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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Clean kitchen


Ds - online class

Ds - rest of school

Dd - school

Dinner - dd has said that she will make shrimp scampi  (photograph for DIY.com credit).

Lesson planning

Library - take two books back for me plus a whole mess of books for ds.


Probably more but this illness is kicking my butt and I can't think of anything at the moment.  I haven't forgotten my habits list, btw.  I'm just too tired to list them.

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Probably more but this illness is kicking my butt and I can't think of anything at the moment.  I haven't forgotten my habits list, btw.  I'm just too tired to list them.


  :grouphug: Jean!


I'm not really sure I will be able to what's on my list. Dh and dd10 woke up not feeling well. Dh went to work (important meeting) but might be back soon. Can't really say if dd10 is really ill or just not feeling well.


I had a rotten night with dd3, lots of nightmares and crying.


Plans for today:

-dd10: Math, English, Biology, Studyskills, Logic

-dd7: Math, Dutch, Spelling, English, History, Copywork, Reading

-dd5: Math, Spelling, Copywork, History with dd7, Reading

-everyone: read aloud during lunch

-Greek & Latin vocab

-take dd10 and dd7 to music lessons (bike)

-take dd5 and dd3 to library (bike)

-order toe socks :)

-several important emails


-read a book



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil


-NO SUGAR - fail

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-get dd up for school and on the bus then have dh take me to the hospital (will leave by 7 am). This is ridiculous, been having contractions on and off for last 24 hours.


:grouphug: Melissa :grouphug:


I hope Juli will be here soon! I will be thinking of you!

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Jean--I pray you feel better soon!


Tress--I hope your day is better than your night!


Melissa--Praying all goes well with Juli!


Ds started running fever yesterday afternoon, and it's coming back around the time he can have more ibuprofen. I don't know whether to take him to the doctor or not. I hate to expose him to other stuff when it could just be a virus. I may call this morning to see what they say.



breakfast/lunch for dh

coffee and computer time

breakfast for the rest of us

Dd school

may read some with ds for school


pay bills

get help lined up for Awana if I'm not there tomorrow night

go to grocery store


get lessons together for chemistry class and writing class later in the week





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-get dd up for school and on the bus then have dh take me to the hospital (will leave by 7 am). This is ridiculous, been having contractions on and off for last 24 hours.

That happened with my youngest----I contracted unevenly for two days, unable to sleep. I called my dr that third morning, saying I just couldn't take any more. He sent me to the hospital to get checked. I was on a pit drip for two hours to regulate the contractions, and then labor progressed normally.


We'll be thinking of you today!

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And my rainy Tuesday:

--school: maths, English, history, double astronomy

--exercise: Pilates abs and thighs


--send reminder emails about Friday

--drop off bags of textile recycling

--pick up dd18 after her winter session class

--pick up prescription

--print AMC10 exams

--continue packing up Christmas (half-way done)

--meet ds at bank for notary

--dd ballet 5:30-7

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Wipe bathrooms

Sweep and mop downstairs DONE

Baseboards upstairs (kid chore :))

Daily stuff-general pick up, wipe down, load of laundry, dishes, cooking DONE



Dd8-math, writing, cursive, history, logic, read for hours DONE

Dd5-math, handwriting, phonics, reading DONE

Dd3-sitter comes today, yay!

Tea time and read aloud


Take box of donation clothes out of my room, take to goodwill? DONE

Maybe buy yarn/fabric for service project? NOT TODAY :(

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Hope and pray for good days and better health for you all.


Clean up kitchen

Take trash barrels and recyclables down to the bottom of the driveway.

Feed feathered, finned and furred

Fill dd's pillbox for the week


Lesson planning for the rest of the semester (still not done)


I am waiting to hear about my cat's bloodwork this morning, he has dropped over half his body weight, they tested him for hyperthyroidism yesterday.  I know he is old (13) but he is my dear friend and I love him.  He is in good spirits though.  Hoping it is something we can fix with medication.  He is so emaciated though he is constantly eating.


Off to see the Dr. about my stupid arm at 11:30.  Hurt it on the 13th and it is still very much a problem.


Youngest wasn't feeling well yesterday at all, no fever, just crappy, so we shall see about school today.


Oldest mostly in tears from feeling crappy with ongoing chronic Lyme issues, she is begging to go on IV meds to give her stomach a break but I don't think our Dr. is comfortable with the idea at all and I don't know that I am either.  Just more hell in 7 years of hell for her.  The whole thing just breaks my heart.  She was doing well for a little bit over the summer and fall, had even gotten a good start on school this year and now we are back to crap.


DH still in Sierra Leone til Thursday.


Need to prepare for biology lab tomorrow as well.




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Oldest mostly in tears from feeling crappy with ongoing chronic Lyme issues, she is begging to go on IV meds to give her stomach a break but I don't think our Dr. is comfortable with the idea at all and I don't know that I am either.  Just more hell in 7 years of hell for her.  The whole thing just breaks my heart.  She was doing well for a little bit over the summer and fall, had even gotten a good start on school this year and now we are back to crap.


:grouphug: for your oldest! That must be so difficult for her.


At hospital, unless I progress on my own they won't do anything until I'm 39 weeks :(


:grouphug: Melissa :grouphug:

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I'm not really sure I will be able to what's on my list. Dh and dd10 woke up not feeling well. Dh went to work (important meeting) but might be back soon. Can't really say if dd10 is really ill or just not feeling well.


I had a rotten night with dd3, lots of nightmares and crying.


Plans for today:

-dd10: Math, English, Biology, Studyskills, Logic

-dd7: Math, Dutch, Spelling, English, History, Copywork, Reading

-dd5: Math, Spelling, Copywork, History with dd7, Reading

-everyone: read aloud during lunch

-Greek & Latin vocab

-take dd10 and dd7 to music lessons (bike)

-take dd5 and dd3 to library (bike)

-order toe socks :)

-several important emails


-read a book



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil


-NO SUGAR - fail


Of course, it always rains on Tuesday afternoons. Sigh. 60 minutes of biking through the rain. I'm now officially TIRED.


Dd10 is feeling okay, dd5 is sleeping on the couch which is highly unusual (!), and dh called: he is coming home and won't go to work tomorrow. Right.

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I'm sitting here looking at a very messy kitchen. Dc, who's been sick the past couple of days, is now on the upswing but not well enough to attend anything so we've missed two days of homeschool classes. You'd think I would get a lot done while he was in bed but nope, the usual mess awaits me :glare: Not sure where yesterday went...

I'm hoping to get in some math and science today if dc is up for it. And reading. Other than that there is laundry, cleaning, bird care and meals for the family.


It sounds like everyone on this thread could use some :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Today is a busyday around here


work 730-830 at daycare

drop ds15 off for his community service 9am

work daycare 3-6

return library items

teens cadets 630-930

younger 2 swimming lessons 6-645

work diner 10-11


pack youngers swim stuff

get ds15s cadet uniform ready and make dd14 get her own

put garbage can out to curb

clean kitchen

school x3

clean entrance

clean bathroom

reschedule planning meeting for tomorrow

find my supply of colored rice to take to daycare for craft today

continue organization of school shelf

make sure I pack the cadet camp forms to hand in tonight (this one is urgent)

clean livingroom



I am not 100% better yet but much better than yesterday.  When I get those nauseous or dizzy periods today (I am able to go hours between them now which is good) I will be reconfiguring ds15s lesson plans.  For the rest of this month he is working nearly fulltime at the recycle center for his community service hours.  Instead of making him only do 2-4 a day around school until done, I decided to make him finish all 60 in about 2 weeks.  It will get them out of the way and fulfill that requirement of his probation, but also I want him to get a taste of working a crappy job fulltime because if he doesn't start focusing on his school work more that will be the kind of job he will get to work day in and day out.  The bonuses to homeschooling, even when your kid screws up you can use it as a major concrete lesson rather than a mere inconvience.  He will still go to his extra currics and will still be joining us for the fieldtrip tomorrow I already paid for, but the hours will keep him busy enough that he will pretty much be off the video games for the most part busting his butt.  Works for me, just makes the tweaking of school harder because he was already struggling to catch up and now he will have a bunch of courses that we wanted done by the end of this month (online ones) that he will still be working on next semester and setting back his 2nd semester courses by a few weeks. 

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Gah, they are sending me home though I'm 4 cm and 80% and to top it off I left a light on in my car so my battery is dead. Waiting for a jump so I can go home. Good thing we pay for road side assistance with our car insurance.


That's stupid, here once you hit 4 cm you are admitted.  Don't go all the way home, head for a nearby mall and go walking.  Once I hit 4 it's only a matter of time, I go from 6cm to 10cm in mere minutes, getting from 4-6 takes me about 2 hours so I would actually refuse to leave, but your body is not the same as mine.  That said, given the length of drive you have I would not risk it, I would stay local to the hospital because I bet you would get home, walk in the house, go to the bathroom, yell oh crap and get back in the car right back to the hospital, and then be in the midst of hard contractions. 

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That's stupid, here once you hit 4 cm you are admitted. Don't go all the way home, head for a nearby mall and go walking. Once I hit 4 it's only a matter of time, I go from 6cm to 10cm in mere minutes, getting from 4-6 takes me about 2 hours so I would actually refuse to leave, but your body is not the same as mine. That said, given the length of drive you have I would not risk it, I would stay local to the hospital because I bet you would get home, walk in the house, go to the bathroom, yell oh crap and get back in the car right back to the hospital, and then be in the midst of hard contractions.

I would if I had some money, forgot to get some out yesterday. Besides it gives me time to make sure everything is packed for Cali to stay with PaPa and to make he has her schedule :)
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Hugs and a virtual cup of peppermint tea and a scone to all. Sound like we all need it today!


Well, as for tackling Tuesday....

** school - in progress

** call for dd's birth certificate (adoptions and out of state birth certificates create much confusion). I'm prepared for a long wait on hold.

** ds's first basketball game. Of course it starts at 8:00, which is past the little girls' bedtime, but... we'll all go. I'll just make sure they get a good nap.

** prepare for co-op on Friday. I am leading PE. Me! Completely non-athletic me. So, we're going to start flag football this semester. Did volleyball last semester. Fortunately, there's lots of resources on the Web for that.

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History, English, and astronomy are done. I dropped off the textile recycling when I picked up dd18.


And that's it (well, lunch). Sigh.


I need to use the laptop for uploading documents and printing from a CD, but I cannot until after the markets (stock, bond) close at 4. Dh uses the laptop when he works from home (I have an ipad).

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Hi guys! I hope all are mending and Melissa, praying for you today!


We had a late start on the day due to swim lessons, but came home have have tackled school, laundry, and lunch.


Still to do:

"mini" dinner to make

more laundry

work out some bills

returns put in the car


I will make a smoothie before we leave for practice and errands.


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It's been a productive day so far.



up, showered and dressed



     dd6: phonics, math, handwriting, reading, spelling

     dd9: math, Megawords, Wordly WIse, reading, 

     ds: math, Wordly Wise, science, reading,

     dd16: APUSH, AP Language, Pre-Calc

chores: empty/reload dishwasher, scrub kitchen surfaces, clean bathrooms, declutter bedroom, vacuum bedroom, sweep/vacuum living room, 

make dinner in crockpot


clean out cabinets in kitchen

clean living room blinds



drop items off at thrift store 

pick up GS cookies from dd9's troop leader

pick up GS cookies from dd6's troop leader

dd16: dance class (4-5pm)


go to gym (6-8pm)


clean kitchen counters / do dishes / sweep


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1 pm check in.  

Pet care (done by kids) done


Human care (everyone for themself) - sort of done.  I ate breakfast and took my meds.  That is it.  I am still in my jammies and robe and am in need of a shower.  Maybe later if I can stay upright for longer than 5 min.


Morning school done by kids who were given their assignments and let go.  I have no idea what they've done.  I have a vague idea that my son came and talked at me for awhile while I was comatose.   I think I managed to open my eyes but why he thought that meant I was cognizant of what he was saying, I have no idea.


I am awake to take some meds and to eat something so that I don't have a bloodsugar crash on top of everything else.  And to check in here for a couple of minutes.  I am having the worst headache this morning - I think the battle of Armageddon is being waged in my head by the insurgents vs. the rebels.  

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bathroom clean, cadet uniforms ironed and ready at door, swim stuff packed and at door, library books in bag at front door, dd14s hair done up for cadets already, dd6 done school.  On our way out to get to work (with dd14 and ds10 being dropped at the library), then swimming lessons and cadets right after work.  Nothing like a go go go kind of day.  Ds15 is done at his community service today at 5 and will walk over to the daycare to meet up with me, the plan is to hopefully get out of work early tonight since there is a staff meeting and get to swimming on time for the first day.

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Wow! Got it all done. Didn't have to wait long with Vital statistics and got an easy answer to our problem. Thanks to the internet, got my flag football practice planned out. Now, I need to salvage this chunk of meat I put in the crockpot. I'm not good with chunks of meat. I think it's going to be too dry. Need to find some sort of sauce.

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I actually got grocery shopping done!  It was touch and go there for awhile and I almost decided against it.  I even cooked supper and my house is still clean.  I'm going to relax and read for a little bit and then head to bed.  

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Finished my shift, boss rescheduled the staff meeting for next week so I wouldn't miss it.  Youngers did their swimming lesson, teens are at cadets, ds15 is suitably sore after an 8 hour day at the recycle center, late dinner is cooking, talked to my dad on the phone.  in about 90 minutes I have to leave to pick up the teens, get everyone home then go to my cleaning shift.  Hoping to get a few things done after I eat before those 90 minutes end.

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Dh has come to save the day.  Dd and dh have made shrimp scampi for dinner.  Dh and the kids have cleaned up after dinner and have cleaned the kitchen twice - once before dinner since we had absolutely no clean plates in the house and once afterward.  Dh has done enough laundry for him to have some clean scrubs to wear to work tomorrow.

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