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I am living in a snow globe


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We have had snow on the ground since before Thanksgiving---with 1 big melt and 2 ice storms in there.  Other than that it has been snowing so much I think we live in a snowglobe that someone will not quit shaking.


This the past few days we had:

13 inches on Wednesday

schools open here on Thursday but most closed

15 inches from Friday afternoon until Saturday morning with blizzard conditions

several more inches Saturday afternoon/evening

8 inches and counting so far today (Sunday)


That makes over 35 inches in less than 5 days.  Tomorrow the forecast is for high winds, windchills 20-30 below zero and another arctic blast.


Normal temps are 30 this time of year.  I don't know our snow totals for the year but a city farther inland and away from this lake effect snow has had 82 inches so far this year compared to their normal 45-50 inches a year.............and we could easily have snow another 6-8-10 weeks.


It is beautiful to look at but nasty to drive in (several weather related deaths in accidents, etc.) and the cold is really getting to us.

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Wow! I wish we had winter this year. The afternoon highs have been in the 70's, the fruit trees are confused and are blooming already, my daffodils are up and my lettuce (tried and tru winter crop, guaranteed to last till April or May) is looking like it's getting ready to bolt. And we've had no rain since before Thanksgiving.

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Except you can see too well in those snow globes.  Today dh turned around and came back home when we tried to go to work.  We are only 1/2 mile from one of the top 5 main roads in the county and that was drifted mostly shut.  He and our 4 wheel drive 1 ton suburban would make it.  He was just worried about visability and others blocking the road.


Over 400 school DISTRICTS are closed.........basically all of west Michigan.

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I worked on temporary job assignments in 2 places that get "lake effect" snow: Cleveland and Erie. The only thing you can do is stay warm and safe and pray for Spring.  I do business with someone in Lansing and I'm sure she and her family would like to be down here with us, if she could telecommute to her office. :-)    It is 66 F. here this morning (at 803 A.M.)   and the forecast high is 87F.  Be careful if you go outside!

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Except you can see too well in those snow globes. Today dh turned around and came back home when we tried to go to work. We are only 1/2 mile from one of the top 5 main roads in the county and that was drifted mostly shut. He and our 4 wheel drive 1 ton suburban would make it. He was just worried about visability and others blocking the road.

Reminds me of those descriptions in the 'Little House' books of blizzards that forced them to use a rope to get from house to barn and back for chores.

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Basically NOTHING is open.  The county south of us has a snow emergency meaning if you are on the roads and it is not an emergency you will get a ticket---even going to work, etc.  Problem is that the roads are drifted shut and the people get stuck in them and abandon the cars which then means the plows can't get through.  A few miles down the road from us there is a 10 foot drift with 3-5 cars stuck in it.


With windchills of 30 below again tomorrow I doubt anyone will have school either.  Colleges, government buildings, factories, etc. are all starting to shut down.  We can handle the snow and cold, it is the blowing and drifting that is so hard as the banks are already so high that you can get 4-10 foot drifts very quickly on the roads.  We are in the woods so it isn't as bad at our house but much worse just 1/8 mile down the road where there are open fields.

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Wow! I wish we had winter this year. The afternoon highs have been in the 70's, the fruit trees are confused and are blooming already, my daffodils are up and my lettuce (tried and tru winter crop, guaranteed to last till April or May) is looking like it's getting ready to bolt. And we've had no rain since before Thanksgiving.


we are a bit south of you, and this is our "winter", too.  this weekend i planted more lettuce, chard and peas, and our autumn garden peas are still producing!  simply nuts.  and yesterday, we had a few drops of water fall from the sky (a very few) and we were running around like crazy people....



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I don't know if you're in my home state, but it sounds like you're close!  I'm not there right now, but three of my children are, and it sounds really...awful!  The newness of it ended about a month ago!  ha  Mix that with the bitter cold they are having and it indeed makes it feel like Laura Ingalls Wilder's The Long Winter, as someone else suggested in another thread.  Everything is closed -- again.  Even the state's big university.

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We are in Michigan so might be as the colleges are closing.


I am thankful though that we have solar water for the horses, enough hay to get us through the winter, and a nice warm house with plenty of food to eat.  We really aren't suffering.  Dh is missing a day of work today which will equal 10 hours of overtime pay but his safety is worth it.

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:iagree:   It sounds pretty, but it's a mess and a big-old-pain all around.  We had the blizzard last night...crazy and now today the temps are dangerous; pretty much everything is closed even dd's college classes. Our city is almost out of salt and sand, so they are concentrating only on the interstate and Snow Emergency Routes; driving can be a nightmare.

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Ottakee.........it is pretty, but oh so cold.  I cancelled several appointments for today and just put a roast in the crock pot. I am going to empty out my ironing basket.  That always helps keep me warm.

About the time we think it is just nuts here I talk with family back in Minnesota.  It's so much worse there. However, they seem to be a tad more objective about it.  Family memebers went snowmobiling (Close to their house) and found out later they were in a blizzard.  :lol:

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Our news was HUGE on the fact that we are colder than Barrow AK right now.  My friend (who lives up there part time and whose DH lives there full time) was quick to remind people that we have this weather for a few days, maybe a week, Barrow has it for MONTHS on end AND in total darkness for much of that time.

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