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Who else is DYING that Sherlock is back on in the UK tonight???

Mom in High Heels

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I couldn't control myself and am responding to 6 quotes. I'm awful. I know. Forgive me, please.


Just saw the second one last night. We're not looking forward to withdrawal symptoms after the third. I read somewhere, (and I hope that it's not true), that it will be two years before Season 4 may come out. Say it isn't so! 
We only just got into Sherlock a few weeks ago and watched them all through Christmas, etc. 


Yes, this is my Sherlock experience as well. Wonderful that I got to see so much w/o stops, but now I have to wait.


SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!  CAN.NOT.WAIT.  And then this will be followed by months and months of moping and Pinterest stalking.  If they don't bring Once Upon a Time back soon, I just might die of longing without Sherlock to fill the void.  


The bold part: why Mom in High Heels is my new best friend. She gets me. She really gets me.  :hurray: Just had to take this opportunity to publicly express my love and devotion to her. LOL. But I mean it.


I was cracking up reading the on screen "things" they were showing .......it was night and everyone was asleep and I was sooo afraid of waking someone up....


This! "Sitty thing" and I had the same problem w/ episode 1, w/ the French waiter. ;)


I totally get that. DS1 and I are not so sure dh properly appreciates Sherlock, but we let him watch with us, lol.  DH says he likes Sherlock just fine. I told him I don't see any bouncing up and down on the couch before a new episode, so he is suspect.



As Steve Moffat said, "It's a TV show. Only the emotional damage is real."


"So he is suspect." YES!  :iagree: 


And Moffat's quote, zactly!


Watching now....."I'm a doctor, I know how to sprain things "......... :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: That may rival the "He's cluing for looks " from E2


This, precisely this. Love John! And what DH caught that I missed (no doubt b/c my eyes were closed b/c I was laughing so hard) was after John comes up w/ "CRIME SCENE" (in S3E2) he goes to high five their client. Hysterical!


Wow.  Just ... WOW!


(I feel rather smug that I've only watched each S3 episode one time so far.  Now I have something to do for the next couple of years.)


I'm a newbie to this series, but here's my prescription for watching Sherlock. You watch each episode once to get the plot and get a few laughs. Then, you go back and re-watch, as many times as necessary, to savor each scene, each word, and each facial expression until you are intoxicated. Then, and only then, will you be S H E R LOCKED!

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Fabulous episode!


What a way to end the season!


I don't think Moriarty is back, but a new villain instead who's using Moriarty's image to freak everyone out. It would be pretty difficult to fake blowing your own brains out. 


And I'll join all of you in methodically rewatching and rewatching all of the seasons because, honestly, why stop at just rewatching season 3? 

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Hola is a chrome extension, it makes your browser think it is in another country.  I think I prefer it  to Tunnelbear and it is free.


thank you, thank you, thank you!  Hola is a wonderful thing; i wish i had found it way earlier.

it was so incredibly simple to install, and use.


dc watched S3E1 yesterday.  they can hardly wait until next sunday afternoon for the next one!

and the olympics are coming.... i have missed them a lot since we gave up commercial tv.


very big smile,



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thank you, thank you, thank you!  Hola is a wonderful thing; i wish i had found it way earlier.

it was so incredibly simple to install, and use.


dc watched S3E1 yesterday.  they can hardly wait until next sunday afternoon for the next one!

and the olympics are coming.... i have missed them a lot since we gave up commercial tv.


very big smile,


Hola is amazing! I am drunk on watching bbc iplayer and itv.


I am looking forward to the Olympics now. I hate the American coverage.

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I might be attempting to breathe now. I feel like I've been holding my breath for the entire episode. 


I kept having to pause it, take a few minutes to do something else, and then come back to it.


I might have exploded if I'd watched it all the way through in one sitting!

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Fabulous episode!


What a way to end the season!


I don't think Moriarty is back, but a new villain instead who's using Moriarty's image to freak everyone out. It would be pretty difficult to fake blowing your own brains out.


And I'll join all of you in methodically rewatching and rewatching all of the seasons because, honestly, why stop at just rewatching season 3?

But what about the clip after the credits? Wasn't the point of that to prove it really is him?

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But what about the clip after the credits? Wasn't the point of that to prove it really is him?


See, I knew we'd have something to do during the wait. We get to argue about it.


Little heads up when it comes to anything Moffat says about this whole thing:


Rule #1: Moffat lies. Remember that and you should be fine.


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The bold part: why Mom in High Heels is my new best friend. She gets me. She really gets me.  :hurray: Just had to take this opportunity to publicly express my love and devotion to her. LOL. But I mean it.




And I you!  I do get you, and you get me!  Now we need to put on our best heels, hop on a plane to England, hunt down Moffat (Moffat!!) and make him promise it will not be another 2 freaking years before S4.  If we happen to run into Benedict Cumberbatch while we're there, well, that's just gravy.  


I kept having to pause it, take a few minutes to do something else, and then come back to it.


I might have exploded if I'd watched it all the way through in one sitting!


You are stronger willed than I!  Indy came downstairs twice while I was watching and I had to pause it.  Both times I kept telling myself he's just a child and doesn't know what he's doing to his mother's sanity.


See, I knew we'd have something to do during the wait. We get to argue about it.


Little heads up when it comes to anything Moffat says about this whole thing:


Rule #1: Moffat lies. Remember that and you should be fine.



This.  All of this.  MOFFAT!!!!!  And yes, he lies like an expensive Persian rug.  I shake my fist in his general direction!

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I know!  I will try to respond, but I cannot make a coherent thought about the episode!  I just keep saying...What?  WOW! And then my brain makes some sort of small explosion.


My online classes start this morning. I've made it through 3 slides in one class, I cannot focus. Oh, I started a load of laundry, now it's time to wake the boy. I should go brush my teeth too. Can we coin a new word? Sherlock-Fog. 

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And I you!  I do get you, and you get me!  Now we need to put on our best heels, hop on a plane to England, hunt down Moffat (Moffat!!) and make him promise it will not be another 2 freaking years before S4.  If we happen to run into Benedict Cumberbatch while we're there, well, that's just gravy.  



We just need to figure out the man's pressure point. Then we'll have plenty of time to look for BC while we're there. 

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Now we need to put on our best heels, hop on a plane to England, hunt down Moffat (Moffat!!) and make him promise it will not be another 2 freaking years before S4.  If we happen to run into Benedict Cumberbatch while we're there, well, that's just gravy.  


I've updated my signature regarding BC. 

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The only clip I saw after the credits was like a flashback to Three Musketeers or something.


Was there something else?!?!  :scared:


Yeah, the version I saw had that, too.  Apparently someone messed up the ending somewhere.  The three musketeers thing made no sense to me, so I had to go online and find out what it was supposed to be.


Here's my spoiler-free version of what you missed, for anyone else who had the corrupted copy of the episode.  You know the thing they all saw at the very, very end, before the credits rolled?  It was a live-action version of that.  At least, that's what my Google-fu turned up.


I do think it's funny that so many people are now very confusedly trying to figure out how to incorporate the three musketeers into their Sherlock theories. :P

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Here is my complaint about Moffat: It is like he is two writers or something. He has Sherlock and he has Doctor Who, why are they so different? When I see Sherlock I see discipline. I see tight plot. I see consistent character development and character growth informed by plot. I see continuity. When I watch Doctor Who under his reign I often see a hot mess. Plot holes, lazy resolutions, inconsistent character development

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Here is my complaint about Moffat: It is like he is two writers or something. He has Sherlock and he has Doctor Who, why are they so different? When I see Sherlock I see discipline. I see tight plot. I see consistent character development and character growth informed by plot. I see continuity. When I watch Doctor Who under his reign I often see a hot mess. Plot holes, lazy resolutions, inconsistent character development



Dd tried to get me into Doctor Who first. It didn't stick. I can try again, and might, but Sherlock is scrumptious. 


is for you, redsquirrel. (Why can't I embed it? Rats.)




And is it wrong that I want BC and MF to read Sherlock Holmes? I want audiobooks for CAD's books, but only want to hear these men. I'm so spoiled. 

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Here is my complaint about Moffat: It is like he is two writers or something. He has Sherlock and he has Doctor Who, why are they so different? When I see Sherlock I see discipline. I see tight plot. I see consistent character development and character growth informed by plot. I see continuity. When I watch Doctor Who under his reign I often see a hot mess. Plot holes, lazy resolutions, inconsistent character development

I think part of the issue is that he has the outline already written for him in the form of the original books.


I agree though, he is messy and all over the place with Doctor Who. I still like it, but it is messy.

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I kept having to pause it, take a few minutes to do something else, and then come back to it.


I might have exploded if I'd watched it all the way through in one sitting!


You know, that's the way I had watched season 1 and season 2 -- about 20 minutes at a time.  I was a little worried about being able to sit all the way through season 3 episodes, as a matter of fact.  And I knew that dds would insist on watching it all the way through in one go.  But I somehow made it through. :tongue_smilie:  Now I'll go back and watch them in my usual way.


We originally figured out Tunnel Bear so we could watch Olympic coverage.  Dd really enjoyed the BBC coverage so much more than whatever the U.S. was showing.

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We originally figured out Tunnel Bear so we could watch Olympic coverage.  Dd really enjoyed the BBC coverage so much more than whatever the U.S. was showing.


I wish I could figure it out. I was using it on my iPad (2) and never did get a credit for tweeting about it. And I'm too cheap to pay for it. 


Will I be able to to watch Olympic coverage using Hola (in Chrome)? Maybe I *will* pay for Tunnel Bear or something similar, if it means not having to endure NBC's coverage. 

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Here is my complaint about Moffat: It is like he is two writers or something. He has Sherlock and he has Doctor Who, why are they so different? When I see Sherlock I see discipline. I see tight plot. I see consistent character development and character growth informed by plot. I see continuity. When I watch Doctor Who under his reign I often see a hot mess. Plot holes, lazy resolutions, inconsistent character development

But I also see Blink, one of the best episodes ever.

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But I also see Blink, one of the best episodes ever.


Yes, and Empty Child two parter was also fantastic.  But, in those cases Moffat wasn't the show runner. He was a writer and his scripts were subject to tweaking etc as needed by the show runner.


I am not saying he isn't an extremely talented writer. He really is and the BBC is lucky to have him. But I can tell when he is invested in a script and when his attention is divided (perhaps between Doctor Who and Sherlock?). When he isn't invested then he gets sloppy.


So often, a Doctor Who episode ends and I am frustrated by so many missed opportunities, hanging threads, and odd character developments. I just don't trust him to write a solid story any longer.  

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Rumor has it there may be a new season by Christmas 2014...


SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!  If this is true, 2014 would be the best year EVER!  Okay, that might be a small exaggeration, but still.


Don't mess with me, man. I'm very vulnerable right now and messing with my mind and heart would be very, very mean. 


I'm there with you my friend!  I've tried PMing you about 3 times, but I can't write anything that doesn't make me sound like a crazy woman.  Whenever I try to type out anything regarding His Last Vow, my thoughts go  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:

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I wish I could figure it out. I was using it on my iPad (2) and never did get a credit for tweeting about it. And I'm too cheap to pay for it. 


Will I be able to to watch Olympic coverage using Hola (in Chrome)? Maybe I *will* pay for Tunnel Bear or something similar, if it means not having to endure NBC's coverage.

I think you should be able to, it makes the browser think you are in the UK.


I watched some UK netflix using Hola.

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Just finished episode 3.








I really want to say something profound to describe how much I loved it but I got nothing. Speechless.


I think that's how most of us feel.  After it finished, I just stared at the screen, completely gobsmacked.  I'm still trying to process it.


Neggin, I have both of those photos pinned to my Sherlock Pinterest board (THAT'S RIGHT!).  The slumber batch one is awesome.


I have one photo that will make you swoon.  I'm not sure I can post it here, so I'll just link it.  Prepare yourself.  Click this!

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I think that's how most of us feel.  After it finished, I just stared at the screen, completely gobsmacked.  I'm still trying to process it.


Neggin, I have both of those photos pinned to my Sherlock Pinterest board (THAT'S RIGHT!).  The slumber batch one is awesome.


I have one photo that will make you swoon.  I'm not sure I can post it here, so I'll just link it.  Prepare yourself.  Click this!


That LITERALLY took my breath away!

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That LITERALLY took my breath away!


Haha!  I warned you!


Benedict has something to say to you all.  :001_tt1:



He plays the piano too.  Is there anything he can't do?  


Oh my starkers! I mean stars.


Starkers!  Haha!  You can see his ridiculously tones bum here (on stage, as Frankensteins monster, so his head looks weird, but who's looking at that?) then there's this photo.  Have something to fan yourself with before clicking.



BTW, the woman who plays Mary really is his wife IRL, and Sherlock and Mycroft's parents are really Benedict Cumberbatch's real parents!  MIND BLOWN!

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I think that's how most of us feel.  After it finished, I just stared at the screen, completely gobsmacked.  I'm still trying to process it.


Neggin, I have both of those photos pinned to my Sherlock Pinterest board (THAT'S RIGHT!).  The slumber batch one is awesome.


I have one photo that will make you swoon.  I'm not sure I can post it here, so I'll just link it.  Prepare yourself.  Click this!


Oh my. *faints*

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I have one photo that will make you swoon.  I'm not sure I can post it here, so I'll just link it.  Prepare yourself.  Click this!

Speechless. Oh my!  :blush:  :lol:


I had no idea that Mary is Martin Freeman's wife. Thanks for sharing that. I knew about Benedict's parents. 


This is Martin Freeman's reaction upon hearing "Downton Abbey" won best series over his show "Sherlock" at the National Television Awards. I love how Amanda's just cracking up at him. They must have a lot of fun together.



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BTW, the woman who plays Mary really is his wife IRL, and Sherlock and Mycroft's parents are really Benedict Cumberbatch's real parents!  MIND BLOWN!


Yes! I just learned that about Mary yesterday while internet stalking, I mean, reading about Martin Freeman.


And Olivia Poulet, who played Amanda in The Blind Baker was the long time girlfriend of BC.



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