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HORRIBLY red, burning eyes AFTER wearing contacts (NOT during) - help!


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My daughter has worn contacts for years and all was fine, until a few months ago.  Suddenly,  her eyes began getting really red - as in blood red, almost no white, AFTER REMOVING contacts. But occasionally, they would be fine (??).   She tried new pairs, and short time periods, finally giving them up.  Last night, she tried again, for only a couple of hours.  They felt FINE while she was wearing them.  An hour after removing them, her eyes were red and this morning, they were blood red, and weepy AGAIN.  Last time it was nearly a week until they returned to normal!

What the heck is going on?  Any clues, anyone? 


She's only a teen and doesn't want to wear glasses 100% of the time for life.  We are going to contact the eye doctor, but just wondering if anyone knows why she would be terribly affected AFTER removing the contacts instead of while wearing them!?



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Have you asked her optometrist?   Or maybe she has an eye infection?

No infection, I'm pretty certain.  Her eyes were fine yesterday and have been fine since the last time she wore them, months ago.

I think she might be allergic to contact lenses.  We already changed the solutions several times, and the "sensitive eyes" solutions helped for awhile. 

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Is there something new she has been eating? Not washing her hands well before taking them out? New hand soap?

I was wondering the same thing. My situation didn't involve contacts, but one night, all of a sudden, one of my eyes was red and burning and my vision was blurry, and I was starting to worry, when I realized that I had just used a new hand cream... and then rubbed my eye.

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You need to take her in to the opto or whomever fitted her for contacts.  They will be able to examine more closely and tell you what is going on there.  I wouldn't try the contacts again until she gets checked properly, either.  Her eye health is not worth the risk.

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After wearing contact lenses, I had to give them up. Apparently, my body rejects them as it would another foreign object. I could wear them for a couple of hours at a time, but it wasn't worth the hassle for me.


Even before this started, I had issues with solutions. At one point, I was making my own saline solution daily.

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This happens to me because I have very dry eyes.


Me too. Of course I'm much older than your dd and dry eyes are common at my age, but it can happen to anyone. I would take my contacts out and it looked like I had been crying for hours because my eyes were so red. See an eye doctor. If it's dry eyes the solution could be anything from using special drops to having tear duct implants (what I ended up getting).

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Does she have a pretty strong prescription?  I have to wear special gas permeable ones (normal people sleep in them but I cannot as even these aren't perfect for me) because the normal ones smother my eyes.  I stopped wearing contacts for a long time before I found a doctor that mentioned this as the reason for my continued eye redness.

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