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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Plans for today:
-dd10: Math, Biology, Logic, Study Skills
-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Copywork, Reading
-dd5: Math, Dutch, Copywork, Reading
-take dd10 to theater lessons (bike)
-take dd7, dd5, dd3 to library (bike)
-take dd5 to gymnastics (bike)
-Greek & Latin vocab
-tidy livingroom
-read a book

-get enough steps (fitbit)
-vit D & multi & fish oil
-NO SUGAR.....depends on headache

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Oh, you!  So, I did NOT make it through the mound of laundry on Tuesday, but close.  Argh.  Indy was still sick today, so he didn't do school.  You'd think I'd have gotten more done, but no, I did not.  I wasted much of my day on the interwebs.   :blush:



To do:


Exercise!  Exercise!  EXERCISE!  I must get back into this and quit sleeping late!


B'fast, lunch, dinner (Some sort of rice, chicken, broccoli thing- casserole?  stir fry?  separately?)


Finish up the laundry that's already been washed and mostly folded/pressed


Unload the dishwasher


Clean the kitchen


Sweep and mop kitchen




-Latin vocab

-Greek vocab





Play a million games of shoot the Angry Birds Go! cars across the floor, because Han Solo can't press the launcher in-Sigh


Get my nails done!  Ack!


Take Indy to Scouts if he's feeling better


Finish organizing the pantry-it's looking good!


Stay off the internet so I can get the above done <-Hahahaha!  That's funny, isn't it?


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wednesday is early dismissal day at the ps which means more work for me.


work daycare 730-830am

ds15 online final exam workplace safety

dd14 unit 2& 3 agriculture safety online

ds10 and dd6 AAR, WWE and Math

work daycare 130-430

work diner 5-9

go to dollar store and buy pliers, bleach and hair nets

fix clamp on washer drain hose assembly

bring garbage can back in from curb

pick up mail

help dd14 finish sewing on her cadet badges

clean kitchen



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Been at the dmv since before 6 am. Again. :(


Other than that, dd3 has gymnastics at 10:45, and they all have awanas later, which means school today is bust. I will probably have dd8 do writing, and hopefully I'll read SOTW to them.



Vacuum upstairs

Wipe baseboards up there


Wipe down two of the bathrooms (sink, counters, mirrors)

Dinner is leftover Mexican casserole, lunch is leftover potato/cheese/bacon soup

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It's amazing the things I can get done when getting up at 5:15am.   


The first floor is tidy and the dishwasher is running.  I'll vacuum once everyone is awake.  

Bedroom cleaned and bed made.


Today in school we will:

  • Review all World History and Philosophy that's been covered so far this year.  Assign new work for next week.
  • Marine Biology- review all chapters covered and assign new work for next week.
  • Submit writing assignment to online teacher.
  • Grade all math. 


Kids are going to Costco for me today--need fresh produce and we will get a pizza for dinner.


Laundry--white, dark and towels--put everything away

Vacuum the floors




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I got school done. I took a nap, of sorts, that is to say....I was in my bedroom and it was silent....aahhhhh. (Noise and lights are making me crazy at the moment, aftereffect of migraines.)


Now I'm going to get our bikes....wish me luck.

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I did not get to everything on my list yesterday---FLL (robotics team) took over after 1pm with an extra team meeting as all the kids were home due to the windchill. Plus I didn't get all the pipes thawed until 5:30 (both hot and cold for our sink and our shower---and the shower is in a different room, not next to the sink! Wth?). Let's just say it was a day I don't wish to repeat!



--school: English, history, algebra 3, Science Olympiad Water Quality event prep (studying aquatic ecology, specifically coral reefs)

--pick up dd18 after her winter session class

--exercise: the Pilates I didn't get to yesterday

--dd inventory boomilever supplies

--dd memorize changes the kids made yesterday to their FLL presentations

--change subscription email info for the Science journal subscription dh got me for Christmas :D

--new-to-us recipe for dinner tonight: ham risotto w sugar snap peas (from Cooking Light mag in the past)

--dd ballet 6:30-8

--library for holds (4 came in but I still have 9 in transit so I'll go late in the day--it's closed tomorrow)

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I am tired this morning and my neck and shoulders are being awful.  Went to bed early but got up at 3am to add more wood to the stove. I was afraid it would be out if I waited til 6am because I filled it when I went to bed.  Couldn't get back to sleep.


Dh left yesterday for a short term missions trip to Sierra Leone so I have his chores to do this week.  I need to go check on a few of his out of town clients to make sure the heat is on and the pipes aren't frozen and respond to calls and emails.

Have to run to AutoZone and pick up a replacement light he ordered that got broken by the snow blower.


Doing the chickens in this cold stinks because I have to change out the water several times a day!


Girls need to bring in firewood because my arm is still messed up after doing something to a tendon on 12/13. Still don't know if I should call the Dr., it has improved for sure but still burns and is weak. 


Have to get ready for biology tutorials this afternoon and I SO don't want to leave the house at all!

It's the DNA extraction lab so I need to pack up the blender and a bunch of other stuff.


On the plus side, got a ton of cleaning done before dh left as well as gassing up the car and grocery shopping so once we get home today, there isn't much else to do.


Need to pry the girls out of bed for school and get eldest to unpack from 10 days in New Jersey.


I really don't want to do school this week at all.




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- get dd up and on the bus- done
- WIC appointment at 11- done
- drop stuff off at St. Vinny's- done
- get a few groceries- done
- drop off movies- done
- dishes- done
- fold one load of laundry and put away 3
- tidy living room and kitchen- started
- Nap- done, I feel a lot better :)
- get dd off the bus- done
- dinner- done
- bedtime routine

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Good Morning! It's still quiet here. Only DH and I are up. This is nice.


On the docket for the day.....

** school

** my two youngest need to get their flu shots still, doing that this afternoon

** work on lesson plans for co-op. I'm teaching PE. Yes, me, the most un-athletic person around. I just need to get a better attitude. It really stinks right now.

** laundry


Have a good day, everyone!

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My double sided kitchen sink is still clogged. Fully clogged. But I see good signs. 

Once I get things flowing I will have a lot of kitchen cleaning to do. 

a few plunges with stuff exploding out the other side. (Once done by accident, several times done to see the blast) and you have a messy kitchen. .. add in all the other stuff and the kitchen is very icky, and I don't just mean the dirty dishes covered with kitchen sink plung sludge.




... Anyone want to come over for lunch. :p



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Back from morning practice, everyone is up and starting school. I have added subjects and upped expectations for the spring (they knew it was coming) and am alternatively a taskmaster and cheerleader.


I still have a head cold and hope to lie down a bit this afternoon, but we will see.


To do:



clean downstairs

return items to Walmart

pick up study

supervise chores

get some sort of portable dinner ready

check weekend activities

pay for some activities

rsvp for shower



healthy lunch

art/craft for 30 minutes

write for 30 minutes


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Plans for today:

-dd10: Math, Biology, Logic, Study Skills

-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Copywork, Reading

-dd5: Math, Dutch, Copywork, Reading

-take dd10 to theater lessons (bike)

-take dd7, dd5, dd3 to library (bike)

-take dd5 to gymnastics (bike)

-Greek & Latin vocab


-tidy livingroom


-read a book



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil


-NO SUGAR.....depends on headache

I'm too tired to walk on the treadmill, so I won't get enough steps.


I still have to do my Greek & Latin vocab, but other than that, I managed to do everything on my list. Which is a surprise, considering how tired I am.


See you all tomorrow.

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cooked a most awesome breakfast for the boys


need to do:





add dealing with a cranky 3 year old

talking to and dealing with the insanity of a hospital billing department

waiting for plumbers who are actually here now--that will probably be the easiest thing I have to do all day.

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Tress, I hope you can get some rest.

Kristi, I have a cranky 3 year old, too!


Well, had a reasonably successful morning with school. Kids are on break and are outside playing with the rest of the neighborhood who has another week off of school. Now, I'm making lunch - just homemade bread and butter and fruit today for the kids. Simple lunch. I am having this low carb broccoli soup. I have got to lose 15 lbs. and it seems like low carb is the only way the weight will come off. So, I'm almost done with week one. Then we'll see if it's worked. It's actually carb cycling, this program specifically for women over 40.

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I've been away for almost a full month.  We had a death in our family (my grandfather) just before Christmas, which led to an unplanned trip home to NY for the funeral.  We did have a fabulous Christmas and relaxing winter break.  At the start of the New Year, our washer and microwave both died (on the same day), so we spent this past weekend shopping for a new washer/dryer set and my dad got me a new over range microwave for my birthday (which was yesterday). The washer and dryer were delivered yesterday, so I spent my bday catching up on laundry!  Today is our third day "back to school" and things are going fairly well.  We are still in a more relaxed mode since my "daycare children" are still not back. We will ramp things back up to full speed next week!



up, showered, and dressed



     dd6: phonics, math, reading, handwriting

     dd9: reading, math, Megawords, Wordly Wise,

     ds:  science, math, Wordly Wise, reading

     dd16: APUSH, AP Language, Pre-Calc, Chemistry

ds: Spanish class 11am-12pm

dd16: Spanish class 12:45-2:15

go to bank



dollar store

ds: make two pans of brownies to take to his LifeGroup meeting at church tonight

chores:  2 loads of laundry (wash/dry/fold/put away), wipe down bathroom counters, empty/reload dishwasher, sweep/vacuum living room, vacuum stairs/master bedroom, trash/recycling, 

put away Nativity Set

throw away poinsettias

list items for sale 

go to gym

make dinner

ds and dd16: LifeGroups at church (6:30-8pm)

evening cleaning job (9pm-1am) (this will be shock to my system after not having to do it for 2+ weeks)



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I am tired this morning and my neck and shoulders are being awful. Went to bed early but got up at 3am to add more wood to the stove. I was afraid it would be out if I waited til 6am because I filled it when I went to bed. Couldn't get back to sleep.


Dh left yesterday for a short term missions trip to Sierra Leone so I have his chores to do this week. I need to go check on a few of his out of town clients to make sure the heat is on and the pipes aren't frozen and respond to calls and emails.

Have to run to AutoZone and pick up a replacement light he ordered that got broken by the snow blower.


Doing the chickens in this cold stinks because I have to change out the water several times a day!


Girls need to bring in firewood because my arm is still messed up after doing something to a tendon on 12/13. Still don't know if I should call the Dr., it has improved for sure but still burns and is weak.


Have to get ready for biology tutorials this afternoon and I SO don't want to leave the house at all!

It's the DNA extraction lab so I need to pack up the blender and a bunch of other stuff.


On the plus side, got a ton of cleaning done before dh left as well as gassing up the car and grocery shopping so once we get home today, there isn't much else to do.


Need to pry the girls out of bed for school and get eldest to unpack from 10 days in New Jersey.


I really don't want to do school this week at all.

Lizzie, hope your day goes well. Sounds like a lot to deal with solo :grouphug:

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School is done without too much pain! Actually, they did well. I'm working on my new system, take a part of the common living area each day and do a little deeper cleaning.I'm going to try to do that three days a week. Should get through all areas every two weeks. Today I did the dining area of the kitchen. Cleaned the sliding glass door, cleaned the glass areas of the buffet, dusted that, cleaned off the little table where we keep Bibles, devotionals, etc.


I also actually sat down and worked at the Aeneid. I'm trying to do a little self-education, but it's hard. I also downloaded a lecture about it from The Great Courses. It's taken a long time to get through it.


In about an hour I'll take the little girls to the Clinic to get their flu shots. What a nightmare that will be. Hopefully they can give them the mist.

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Been to the daycare twice today, finished helping dd14 sew on her badges, started sewing on her kuk sool won uniform badges.  Went to $ store and hardware store.  Picked up mail. brought garbage can back to house.  Now off and running out the door to my diner shift.

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Today has been a keep-your-nose-to-the-grindstone kind of day.


Dd - Worked on dollhouse project together - painted the roof a nice chocolate brown.


Ds - Latin done, robotics done

Ds - worked for an hour and a half on Alg. 2 together with actual blood (he had a nose bleed), sweat and yes, tears.  We are done and everyone is still alive to tell about it.


Dinner (roast) is in the pressure cooker.


I am ignoring my neighbor for the moment who wants to vent and fall apart on me regarding her latest health crisis.  I'll call her later after I've had some time to decompress with my Passion hot tea.  (And no, not that kind of passion or that kind of TEA!)


Laundry - washing machine is finished so I really need to get down there and  put the stuff in the dryer - after I finish my tea. . . 



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I went to Zumba and I am so glad that I did on a couple of different levels. For one thing, we had a sub and everyone was milling about in the hall because they were afraid to kick the basketball players out. I kicked them out (ie. told them "Zumba time!") and we were able to have a nice class. I really like this sub. I was a bit unsure how I would do today because of all the prednisone issues but I did fine. I was able to stay the entire hour. Because of Zumba I've taken almost 7000 steps today (it will probably be 7000 by the time I go to bed).

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Got the girls their flu shot. It was a nightmare. At the doctor for an hour. For a stinkin' flu shot. With five kids. In the little room. For a flu shot. I hate this clinic. We used to go there before the adoption was finalized because of insurance. Now we all go to my doctor, but she's out of the flu shot, so we had to go to the clinic. And they chastised me for being behind on their physicals. Grrrr! I'm just glad it's over.

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11pm update, finished shift at diner, it ran late but is all good.  youngest 2 finished their school work today, dd14 doing her unit reading right now.  Laundry going.  ds15 going to do his final in a couple minutes (having night owls sucks when you have to be on the road at 7 am every morning for work).  Kitchen did not get finished but basement got sprayed for the flies since I haven't been able to find fly paper yet.  As soon as ds is done his test I am going to sleep, I am beat. 

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