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Still in shock - we found a house


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We have been house hunting since last April, but it was mostly looking at houses online and going to view a few houses (we had a long picky "want" list).  We weren't in any hurry and our agent was patient.  On Monday, we left for an errand and when we were almost home, we saw a new for sale sign on a house in our neighborhood.  I called our agent to get the specifics and it turned out house wasn't in the MLS yet.  


We made an appointment to see the house the next night, we loved it enough that we stayed there a few hours, then we made an offer.  We were the third family to see the house that day and seven more families saw the house the next day.  We were getting discouraged knowing that so many more families had seen the house after us.


We heard just before the 8 p.m. deadline last night that the home owners picked us over the other offers (one was even for cash) despite our much lower offer.  Our agent had written the home owners a letter describing us as a nice family, etc. and the couple liked the idea of our family living in the home they had lived in for almost two decades.  This could have easily been a bidding war situation that we would have lost, so if you are in the market for a new house, don't discount the power of a well written letter.  We didn't see the letter, but it must have been well written since we were picked.  My daughter and I took our dogs for a walk after our Thanksgiving meal and we met our new neighbors that were outside and they have children the same age as our children.  The new neighbors told us that the home owners told them all about the "new family" who was going to buy the house, etc.



Wheee!  If I could get the smilies to work, I would have one doing the happy dance.



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Great. We looked and looked and looked for our house. Then one morning I was on the internet at 6am looking and a new listing had popped up overnight. Called the realtor at 8, had a showing at 11 (the guy worked nights and that was the earliest we could get in), wrote up an offer by noon, and they accepted by 1pm.

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Congratulations!!!!! Almost the same thing happened to us 8 years ago.  A For Sale by Owner sign went up and my dd pointed it pointed it out to me.  They had a previous offer but the seller liked us because we obviously loved the house as she had.  She refused a counter offer by the other buyer and said she wouldn't get in a bidding war.  It was so fantastic and painless. Enjoy the excitement of a new house :001_smile:

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