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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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So is anyone tackling Christmas Eve?  It looks like everything is happening on Christmas day this year so tomorrow will be a tackle day.  I'm hoping it will be a relaxing one though.


Clean kitchen because that happens every day.

Laundry - ditto.

Wrap Christmas gifts

Put extended family gifts together to take on Christmas afternoon to our dinner.  (Don't forget what I have for MIL/FIL.  I hope I can find it. . . )

Call Mom and Dad?

 Put a few more things away from the dining room



Monitor blood sugar/blood pressure

Get in steps

Green smoothie

Dog grooming?

Digestive enzymes

Keep living room clean

No rice

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I'm not really sure what to do today :lol: .


I slept in, which is highly unusual for me, and now I'm trying to think of things to do (I'm very bad at doing nothing, it makes me feel guilty....ridiculous, I know).


Plans for today:

-Greek & Latin vocab

-study Latin - 10 lines of Ovid

-read a book - in progress :D

-threadmill - 15 minutes, not sure this will be enough to get to my step goal

-go to church with dd5, dd7 and dd10

-don't forget to bring books and paper&pencils for the kids, it's a long wait in order to get a seat

Adding: -2 load of laundry

-online payments

-make pizza dough

-wrap present for sister

-make home made pizza & salade


Dh is taking care of cooking (he loves to cook, I don't). - except that he decided to swap the girls' rooms....today.....dh started after breakfast, it's almost dinner time...and he is still busy :svengo:.


Hmm, might need to add to this list, it looks ridiculous ( :closedeyes:) .



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil


-NO SUGAR - coffee with sugar to try to prevent headache

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Bake three kinds of cookies (dough already made) - butter, gingerbread, and lemon ricotta. Dd wants to roll and cut out the cookies, great! Dd is wonderful, cleans up everything.


Make a strawberry almond cake for this evening and a buche de Noel with meringue mushrooms for Xmas.


See if local cooking store sells Yorkshire pudding tins.


Pick up last minute veggies.


Put on Christmas music and decorate tree. Ds "said" he would decorate tree. He did it last year - one string of lights and about 5 ornaments, but boxes of decorations left everywhere. He hates being given any directions/ suggestions, but????


Midnight mass.

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Let's see.. We will see what gets done, my back has been killing me since yesterday when I was checked at my appointment

- dishes- done

- laundry- last load in the dryer, have a lot to fold and put away though

- tidy living room and kitchen- blah

- take out trash- too much snow to drag up the drive way and the can wont fit in my car so dh will have to get rid of it Thursday. It didn't run today any ways.

- find my stocking in the shed- it's too stinking cold, I will use Bob's (our deceased cat's) since its already here in the house. I'm buying new ones when they go on clearance anyways so they all match.

- make cookies with dd- dough chilling in fridge

- wrap dmil gifts

- dinner- we are having Subway (we are tired of venison and don't have much else as meat, using a gift card)

- bedtime routine (dd will open her Christmas pjs tonight as per tradition, though I did forget to buy her a book)

Not sure of anything else....

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Jean, what are you still doing up after your long and exhausting day??

I was up to almost midnight because I was in pain and too tired to sleep at first.  I am now up again at 5:30 because I got woken up by pain.  My husband (RN) noticed last night that my tongue is all swollen to the point where I sounded funny when I was talking to him.  That explains why the sides of my tongue are all chewed up now. . .   I just ate something (yuck at 5:30 am!) so that I could take some very high-powered anti-inflammatories.  My body has a thing about swelling up, so fortunately I have stuff to help.  I'm going to try going back to bed in a few minutes.  

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I was up to almost midnight because I was in pain and too tired to sleep at first.  I am now up again at 5:30 because I got woken up by pain.  My husband (RN) noticed last night that my tongue is all swollen to the point where I sounded funny when I was talking to him.  That explains why the sides of my tongue are all chewed up now. . .   I just ate something (yuck at 5:30 am!) so that I could take some very high-powered anti-inflammatories.  My body has a thing about swelling up, so fortunately I have stuff to help.  I'm going to try going back to bed in a few minutes.  


I'm thinking of you, Jean! :grouphug:


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Jean, I hope you can get some sleep today.


Today I need to do two loads of laundry, mop, make pies (sour cream apple, mint chocolate, berry, and pumpkin), make pizza dough, and wrap presents. I think all the shopping is done, but I'll go out to see if anyone is selling fruit today. And I hope dh will get off a little early today.

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--liquor store for champage (dh)

--finish wrapping gifts (mostly dh--he's a peach :))

--order amazon gc for one sister

--drizzle chocolate on the "moose munch" (caramel popcorn) we made last night

--make chocolate chip cheesecake (dd18)

--make stollen and try not to cry thinking about my dad who used to make it every year

--prep taco dip for dinner


I had a Think Geek order canceled this morning----a tshirt I ordered for dd13 originally for Christmas that wasn't shipped with the rest of the order which I decided could become a bday gift (next week). Dd18 and I scoured the interwebs for another funny (pro-)math tshirt but couldn't find anything appropriate for a young math lover. I ordered a funny shirt from snorg tees which *should* arrive before her bday.


We're heading to one dsil's for Christmas Eve dinner with all the inlaws :)

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AM practice

dh to store to get some odds and ends

finish wrapping gifts


It is a weird day because my mom (for reasons unknown) wanted to get together at 1 pm instead of our usual 5 pm. Not caring to argue, we agreed. So we will be back home by 5  and then have an entire evening before we head out for midnight mass.


I am not exactly sure what we will do. Watch the Muppets Christmas Carol and eat a little. We don't leave for church until 11 or so.

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I was up to almost midnight because I was in pain and too tired to sleep at first. I am now up again at 5:30 because I got woken up by pain. My husband (RN) noticed last night that my tongue is all swollen to the point where I sounded funny when I was talking to him. That explains why the sides of my tongue are all chewed up now. . . I just ate something (yuck at 5:30 am!) so that I could take some very high-powered anti-inflammatories. My body has a thing about swelling up, so fortunately I have stuff to help. I'm going to try going back to bed in a few minutes.

Jean, you weren't listening. I told you yesterday to get a restful night's sleep.;). I'm so sorry, you poor dear. I hope you are able to get some good rest sometime today.
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Our Christmas this year is all out of whack because of everyone's work schedules.  We would normally be at my Mom's today but we did that yesterday because Mom has to work today.  Tomorrow, I have to work so we are bumping some of our Christmas day activities to today.  


Wrap two more gifts (awaiting one from Amazon via UPS today)

Cook brunch

Order pizza for dinner

open all but our Santa presents and stockings (saved for before I leave for work tomorrow)

quick trip to store

Christmas Eve tradition to watch Muppet Christmas Carol before bed


ETA:  Two more gifts to wrap.  We have one being delivered this morning that we didn't think would make it here before Christmas.  So now we can give those to the girls as well today.  They will be so excited. 


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I've finished a lot of my list. I need to work on the pies some more, although the pastry is in the fridge, and I need to make the pizza dough. But I think I only have the baking left, and that's the fun part.


And it's a little cooler today, with a few clouds and a bit of a breeze. Maybe it won't be in the 80s!

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I'm in the city at my folks place right now, so my list is only things I can do here


finish last minute shopping

finish wrapping everything

take kids for hair cuts

go to xmas eve church service

visit with family

drop off gifts for my little cousins


I don't know how much I will be able to come back and update my list since I am not at home but we will still be working through them

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So is anyone tackling Christmas Eve?  It looks like everything is happening on Christmas day this year so tomorrow will be a tackle day.  I'm hoping it will be a relaxing one though.


Clean kitchen because that happens every day.

Laundry - ditto.

Wrap Christmas gifts

Put extended family gifts together to take on Christmas afternoon to our dinner.  (Don't forget what I have for MIL/FIL.  I hope I can find it. . . )

Call Mom and Dad?

 Put a few more things away from the dining room



Monitor blood sugar/blood pressure

Get in steps

Green smoothie

Dog grooming?

Digestive enzymes

Keep living room clean

No rice


I look at your list daily and think how does she this? You are amazing! (Seriously, what's in your green smoothe??)





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I look at your list daily and think how does she this? You are amazing! (Seriously, what's in your green smoothe??)





LOL -  I don't necessarily do everything on my list.  I delegate.  And I'm good at eating elephants one bite at a time.


Plus - Clean kitchen takes me - 30 min. usually


Laundry - 10 min. sessions spaced throughout the day as I switch laundry around.  We often have a big folding/putting away blitz where we all get together and do it.  In fact I'm planning one today.  With us all working together it might take us 40 min.


We don't do a lot of gifts so wrapping them will only take me about 15 minutes since my kids are old enough to wrap their own gifts to others.


Putting gifts aside - less than a minute


Tidying dining room - about 10 min. a day.  


My green smoothie isn't as green as many people's:  an orange, a banana, some berries, some kale, some water - blend it all together in the Vitamix.

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Got my cookies done and then assembled my cookie plates. I must say, they look lovely. A nice variety of cookies. This is big for me because I'm not of an artistic bent. If things turn out pretty then it's more accidental than intentional. But, those are done. Now, it's on to make a cheese ball. I've been in to cheese balls lately, so I'm making one to take to my mom's house tomorrow.

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All 4 kids have lovely fresh hair cuts.  WHile driving to the salon we saw santa up on a foot bridge over the road waving to people so after hair cuts we parked the car and went up to see him.  As we got to him a video camera man from the news showed up so we got some questions asked and video done and the camera man was nice enough to put his camera down and use mine to take a picture for us.  We didn't get out to see santa at all this year so it was perfect.  The church we went to had an afternoon service for the first time this year so we went at 330pm, then dropped off the gift to my cousins.  We are now back at my folks and I am about to dig into my wrapping before dinner time.  My sister, husband and nephew just arrived so I am trying to stay in here as much as possible.  I love my nephew but can't stand my bil and my sister and I still barely speak after the events last xmas day so I am limiting any and all contact to the bare minimum I can get away with.

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I know I  updated this. . . I must have wandered off to another thread without hitting post. . . either that or some strange thread is going to have an update on my day. . .  :lol:  :lol:


Gifts are wrapped.

Called my parents.

Load 1 has been washed and is now in the dryer

Load 2 is in the washer.

Dh has gone to pick up the "Christmas plantain" (whatever that is). . . 

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ugh family idiots.  SO I successfully avoided sister, bil and nephew, they have gone home now.  But after their good byes I found out my brother called ds10 an asshole and idiot.  They are sleeping here too.  If I hadn't been drinking wine tonight we would have been loaded back up in our car to do christmas at home.  But it is not safe to drive so we are here, brother has gotten an earful, ds10 has declared his hate for uncle (previously his favorite one), and no one is happy anymore.  So I rarely have contact with my sister thanks to last xmas, and now will be cutting off contact with my brother too.  Jeeze I love the holidays *eyeroll*  we are only here because the kids begged for it.  They all looked at me tonight and made me promise we would stay home next year.  No problem there.  THe less contact I have with my family the better.  Normally they only insult me this was the first time they made comments to one of my kids, and if it wasn't for the 4 pairs of eyes watching I would have knocked him out.

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Heading off to bed pretty soon. We had a nice relaxed evening. The family requested chicken livers for dinner  :laugh:  which I sauteed in ghee with lots of onions and salt and served atop a bed of raw arugula and drizzled with a very aged (read syrupy) balsamic vinegar. Kind of a peculiar Xmas eve meal but it was delicious, I have to say. Some of us had tangerines for dessert and some of us had local ice cream plus there was a plate of chocolates and shortbread on offer. There was a fire in the fireplace, readings from this wonderful book, a musical offering, a game of Dixit, and rainbow looming. All in all a very nice evening. Stockings are hung and I'm pooped.


Goodnight everyone, wishing you quiet moments of joy in this season of unfolding Light.

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Dishwasher is running

Last of the dining room stuff is sitting in a laundry basket.  Yes, I cheated.  I'm sick.  I have an excuse.  

All the gifts are ready.

I'm going to take all my meds and go to sleep.  My throat and tongue is still really swollen.  I'm probably going to need to go to a doctor on Thursday but I'm trying to stay out of the urgent care or ER until then.  

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