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I got a Fitbit Flex!!


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Would anyone else be willing to share their sleep patterns? I've only been wearing my Fitbit One since Christmas day, so only a handful of sleep events logged (and I forgot to change the mode last night). I have been sleep 6-7 hours with at least two instances of waking (anywhere from 1-5 minutes) and 13-16 restless episodes. That sounds like a lot and could explain why I'm so tired during the day and always need a nap! Wondering if that is typical of others or not?

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I had to replace my original Flex, it had a hardware problem.  But, now that I have my "new" one, I am tracking sleep patterns.  For the past 4 nights, I've awakened twice for a total of 9-10 minutes.  But, the restless events are what is bothering me.  Last night I was restless 17 times for a total of 49 mintues.  The pattern so far has been, awake twice and restless multiple times that total somewhere between 35 and 49 minutes.  No wonder I'm tired.......

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I don't have any medical experience, so take my advice for what it's worth.


I don't think that being restless so many times a night is normal.


I'm a good sleeper, always have been, and on nights that my kids sleep (which is unusual.....sigh) I'm restless maybe 1-2 times.

On nights that my kids sleep badly, I'm awake several times and restless 15-20 times. Those days I'm really tired.


So, IMHO, if you are restless so many times, and it's not due to kids (or husband snoring?), something is off.





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I don't have any medical experience, so take my advice for what it's worth.


I don't think that being restless so many times a night is normal.


I'm a good sleeper, always have been, and on nights that my kids sleep (which is unusual.....sigh) I'm restless maybe 1-2 times.

On nights that my kids sleep badly, I'm awake several times and restless 15-20 times. Those days I'm really tired.


So, IMHO, if you are restless so many times, and it's not due to kids (or husband snoring?), something is off.




Tress, I agree.  Now what do I do about it? 

My doc's office is closed this week....not even taking calls.  But, come Monday morning, I'm calling to schedule my labs that are due in Jan.  I'm hoping it gives a clue as to why I'm not sleeping and having migraines.........

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Tress, I agree.  Now what do I do about it? 

My doc's office is closed this week....not even taking calls.  But, come Monday morning, I'm calling to schedule my labs that are due in Jan.  I'm hoping it gives a clue as to why I'm not sleeping and having migraines.........


Going to the doctor is great first step! I hope your doctor is able to help you! Not sleeping *and* having migraines, that's really bad! :grouphug:

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I try to tap it twice and see the blinking lights but when I check my app it says no sleep logged?  It has been annoying to me!  Last night I just took it off  :lol:



I love this thing though! I can not believe how....lazy I have been! Working with the kids, then driving them to activities/playdates and waiting for them. eek! 

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I want the one that's worn as the bracelet but wanted to see how it worked first. I'm guessing some of y'all have that one and are happy with it?

Yes, I have a Fitbit Flex, which is a wristband, but not the newest model of wristband. I'm very happy with it, with tracking my steps, with the silent alarm function (my alarm clock always frightens me, you know.....heart racing etc, the Flex buzzing doesn't, but it still wakes me up), the sleep tracking (finally proof to show my dh, that when I complain about a bad night....I really had a bad night). Although I have been eyeing the newest model wishfully, because I think that one is even cooler :D. I believe it also tracks stairs, but I'm not sure about that.
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If you are new to flex, make sure you check your sleep settings. sensitive will documents the slightest movement.  


I average 8-12 times "awake" each night over the history of my flex, you can easily pick out times of stress, or nights I had caffeine late.   :)


It is common and benign for normal sleepers to awaken several times each night.  Generally, normal sleepers briefly awaken at least five or six times between sleep cycles each night, and then fall back asleep within seconds.  Typically these very brief periods of awakening are so short they are forgotten by morning.  Even the best sleepers awaken to some degree at least 10 to 15 times per night and forget about them by morning.  Finer indications of arousal, such as brain wave activity measured in a sleep lab, show that normal sleepers actually awaken some 10 times or more per hour on average, although these arousals typically last less than 15 seconds.  Transient awakenings like these are benign, and by themselves nothing to worry about.



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If you are new to flex, make sure you check your sleep settings. sensitive will documents the slightest movement.


I average 8-12 times "awake" each night over the history of my flex, you can easily pick out times of stress, or nights I had caffeine late. :)

That's good to know! (your quote from the site)


I think it also depends on if you are generally a tossing-and-turning sleeper or a sleep-like-a-log person :D. I sleep in one position and wake up in that position, even when I sometimes wake up during the night......if I don't move my arm, my fitbit will not notice a thing. Hence the 1-2 times of being restless a night. (On good nights that is........if I'm awake or restless 20 times, I'm usually out of bed 20 times......argh.)

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It's more helpful to look at your sleep efficiency, greater that 85% is normal, really good sleep efficiency is greater than 90%. Greater than 95% could mean problems as well (not hitting REM if I remember correctly). HTH.

Really? Uh-oh.


Okay, new health problem detected :lol:.

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Hi, I'm mainly a lurker (thanks for all of the helpful information!). I thought I would respond about the fitbit and sleep - I unfortunately have more experience than I would like because my 8 year old has sleep apnea.


My sleep doctor would say anything over 10 wakeups is something to check out. The problem is not just the awake time but the disruption to the sleep cycle. My guy will wake up 15-30 times with the fitbit but if you put him in a "real" sleep study, this will translate to 75-100+ because they monitor much more closely there. The ultimate result is REM sleep in the low teens when it should be in the mid 20s for his age group. This can impact memory, health, growth, everything really. To give an idea, his younger siblings are all below 10 when they wear the same device. Also, he has absolutely no idea he is waking up - his pulse oxygen drops and he wakes to breathe and goes right back to sleep. The only way I knew was that he seemed more irritable during allergy season (when the apnea is at its worst for him) and I noticed his bed looked like an elephant slept in it. We had already had tonsils and adenoids removed when he was younger due to clear obstructive sleep apea.


If you wake more than 10x and you feel tired, I would check it. Other signs of sleep disruption can be a messy bed, snoring (we didn't have after the tonsils were removed), dry mouth (from mouth breathing).


The difference between a good and bad night's sleep is truly amazing for my son. You really can't believe the difference!

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Hi, I'm mainly a lurker (thanks for all of the helpful information!). I thought I would respond about the fitbit and sleep - I unfortunately have more experience than I would like because my 8 year old has sleep apnea.


My sleep doctor would say anything over 10 wakeups is something to check out. The problem is not just the awake time but the disruption to the sleep cycle. My guy will wake up 15-30 times with the fitbit but if you put him in a "real" sleep study, this will translate to 75-100+ because they monitor much more closely there. The ultimate result is REM sleep in the low teens when it should be in the mid 20s for his age group. This can impact memory, health, growth, everything really. To give an idea, his younger siblings are all below 10 when they wear the same device. Also, he has absolutely no idea he is waking up - his pulse oxygen drops and he wakes to breathe and goes right back to sleep. The only way I knew was that he seemed more irritable during allergy season (when the apnea is at its worst for him) and I noticed his bed looked like an elephant slept in it. We had already had tonsils and adenoids removed when he was younger due to clear obstructive sleep apea.


If you wake more than 10x and you feel tired, I would check it. Other signs of sleep disruption can be a messy bed, snoring (we didn't have after the tonsils were removed), dry mouth (from mouth breathing).


The difference between a good and bad night's sleep is truly amazing for my son. You really can't believe the difference!


These numbers differ for children versus adults.  Your sleep efficiency naturally changes as you age, particularly after puberty.  Any daytime symptoms warrant further study.

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The REM sleep is higher for kids but our sleep doc felt that 10+ wakeups (with other symptoms) warranted a look for adults or kids. I had asked because I wanted my husband to try the fitbit as well. Just one doctor's view, however.


Also, the son with the apnea routinely registers between 90-92% sleep efficiency on the fitbit despite having pretty severe disruptions to his sleep cycle.

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