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This might seem like a silly question, but:


If you have Playmobil, do your kids keep the sets separate? Do they keep the pieces built? (For example, a cart or a stroller.)


We received a few sets for Christmas, and are very well played with, but in the kids' own, inventive ways. I'm a little afraid that they'll want to rebuild the sets to the pictures on the boxes (long gone, by the way) at some point, and that seems kind of impossible now.

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Initially, they sorted, but after a while, everything went into one big box. Or make that several big boxes (still not sorted). No problem - they were very adept at figuring out which pieces belonged to which set, and then, nothing got rebuilt according to the original instructions anyway, they just made it up.

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I wondered before Christmas how we'd put some of it away, but ds hasn't been willing to put any of it away yet, lol.  Um, my *plan* is to keep time periods separate, but then who am I to say that the civil war canons weren't appropriate for pirates or that neither used farms??  Not like I know history.   :lol:   Now if someone knows how to store that stupid egyptian pyramid, THAT would be helpful.  It's awkward even when disassembled, so it's still sitting in its original box, trying to rain pieces on the floor when it tips.  I have no clue what will happen when we get the fort fully assembled (western).

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We have more Playmobil than the toy store has.  At least it seems that way.  When my kids were younger, we didn't organize it at all.  Everything got played with together. 


Now the organization is:  the Roman stuff (which isn't limited to just Romans, because other stuff got used in that particular setup), and everything else. 


In the "everything else" bins, the little pieces (food, tiny animals, etc.) are in ziploc bags.  The rest of the pieces are loose in a plastic drawer cart.  The big pieces (buildings, vehicles) are in a cupboard.


I think we have the boxes for maybe two sets.  I kept the instructions for the major sets, but I don't know where I put them. :tongue_smilie:


My kids are teens now and really only the youngest one ever plays with the Playmobil anymore.  Someday, there will be grandkids, I hope, and they'll have a truckload of vintage Playmobil to play with!

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I think I just want confirmation that it's OK to be a free-for-all. Their Legos are the same way, so why shouldn't the Playmobil?


We're probably later to the Playmobil game that we could have been. I really love watching the scenarios they make up. Fun stuff!

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Our playmobil is all in one big box and always has been.  My kids are a bit old for it now, but about a year ago we had new carpet put into my son's room, and when the kids saw the vast expanse of comfy, empty floor, they immediately asked if they could get the playmobil out.  It didn't last long but they had some nostalgic fun with it.

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The people and accessories are all mixed up.  Indy still uses the people on occasion, with his Lego sets, but the big sets (8 of them) are packed away for when Han Solo is ready for them.  Indy stages massive battles between the Romans and Egyptians, but he had way more Egyptians than Romans, so the Vikings came along to help the Romans.  Why not?  The Vikings at one time fought the Egyptians on sea (Viking Ship and Egyptian Ship), because the didn't have any others at that point.  The Vikings, Egyptians and Pirates helped the Romans built the Coliseum, because that thing is WAY too big for the Romans to build by themselves, according to Indy.  He is not wrong.  That set is massive, and there's no way those few Romans could "build" the whole thing by themselves.  It took Mommy and Daddy a long time to put it together, so I whole heartedly agree.


I love Playmobil and can't wait for Han Solo to get old enough to play with them.  I had as much fun as Indy!

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We keep certain sets that seem to go together in large Rubbermaid tub, like community helpers (construction, police, fireman, spies), knights, Vikings, and princesses, pirates, Animal care (safari, animal care center, forest ranger). I don't think I have a tub big enough to hold all my Playmobil, the tubs they are in now are big storage tubs and I still have five :).

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