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A surprise Amazon package today---a Kindle Paperwhite !!!


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I posted on my facebook the other day about really loving my kindle but really dreaming of the paperwhite for the reading light and updated features.


Then today ds brings in an amazon package. I open it to find a kindle paperwhite. I immediately went into panic mode as I had looked at one online the other day and was afraid I had accidently clicked the 1 click purchase thing or something. I quickly checked my history and found that thankfully I had NOT ordered it.


So I next text dh at work and ask if he ordered it for me as a surprise. His answer of "what is a kindle" gave it away that it wasn't him. Next I called my mom and she said she had been waiting for me to call as she had received notice that it was delivered. We just hadn't gotten the package from by the garage for almost 2 hours.


Anyway, I now am the proud owner of a kindle paperwhite. Now to learn to use it. It fits in my old basic kindle case. Does anyone get a screen protector for it since it is a touch screen?


I let a friend of mine know and asked if she knew anyone that needed a bare bones kindle (dh and ds aren't big readers and the girls have a kindle and the app on their ipad) and she said her 8 year old grandson would LOVE it. He has some special medical needs so spends lots of time at doctors/tests/hospital, etc. so can really put it to use. He even called me up on the phone to thank me.......even though he doesn't even know me. So cute.

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My friend came by today with her grandson to pick it up. He was SO excited. I showed them a link to the top free Amazon kids books and emailed her the link. He immediately spotted a few books that looked good to him. His grandma is giving him her red case so he will be all set.

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Before I got divorced I owned 2 kindles. One of them had been bought that year. When I got divorced I had to sell both of them. :( Boo hoo. I had the first generation, and the difference between the first and the version I got 2-3 years later was dramatic. My first one always had glitches and wouldn't hold a charge. I loved my second one!

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