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Would you take kids to see Wicked?


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I think it would be fine.  I think the age recommendation is over 8.


The major consideration I have for anything like that is will my kids be entertained enough to be able to sit through it.  I'd say for that yes.  KWIM?  My nearly 12 year old is mature enough to sit through something without complaining even if he is bored.  My 8 year old, not so much (although he is getting there).


Thanks, Sparkly! I'm not worried about attention span. I don't mean to sound snooty, but my boys have seen a lot of theater like Lion King, Mary Poppins. Suessical -- I'm worried whether Wicked is appropriate for 10 year olds.


If there's a lot of TeA references or kissing. . . they'd be all, "Ewwwwwwwwwww!!" (I don't want to pay for that.) :laugh:



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My son LOVED it at 12. If they've sat through those other musicals, they'd probably be fine and enjoy it. But what do I know? My dd sat through a 3 hour production of Les Mis last summer at newly 9 6 times (my son was in it!). I regret not taking my 9 year old to Wicked actually. My son and DH got rush tickets the week of my son's birthday and my dd had class that night.

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I wouldn't. The other musicals you mentioned are for children & families.  Wicked was written for adults.  I don't remember anything really bad in it - it's just not a children's story.


I'm hearing that the book and the show are very, very different.



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I would, if I had the money again.

We took our four children, 5, 7, 9, 11.

They loved it and can sing all of the songs.

There's enough beauty and fabulous spectacle and dancing that even if they don't understand the story, they'll like it.

If they've seen those other shows, I don't think that this will be beyond them.


ETA:  The book is a nightmare. Yuck. The  musical was a huge improvement.

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I took DS when he was younger than that to see Wicked.  (DD was about that age.)  I haven't read the book, so I can't compare the content.  There is a scene in which Elphaba is born which 10 year old boys might think EWWWW!  I can't remember how much is spelled out in detail, but the mother has an affair with "the man with the green potion" while her husband is away--and that is why Elpheba is green.  I don't think it is "inappropriate" but I have exposed my children to a lot of live theater with little censoring.

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I'm hearing that the book and the show are very, very different.



Yes, absolutely. I did not love the book and I would not let a kid read the book without quite a bit of discussion involved. I first saw Wicked on stage when my kids were like 6 and 9 and I had wished I had taken them at that time. There is enough spectacle involved that it makes for an entertaining show. And my kids and I have discussed at length how it relates to the original Wizard of Oz (without going into some of the more adult aspects that are played up more in the book).

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I honestly would not spend the money to take a child under about 12 (of course it depends on the kid). I think my 8yo would love it, but there's so much to the story that would go right over her head that I personally don't think it would be worth it. I saw it recently and the tickets were over $60 each for the cheap seats.  But maybe y'all have access to more moderately priced tickets or a much bigger entertainment budget than I do...


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