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If you don't live in the US


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Could you help me with something sort of strange? I'm wondering if weather.com is as wildly inaccurate everywhere as it has been in the countries I've lived it. I've used it in many states in the US and it's been reliable, but when I lived in Kyrgyzstan, its forecasts would be laughably wrong. I assumed that was because it was Kyrgyzstan, but even here in Mexico it's been no better. Today I checked the November temperatures and it had last week's reported (not forcasted, but actual) temps 30 degrees higher than they were. Even some nighttime temps which shouldn't be affected by the sun were 30 degrees too high.


So if you could check your city on weather.com to see if the forecast looks reasonable, and if the monthly report is accurate, and report back here, I'd really appreciate it. Because I'm curious. :)


(And yes, of course I find a reliable local site for weather forecasts wherever I live.)

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I can't help you with weather.com I'm afraid, but what I can tell you is that the weather forecasting in Britain was very unreliable. I think that some countries just have weather that is more difficult to predict. However, I should add that this is just a completely amateur, uninformed opinion.

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It's sometimes off a bit, but it's always in the ballpark. NOAA is better. Weather.com was accurate today for my area between Baltimore, MD and D.C. I don't know that I've ever caught it being 30 degrees off. My daughter's Algebra II teacher is an amateur meteorologist and he's apparently more accurate for our specific area than Weather.com or NOAA :-)

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I can't help you with weather.com I'm afraid, but what I can tell you is that the weather forecasting in Britain was very unreliable. I think that some countries just have weather that is more difficult to predict. However, I should add that this is just a completely amateur, uninformed opinion.

That's what was always funny to me in Kyrgyzstan and now here. If you're mostly guessing, it seems you wouldn't forecast temperatures that would be record-breaking if they actually happened. I'd just stick with something close to normal and usually be somewhat correct. But the forecasts here and in KG have often been for record-breaking temps.

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Just checked for Bangalore and it looked about right for today and for the five day forecast. (Right now we are all bundled up because in the mornings it is a down right CHILLY 70 degrees!!)

Everyone here has been wearing coats since the high was only in the 70s. I keep getting asked if I'm cold without one. :)

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Coastal Ecuador- highly inaccurate! Weather.com says the high is 76, and low is 62. LOL


Our highs are between 100 and 104, and lows are around 75-80. I walked outside last evening and thought, "This feels cool". I checked the thermometer and it was 84 degrees.


By the way, we do not have air conditioning. We have fans, and open windows that catch the sea breeze from the Pacific 2 blocks away.

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Nothing is great here. I can drive 5 miles and have dramatically different weather so I can't blame weather.com. It is what I normally use just because of the computer app. I can check on our frequent destinations and friends and family around the world easily. If it is a day where I really care I compare to bbc then pray for clear skys!

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I am reporting from the Cali, Colombia metropolitan area. It is dead accurate here. At this time it says 66 F. and Light Drizzle and that's what we have.


ETA: There is a Bridgestone Tire ad on that page, asking if it is time to switch to Winter tires.  LOL...

I believe the absolute lowest possible temperature where we live is about 58 or 60 F.  and I'm not sure that it can get that cold.  We are in a Tropical Valley.  No Winter tires here...

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This week's forecast at Weather.com looks about right for here.  


I find that the UK Met Office is pretty good, so long as I look at the detail for my nearest weather station, rather than national forecasts because, as a PP mentioned, UK weather varies enormously over short distances.



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It is correct for Malaysia but it's hard not to be. The weather never changes except sometimes it rains. :)


Same here in our Tropical Valley (Cali, Colombia). We have "Winters" (rainy seasons) and "Summers" (dry seasons) but the temperatures are about the same, year round.

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Right now, weather.com says our temperature is 73. My thermometer says 102.



Coastal Ecuador- highly inaccurate! Weather.com says the high is 76, and low is 62. LOL


Our highs are between 100 and 104, and lows are around 75-80. I walked outside last evening and thought, "This feels cool". I checked the thermometer and it was 84 degrees.


By the way, we do not have air conditioning. We have fans, and open windows that catch the sea breeze from the Pacific 2 blocks away.


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