishwasher, trash, wipe down bathroom counters, sweep bathroom floors, vacuum, 

pick up daycare child from preschool (1pm)



dd6: dance class (4-5pm)

cook dinner

daycare child gets picked up (4;30-4:45)

dd16: dance class (4:30-8:45pm)

dd10: Girl Scout meeting 6:30-7:30

ds & dh: Boy Scout meeting 7:30-9

take dd6 and dd10 to deliver GS cookies to a friend 

general kitchen tidy after dinner




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Oh yeah...Monday.  :svengo:


I had my first weigh in this morning ...I'm down 9 lbs, but I haven't lost anything since Friday.  I hope this week will prove to be as successful as last week and drop some more pounds. 



  • vacuum, dust and mop
  • clean all bathrooms
  • put away laundry
  • figure out what we will eat this week and put the plan into action
  • full day of school...loads of stuff to grade today as well 
  • first day of exercising and track everything I eat and more research on this diet


Once I got cleaning this morning...I decided to move all the furniture and vacuum and rearrange all the furniture.  Before the new cold wave came through I opened the windows and aired out the house.  It feels so good that everything is nice and clean and dust free.  


Now onto grading school work, and a menu.  I really don't think I can continue Atkins.  Its been a week, and I don't think this is something I can do long term.  So I've decided to limit calories and exercise each day.  


Hope you guys are all having a good evening! 

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Dd  - finished math, did Japanese, writing and logic together.

Ds - finished history/lit. robotics, health, and Latin.  He was amazingly ahead on Algebra 2 so got the day off from math.

Me - emptied and filled the dishwasher and ran it.

Contacted dh who managed to contact FIL - I don't know what they've decided for MIL and I'm not sure I want to know at the moment because I'm fairly sure it will stress me out.  


I need to finish cleaning the kitchen.  

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Oh, Monday.  We meet again.  


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (Brown sugar and bacon wrapped chicken, quinoa and cheese-like mac n cheese-and broccoli)




-Math I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall.  Common denominators in fractions are just NOT clicking with Indy.  We've gone over it over and over and over, and he's done about 15 worksheets, and he just can't seem to grasp that what you do to the bottom, you must do to the top.  AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!



-Science (we're dissecting a starfish!)  â€‹We decided to do the starfish dissecting tomorrow.


1 load of laundry We didn't have enough of anything (whites, darks,or lights to make a full load!)


Fold the laundry I did this weekend  Still working on it!  


Clean off kitchen counters, especially the bar (it's become a dumping ground!)  Nope.  Still a dumping ground.  Sigh.


Dust the piano!  Good grief, it's starting to look like it belongs in an abandoned house!


Sweep LR, DR, kitchen and entry


Make more homemade hot pockets  Nope, not today.  Math took too long!


Maybe attempt croissant dough (I'm kind of scared!)  Ditto!




I'm soooo tired today.  We didn't get to bed until after midnight (because we're stupid!) and I had to have Bella at the vet this morning at 7am to get spayed.  This means I had to get up at 6am, because I had to bathe her before we went.  I won't be able to bathe her for a few days after surgery.  I have to pick her up this evening, and all I want to do is sleep!  I can't concentrate on anything!  Blah.  I must go to bed earlier tonight.

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Ds and dd got all of school done.

I got the kitchen all cleaned.  And the dining room.  And I tidied the living room - sort of.  

Went to the park with Rocky to meet dd there.  Took one loop around the park perimeter.  

Stopped at the library for a book on hold that came in.

Ds  has put the second load of laundry in the washer and then the dryer.


I'm making dinner right now.

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