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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Oops!  I almost forgot about Tuesday!


Clean kitchen

laundry - really need to make this a priority


Ds - school - online class at 8 am

Dd - school

Pick up 5 things from dining room

Insurance stuff



Get in my steps

Green smoothie

10 min. dog grooming

Digestive enzymes

No rice

Monitor blood sugar and blood pressure

Keep living room clean

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I seem to have caught a cold to go along with the sinus thing that caused my weird mouth thing, and now my chest hurts and my throat hurts from coughing.  Hopefully this won't last too long especially since I don't have any puffer left and I have virus induced asthma.  I don't have time to get to the dr and get a RX for a new one or the money to buy it anyway.  So hoping this cold & sinus medication helps me get through my list and not slow down too much.


dd14 latin class 845-945

work job #2 3-530

cadets for teens 630-930

work job #1 10-11 pm



pick up parcel waiting at post office

clean entrance

scoop litter boxes

change guinea pig cage

put up new decor I bought yesterday

choose a meat from the freezer to haul out and thaw

clean kitchen

clean livingroom

shovel walks

put garbage can out on curb for tomorrow's pick up




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Oops!  I almost forgot about Tuesday!




I wish I could forget Tuesday!


I seem to have caught a cold to go along with the sinus thing that caused my weird mouth thing, and now my chest hurts and my throat hurts from coughing.  Hopefully this won't last too long especially since I don't have any puffer left and I have virus induced asthma.  I don't have time to get to the dr and get a RX for a new one or the money to buy it anyway.  So hoping this cold & sinus medication helps me get through my list and not slow down too much.


:grouphug: Brandy, I hope you are feeling well soon!


Plans for today:


-bring dh to work so I can use the car, yeah!

-dd10: Math, Dutch, English, Latin, History, Biology, Logic

-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Handwriting, History, Reading

-dd5: Math, Dutch, Copywork, History, Reading

-everyone: read aloud during lunch

-Greek & Latin vocab

-take dd10 and dd7 to music lessons (by car, yeah!)

-groceries (with dd5 and dd2) (by car)


-clean toilets

-study Latin?

-read a book & watch Coursera videos



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil



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Let's see...

- try to find two missing land contract receipts, payments not showing up on the statements and I can't find the stinking receipts. If no reciept, no proof of payment and then we have to come up with $700 before Christmas (the land owner is willing to work with us, it's the bank where we make the payments that's being a pain, they are implementing a new system jan. 1st and we need to have all past due payments (or proof of past payment) before then). If I can't find those receipts, dd won't have a Christmas (we were going to buy some small ones and travel out of town to relatives for larger ones, but if I can't find those receipts, the money that would have been for gas would go to the house payments)- Can't find the freaking things, trying to figure out some way to get assistance for the payments

- dishes

- take out trash- done

- put away laundry (it's all foldded in baskets in the room they belong)- done

- tidy up- done

- bassinet sheet- I'm going to wait until I can use dmil's sewing machine

- crochet- done for now

- read

- get dd off the bus

- dinner- meat pulled

- finish decorating tree

- bedtime routine

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I'll join in.


try to get DD2 Dr. appt to check ears

clean up kitchen

clean off table

quick pick up around house

vacuum whole house

DD2's early intervention coordinator meeting

DD2 Dr. appt

clean bathtub and bathroom mirrors

work 1-6:30pm

clean out purse



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Today is the dog club's Christmas banquet.  I am only helping because one of the caterers let my guys watch the ALCS and WS at her house.  This is my third and last year of doing this, because I do not enjoy it.  The 2 dog club members who cater it bicker about it all year because each thinks the other wants all the glory and they don't agree about anything.  Bickering is their hobby, which I am convinced is the reason they don't hire a real caterer to handle this banquet.


My day:


Clean kitchen

Feed Aidan and put him outside for 15 minutes

Change write-on wall calendar to December

Laundry 1

Laundry 2

Laundry 3

Take kids to school @ 11:45

Make a few phone calls re banquet

Call friend who just returned from VT

Call neighbor about fence and lunch on Friday

Lunch @ 12.45

Tidy dining room

Tidy living room

Tidy bathroom

Clean dog's fenced area

Tidy master bedroom

Apply makeup, change clothes

Put addresses in GPS for DS1

Put DS3 in charge of Aidan

Leave msg on office answering machine about what is going on (DH doesn't text)

From 2:30-10:30, help with banquet

Take meds/talk to family/pay attention to Aidan/remove makeup/go to bed

Wake up happy in the morning because the banquet is over and I'll never do it again! Ignore all phone calls from bickering, catering club members.

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And for today:


--school: maths, sciences, history, English

--exercise, Pilates and elliptical since I didn't get to it yesterday

--work on gift lists (bought 2 things from think geek last night)

--put away fall decorations

--get Christmas bins from the attic

--sort through and rearrange linen closet

--look for winter session textbooks for dd18 and ds (they're both taking various calculus classes!)

--dd ballet at 5

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I need to do this! We are all struggling to get back into the swing of things after last week-we went visiting Tuesday, my mom arrived Wednesday, and we had a busy, busy family weekend. Anyway, today I need to do-


DONE! School with the children. DD1-math, writing, spelling, grammar, cursive, literature. DD2-math, handwriting, phonics, reading. DD3-tot school, fine motor, letters, story


DONE! Vacuum the upstairs


DONE! Fold two loads of laundry


DONE! Clean the upstairs bathrooms


Call groupon about where on earth my items are. They sent me a shipping notice Nov. 16!


DONE! Make chocolate dipped pretzel rods with the kids and deliver them to the neighbors


DONE! Take dd2 to gym practice


DONE! Forgot to add-drop off gift for my bestie at the PO

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Good morning!


A change in schedule meant I had to run in to pick up dd1, but back now for a pretty regular day.


coffee, read paper, eat breakfast

school for dd2, ds3

oversee teens

work on syllabus

clean family room

find minion to sweep and mop kitchen


quilt if time

PM practice: swimming

pick up from judo



healthy lunch

turn worry into gratitude

45 minutes writing

drink 4 cups more water

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Good Morning!


To do:

  • vacuum, dust and clean bathroom on first floor
  • wipe down appliances
  • strip and remake bed--wipe down bathroom and dust our room, vacuum
  • laundry-sheets, 1 load of whites and darks, iron
  • school with ds
  • get everything ready for a sewing day tomorrow.  I'll be making 3 blankets for the grandbabies
  • embroider pillowcases tonight with their names
  • finish up stockings and get ready for a trip to SC next week --I'm going to go get our grand-babies for 2 weeks :)
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daycare child 8-4:30


     dd6: math, phonics, handwriting

     dd9: Megawords, TT, handwriting, Advent writing pages, Wordly Wise, history, reading

     ds: history, TT, Science, Advent writing pages, Wordly Wise, reading

     dd16: APUSH, AP Language, Pre-Calc, reading for Chemistry, Govt.

household: empty/reload dishwasher, wash knives from last night's dinner, 2 loads of laundry, vacuum, wipe down bathrooms, sweep & mop kitchen (didn't get done last night)

dd9 and dd16: 2.5 mile run

meet lady to buy Christmas t-shirts (2pm)

pick up Christmas present that I ordered online

go to bank to make deposits

write out and mail bills

make payment at Kohls

grocery store

work on inside Christmas decorations

Advent reading/ornaments

dd16: dance class (4-5pm)

dd16: pick up needed parade items at Sally's

dd16: find earrings for Sunday's parade



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Good Morning, Ladies!

I don't want to skip Tuesday. I have too much to do!

** school

** send out parent letter for Chiildren's Christmas Program

** send out Children's Church volunteer schedules

** go to dentist to make impression for my new night guard (yes, I'm a night grinder)

** laundry

** decide on picture and order family Christmas card from Costco


Have a good one gals!

Oh yeah... Habits.

** high protein snacks

** record what I eat on Lose It! I know the holidays is not the time to diet, but I have to.

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Standard morning chores




Ongoing clean and declutter project: today I tackled the electronics center.  Cord hell now organized, stackable units dusted and restacked, game and movie stack organized and put away, obsolete electronics finally removed from center. 


I need to get lab materials together and organized for substitute teacher tomorrow as oldest and I are heading to a follow-up/brainstorm visit to Dr.'s


school help where needed with the kids, print out this weeks Thinkwell worksheets for youngest


Cantata practice tonight at 6, I do so hate leaving the house at night


Will take youngest to Dollar Tree afterwards to get gift basket items a friend's birthday overnight Friday, which also puts a kink in my Tree Day plans, dang it.






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Let's see...

- try to find two missing land contract receipts, payments not showing up on the statements and I can't find the stinking receipts. If no reciept, no proof of payment and then we have to come up with $700 before Christmas (the land owner is willing to work with us, it's the bank where we make the payments that's being a pain, they are implementing a new system jan. 1st and we need to have all past due payments (or proof of past payment) before then). If I can't find those receipts, dd won't have a Christmas (we were going to buy some small ones and travel out of town to relatives for larger ones, but if I can't find those receipts, the money that would have been for gas would go to the house payments)- Can't find the freaking things, trying to figure out some way to get assistance for the payments

Melissa, how is it going? Did you find those receipts, or are you still looking? :grouphug:

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Clean kitchen

laundry - really need to make this a priority


Ds - school - online class at 8 am - history/lit. also done

Dd - school math, reading and history done

Pick up 5 things from dining room

Insurance stuff



Get in my steps

Green smoothie

10 min. dog grooming

Digestive enzymes

No rice

Monitor blood sugar and blood pressure

Keep living room clean

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Laundry - folded (but haven't put away yet) 2 loads of laundry.  1 load is in the washing machine.  I'm proud of myself for finally getting off of my butt and doing this.  


DS - done with robotics.  The cat was alternately fascinated and scared of the latest robot.  He would start to launch an attack and would abort at the last minute.


10 min. dog grooming done.  


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dd14 signed on to her latin class and I went back to bed.  I slept until 11am, which felt pretty great.  Since then I have made and served lunch got load #1 of laundry into the dryer and load #2 into the washer and am getting ready to switch them shortly.  Kitchen has been getting cleaned.  Cadet uniforms are at the door waiting.  I am going to go have a hot shower as soon as this episode of castle I am watching ends and get ready for work.  I still need to remind dd14 to gather up the hair supplies she needs to get her hair done for cadets tonight.  Items needed to be returned to the library are being gathered, the 3 olders will be hanging out there today while I am at job #2

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3:30pm update:  So far, so good.  We've had a fairly productive day.  


daycare child 8-4:30


     dd6: math, phonics, handwriting

     dd9: Megawords, TT, handwriting, Advent writing pages, Wordly Wise, history, reading

     ds: history, TT, Science, Advent writing pages, Wordly Wise, reading

     dd16: APUSH, AP Language, Pre-Calc, reading for Chemistry, Govt.

household: empty/reload dishwasher, wash knives from last night's dinner, 2 loads of laundry, vacuum, wipe down bathrooms, sweep & mop kitchen (didn't get done last night)

dd9 and dd16: 2.5 mile run

meet lady to buy Christmas t-shirts (2pm)

pick up Christmas present that I ordered online  (might have to do this on Wednesday since I can't do it while dd16 is with me)

go to bank to make deposits

write out and mail bills

make payment at Kohls

grocery store

work on inside Christmas decorations

Advent reading/ornaments

dd16: dance class (4-5pm)

dd16: pick up needed parade items at Sally's

dd16: find earrings for Sunday's parade


organize and finalize Christmas list for family

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I can't find them, I've looked every where :( I'm trying to get some assistance to make up those payments but with the holidays coming up, I don't think I will get it in time. The total we need is 780 but even if I could get 300 in help it would be great.

I'm so sorry!! It seems really unfair to me that you are having to scramble for money now because of some administrative hassle. :grouphug:

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Good Morning!


To do:

  • vacuum, dust and clean bathroom on first floor
  • wipe down appliances
  • strip and remake bed--wipe down bathroom and dust our room, vacuum
  • laundry-sheets, 1 load of whites and darks, iron
  • school with ds
  • get everything ready for a sewing day tomorrow.  I'll be making 3 blankets for the grandbabies
  • embroider pillowcases tonight with their names
  • finish up stockings and get ready for a trip to SC next week --I'm going to go get our grand-babies for 2 weeks :)


I completed these chores so far...now I'm wrapping all the gifts for the kids to take to them next week. :)

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Just a quick check in.


I submitted the syllabus to College Board. It was harder trying to get my account set up and the syllabus page up than to write the darn thing.  I guess I have to wait (and hopefully, not have to revise it), the email said to allow 60 (!) days.  Dd1 wants to have AP on her transcript--I know why and I generally agree, but the hoops and the hassles are aggravating.


So the kids did school, ds1 is getting ready for his final in Philosophy. I am pooped and and hour and half past lunch. Still have to oversee chores. Quilting is not going to get done, so sad, because this weekend is nuts.


Off to have lunch and drink water  :001_rolleyes:


Melissa, thinking about you and hoping you find the receipts!

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Well, so far I got everything on the list done.  And just because I wasn't challenged enough today, I decided to try to finish the application on MAhealthcareconnector.org


....and now, after two times on hold,  25 and 32 minutes respectively,  the site has gone down for "scheduled maintenance" mid-form.

Somebody pass me a beer.

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It makes me so mad, I'm now scrambling to come up with this money, we though we were doing good this year... Grrrrr

So. . . the bank didn't have a papertrail and now they are requiring that you have one?  So no cancelled checks?  If the money isn't in your account anymore (in which case you could just pay again) where does the register show that it went?  

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So. . . the bank didn't have a papertrail and now they are requiring that you have one? So no cancelled checks? If the money isn't in your account anymore (in which case you could just pay again) where does the register show that it went?

We paid cash, I know stupid but we handle cash better then a checking account (though we do have a savings account with a credit union)
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So far today


--school: maths, sciences, history, English

--exercise, Pilates and elliptical since I didn't get to it yesterday

--work on gift lists (bought 2 things from think geek last night)

--put away fall decorations

--get Christmas bins from the attic

--sort through and rearrange linen closet

--look for winter session textbooks for dd18 and ds (they're both taking various calculus classes!)

--dd ballet at 5

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Sigh.  Ran insurance numbers.  But since I don't even know if dh will have a job after two weeks, I don't know what good it does.  But I have to do it anyway so that I have some information to work with in the future.  


OK - other than going to Zumba and going to the library, I have finished my responsibilities for the day.  Oh - and dinner but the kids have a lasagne ready and I'm just having a salad so I'm really ready for that too.  

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Went to job #2 and had a good shift, teens are at cadets, I am checking out the new math I got to supplement the younger kids (it was in that parcel I had to pick up), I have had a phone call with the ex about ds15s court appearance yesterday, talked to my mom, didn't have my head explode from either one of them.  animals and little children have been fed supper.  And I have just over an hour before I have to head back...now to decide should I tackle more of my list, or kick back and relax...given how quiet the house is right now I am leaning towards kick back and relax.

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Home from job #1, garbage is at curb.  Cleaned the entrance, and both the guinea pig and rabbit cages.  First section of holiday decor is up.  ds10 is making me mad.  It is 1130pm and not only will he not go to bed but he won't simply be quiet either.  I was done with kids and noise 2.5 hours ago, I am about to blow up and start flipping my lid at him.  That child just never knows when to quit, he makes me madder than ds15 ever could with his crap, because as much bad as ds15 does he knows when to shut up.  I am so sensitive to sound and at a certain point it puts me into a rage if I don't get a break from it.  ANd this late at night when I just want to finish up some chores, unwind and go to sleep he is still going on and on.  argh!

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