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Good books explaing cancer or talking about cancer


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last wednesday I was diagnosised with stomach cancer and have been in the hospital since while have 100 test and trying to get me to a place I can be outpatient and hopefully get better....


I need some stories and books to help my son understand what is that is making mommy sick.


HE is 6 any suggestions?

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So very sorry.  :grouphug:   :grouphug:   :grouphug:


The absolute best book I have found is this one.  Here's the site. When he was first diagnosed, he was only given a few months to live, or something like that. He managed to live for 20 years. His book is based on personal experience and very scientifically-based, overall a very well-balanced book, that's also full of hope. 




I hope and pray that you can remain as strong as can be during this very difficult time. 

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I agree with Anti Cancer as an excellent book for an adult. It was written by a physician. I don't think that book recommends supplements (just good nutrition), but that is important to know and be aware  that supplements can protect cancer cells from the effects of treatment, so talk with your oncologist before taking *anything*. (The reason that supplements protect the cells is that they are growing at a rapid rate and they gobble up more than their fair share of anything you put in your body. Your normal cells will eventually recover. You want your cancer cells as susceptible to damage as possible.)


My sons were older when I was dx'd with cancer, so I don't have personal suggestions for a book for your son. Are you being treated at a cancer center?  Most will have support centers for families. You can call 24 hours a day to talk with someone knowledgeable here: http://www.cancer.org/aboutus/howwehelpyou/contactus/index  They might have suggestions or know where you could find the resources.  I would also suggest that you google your area plus "cancer support" and see what there is in your community.


I'm sorry that you and your family are going through this. :grouphug:

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last wednesday I was diagnosised with stomach cancer and have been in the hospital since while have 100 test and trying to get me to a place I can be outpatient and hopefully get better....


I need some stories and books to help my son understand what is that is making mommy sick.


HE is 6 any suggestions?


I don't have any suggestions, but wanted to give you a :grouphug: .  Being diagnosed with cancer is surreal.  Many prayers for your recovery.

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I just want to send hugs and healing prayers to you and your family. My son was diagnosed with cancer last week and was immediately whisked off to an out-of-town hospital with me as caregiver,l so we understand the upheaval and concern you're going through.


:grouphug: to you and your son. I will pray for his recovery.

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First, I'm sorry you joined the club. Mine is Stage IV ocular melanoma.


Second, thank you, Thank You for taking the approach you are. I've met patients who hide info from their kids and wonder why it always backfires.


I don't have a specific title in mind, but I strongly recommend asking the child life specialist at yout cancer center. If one is not on staff, ask for an oncology social worker who can steer you to the right resources, like a local Gilda's Club, etc. Resourrces for kids are plentiful, but you may have to dig a bit.


DD13 was 8 when I was firsg diagnosed, and has been seeing oug CLS steadily for the three years I've been Stage IV. It has been THE best thing! Really. Ask here, or PM me if you want more details. Parents' approach to children and cancer is one of my pet issues, because so many do it wrong. It sounds like you're starting out right.


Keep rowing.

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First, I'm sorry you joined the club. Mine is Stage IV ocular melanoma.


Second, thank you, Thank You for taking the approach you are. I've met patients who hide info from their kids and wonder why it always backfires.


I don't have a specific title in mind, but I strongly recommend asking the child life specialist at yout cancer center. If one is not on staff, ask for an oncology social worker who can steer you to the right resources, like a local Gilda's Club, etc. Resourrces for kids are plentiful, but you may have to dig a bit.


DD13 was 8 when I was firsg diagnosed, and has been seeing oug CLS steadily for the three years I've been Stage IV. It has been THE best thing! Really. Ask here, or PM me if you want more details. Parents' approach to children and cancer is one of my pet issues, because so many do it wrong. It sounds like you're starting out right.


Keep rowing.


I'm sorry to hear that you have cancer, too. If you've talked about it before, I missed it. :grouphug:


For the OP: This post reminded me that my cancer center has support groups for kids who have a family member with cancer.  Your hospital might offer that, too.


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Hugs to you.  No book suggestions, but I second the support groups.  My mother worked in cancer education and support for many years.  See if your hospital has a child life specialist attached to patient support and ask him/her.  They'll know exactly what books to recommend.  I know there are also some videos out there.

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I'm sorry to hear that you have cancer, too. If you've talked about it before, I missed it. :grouphug:


For the OP: This post reminded me that my cancer center has support groups for kids who have a family member with cancer.  Your hospital might offer that, too.






And yes, good call on support groups.  We went to a Wellness Community group that was split with parents/kids each having their own social worker-led sub group.  It was awesome until they changed staff, so we're taking a break, but you can and should do that -- try something, and if it doesn't fit, try something else


Wellness and Gilda's Club are now under one umbrella org - Cancer Support Community - but still operate as separate entities, so if you Google, say, Gilda's Club Seattle, it'll have its own site.  I highly recommend them!

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I just want to send hugs and healing prayers to you and your family. My son was diagnosed with cancer last week and was immediately whisked off to an out-of-town hospital with me as caregiver,l so we understand the upheaval and concern you're going through.


:grouphug:  So sorry. As a cancer survivor, I imagine it would be so much worse to have it be your child than yourself with the diagnosis. I pray treatment will go as smoothly as possible for your son.

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Child Life had a number of books on hand, but honestly our kids just wanted to hear from me and see photos of where their sister was going. We showed them photos of the radiation room and read a book about how radiation worked. We also showed them a butterfly needle and photos of an iv bag. They also saw CT scan images (the cancer is bright white on them).


I agree, talk, talk, talk.....and be honest about all potential outcomes. Saying you don't know an answer is ok...


We knew my dd was terminal from day of diagnosis....we worked with child life and then started art therapy/grief counseling for the entire family in the last few months of life. Our surviving children continued with the same therapy program for 18 months afterwards.


I'm so sorry for your loss.

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