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Harvard Interview...is this normal?


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Hi Everyone,

My dd had an interview for Harvard on Saturday morning. Since then her interviewer has contacted her two more times and has asked to meet again this afternoon.
During their interview on Saturday, he left with her transcript and test scores (which he had specifically asked her to bring). Later that afternoon, he called her asking her questions about her school name because he had tried to google it and come up with nothing. She explained that as homeschoolers, we just had to give our school a name and that there was nothing official about it.
Now he wants to meet with her again and has asked for her to bring a paper she's written.
Is this normal? She said he's a 74 year old retired ER doctor. He says his grandkids live in the next town over from us.
I don't know. I just kind of feel uneasy about it. I thought that interviews really don't have much weight at all and he just seems to have a real interest in her and seems to be asking for a lot of information.
She said he seemed skeptical about homeschooling at first and seemed really curious about it after talking to her for a while. Maybe he's poking around more after that?
Any input or experience would be greatly appreciated.
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Does Harvard now have interviews that are more than just informational? That's definitely a change from when I applied in fall of '94. Back then, all legacy applicants got an informational interview as a courtesy but it was really just the interviewer doing a "rah rah" sales job on Harvard. The cynic in me suspects that a lot of legacies have heard some pretty darn negative things about the university from their parent and parent's friends like I did growing up. That was one reason I chose Stanford over Harvard.


I used mine as prep for some of the colleges whose interviews actually carried some weight in admissions.

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He might also be figuring out exactly what to say when he calls his friend in the admissions office and says "Don't lose this one!"


Well, that would be nice. :lol: 


He said that he wanted to talk some more about her other extracurriculars. When they met on Saturday, he was really interested in her debate career and told her he thought it was unique as he's been interviewing a long time and hadn't come across that before.


When he called again, he asked for the writing samples because he was noticing that she was senior editor of her school's (The Potter's School) e-zine. He wanted to talk more about her other extracurriculars, too.


Does Harvard now have interviews that are more than just informational? That's definitely a change from when I applied in fall of '94. Back then, all legacy applicants got an informational interview as a courtesy but it was really just the interviewer doing a "rah rah" sales job on Harvard. The cynic in me suspects that a lot of legacies have heard some pretty darn negative things about the university from their parent and parent's friends like I did growing up. That was one reason I chose Stanford over Harvard.


I used mine as prep for some of the colleges whose interviews actually carried some weight in admissions.


I'm pretty sure they interview every applicant now as long as they have an alumni within a reasonable distance. He did talk about his Harvard experience but she said it was pretty well balanced between that and him wanting to know about her interest in Harvard.

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It sounds a bit weird to me.


DS has done two alumni interviews (Washington & Lee, Duke) and one admissions department interview (Wake Forest) and none have been like that. All have been very friendly but professional.


His Duke interviewer told him the alumni interview carries about the same weight as a teacher recommendation.  But I'm guessing that can vary from school to school.

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It doesn't strike me as odd. He's a volunteer, correct? And retired, so probably willing to spend a bit more time than some others. I would definitely think that he was poking around more due to not being familiar with home schooling, which I would actually credit him for. 

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When my ds22 applied to Harvard, his interviewer thought she submitted the form and then went out of the country.  They called us in mid-March and asked if ds could do an interview with another alum that afternoon.  We drove an hour to get him there.  Apparently, in his case at least, the interview was an important piece that they needed.  He did get in. =)


My kids have had many alumni interviews and it seems like the interviewers' familiarity with homeschooling can vary a lot.  It seems like many times they come in with negative stereotypes and are surprised and impressed when they talk to the kids.  My guess is that that is what happened with this guy.  The more he thought about it, the more he liked what he saw, but he needs more specifics to write the letter.  I'd definitely do what he asks, but make sure they meet in a public space, etc.


My kids have also kept in touch with some of the interviewers.  My ds18 really hit it off with his Yale interviewer and they emailed back and forth some, even after ds got into Yale and decided not to go.  This guy talked to ds about rugby and ds was inspired to go out for the team at Princeton.  It never seemed weird to me.


My dd20 spent two and a half hours at her Princeton interview, and after she got in, he sent her his letter.  WOW -- he really sold her to the admissions committee.  His letter probably made the difference for her.

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Thanks Everyone.


She met with him again at a local coffee shop. He had focussed a lot on speech and debate with her and wanted to talk about her other interests. She gave him three writing assignments. They chatted a bit and that was it. She felt positive about the whole experience.


I'm sure she handled herself very well. He told her that she is talented and insightful.


I felt much better after reading your responses. :)

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Thanks Everyone.


She met with him again at a local coffee shop. He had focussed a lot on speech and debate with her and wanted to talk about her other interests. She gave him three writing assignments. They chatted a bit and that was it. She felt positive about the whole experience.


I'm sure she handled herself very well. He told her that she is talented and insightful.


I felt much better after reading your responses. :)


I'm glad it worked out well.  Best wishes to your daughter on her college search.

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Glad it worked out well. I know my dh has always thought that he got into Yale because of his interview. He was a juggler in high school and the guy found it fascinating. When dh went to his reunion this year they said interviews can often make a difference. It wouldn't help someone who didn't haven the scores or grades but helped them make choices between applicants that were all qualified. A good interview could make a person stand out.

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