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What are the chances that I'm cutting a tooth?


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I'm 47 and never got my wisdoms.  I remember my granny cutting a tooth when I was a kid - after she already had a full set of false teeth.


So I'm having a weird, painful swelling way back behind my back-most molar.  There's a hollow between my molar and this swelling.  It feels like the gum is growing up behind my tooth.  It hurts like a blister, but I can't remember what it feels like to cut a new molar.  Have I lost my mind?  :P


PS, I checked to see if there was any food or the like stuck back there, and there isn't....

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Well, I didn't get my wisdom teeth until my mid-20s (I think I had at least one child), and at 36, a couple of them are still not completely through; from time to time, they hurt a bit for a few days, and then I notice that I can feel more of them, so I think they have erupted a bit more. Doesn't seem impossible that yours could be coming in at 47.

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I only had one bottom wisdom tooth...none at all on the other side. The one I have (had) came in sideways and I had it removed as an adult so yes, it's definitely possible that you are cutting a wisdom tooth. An x-ray would tell for sure. I still have my two upper wisdom teeth but they are very high up and my dentist said they'll probably never come in.

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I would go get it looked at. I had 2 1/2 sets of wisdom teeth, but the second set was known about for years, on x rays it shows up. The third half set (bottom only) was a surprise though, so it can happen. A relative got new front teeth in her 70s, after having dentures since she was 20, that was a surprise! Perhaps we are part shark, lol.


An abcess might not hurt right now, but it's nothing to fool with- go in!

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I have had this feeling multiple times over the years, except I have had my wisdom teeth removed so I know it's not a tooth.  I asked the dentist about it once and while I can't remember the specific answer the gist was sometimes the gums swell and it hurts but nothing is really wrong (at least in my case), and it always settled down in a week or two.  The gum would even feel hard when this was happening but there really was no tooth under there.

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I have had this feeling multiple times over the years, except I have had my wisdom teeth removed so I know it's not a tooth.  I asked the dentist about it once and while I can't remember the specific answer the gist was sometimes the gums swell and it hurts but nothing is really wrong (at least in my case), and it always settled down in a week or two.  The gum would even feel hard when this was happening but there really was no tooth under there.

I think you're referring to here is pericoronitis, right? That can be extremely painful. It doesn't sound like it is incredibly painful to OP. 


To OP, wisdom teeth can definitely come in later in life. Sometimes it is possible that if other teeth have been extracted, this allows room for the wisdom teeth to erupt. Another possibility is that there is a retained root from a previous extraction that you are feeling. Sometimes retained roots (an incomplete extraction where a root tip broke off and dentist decided it is better to leave it there) will erupt on its own. But as others have said, an X-ray will be able to tell if it's a wisdom tooth.

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I think you're referring to here is pericoronitis, right? That can be extremely painful. It doesn't sound like it is incredibly painful to OP. 




I have no idea as I don't remember any specific name being given it but what I have was definitely not extremely painful by any means.  More of an annoyance and definitely felt like something was pushing in the gums. 

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I have never had a tooth extraction.  I did have some work done in that area a few months ago, to replace some fillings and fill some new cavities.  They had debated whether to do a root canal and decided not to.  But this is behind the farthest-back tooth.


I guess I will watch it for another day or so and decide if it needs looked at.

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