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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Can't sleep so I'll add my list now.


-organize my closet

-organize dh closet

-pack kids' clothes

-get new tire

-load truck up with trash

-take load to dump

-ds phonics, reading , math

- dd phonics, math

- sweep and mop downstairs

-trick or treat

-check out habitat restore

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dd14 latin class online 845-945 am

work job #2 3-530pm

go out for dinner

ToTing with the kids (maybe go to church party first)

pack up swim suit and towel for dd6 for Friday and put in car

make bagged lunch for dd6 for friday and put in fridge

finish cleaning kitchen

finish cleaning livingroom

grocery shopping (last day of warehouse sale at store, must stock up)

pick up paycheques from job #1 and job #2

Deposit cheques in bank


clean bathroom

clean entrance

buy all the sticky candy dd6 gets ToTing from her (no sticky sweets allowed this year after that dental work she just had done)


Yeah I think that is it, geeze I hope so.

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Jean, yay for washing machine repair!!  We ran some errands today, so very little of my to do list actually got done.


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (Seafood?)




School (if Indy's feeling better)









1 load of laundry (maybe 2 since I didn't do one today)


Sweep the kitchen


Give Bella a bath 


Vacuum loft and stairs


Empty dishwasher


Work on holiday decor for my mom (Now there's going to be a reporter there to take photos and interview me!  WHY?)


Unpack a few boxes-yes, we still have unpacked boxes and likely will for...ever


Think about Captain Hook for OUAT


Count down the hours until Elementary comes on




Take the boys TOTing!  Holy cow, almost forgot that one!

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Have fun ToTing, guys!

Plans for today:

-dd10: Math, Dutch, English, Latin (test), Biology, History, Logic, Reading
-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Copywork, Reading, Catechism
-dd5: Math, Handwriting, Reading, Catechism
-everyone: read aloud during lunch
-Greek & Latin vocab
-finish Greek lesson 10B
-go to doctor for flu vaccination (bike)
-send postcard
-clean kitchen
-read book

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My mom is better, but her ammonia level started rising again. They did a CT scan of her abdomen and found a nodule on her liver. They also believe she has some cirrhosis of the liver. I'm assuming that is from her diabetes or something because she's never drank alcohol. They are going to be doing more tests.



breakfast and lunch for dh

laundry (1 load done and 1 about to go in dryer)



school with ds: math, grammar, spelling, cursive, history, geography, science, writing,

school with dd: chemistry, history, algebra 2, literature, writing,


clean kitchen/dining area (started)

clean bathrooms


part-time cleaning job

try to go to bed early 




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Between dd's breakdown yesterday over physics ("But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy do I have to do this? Why can't I just study the things I like?" followed by my lecture on physics being the fundamental science and how will she ever understand XYZ if she doesn't understand forces blah blah blah...) and the fact that I was up until 2am working on that blasted costume, I have declared today to be a half-day!


She needs to

--finish the physics test

--work on English before a chat at 2pm

--clean up her room before her friend arrives for trick-or-treat


I need to

--eat something before I turn into more of a cranky puss

--handsew the bodice lining on the overskirt

--sew snaps onto the detachable sleeves

--uh, cut and sew the underdress...

--make dinner for 5:30

--drink a homebrewed IPA while handing out candy this evening :D


Here's the link to the costume pattern---hers is on the left with the underdress being a silky celery green. The costume is based on the movie "Snow White and the Huntsman."



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My mom is better, but her ammonia level started rising again. They did a CT scan of her abdomen and found a nodule on her liver. They also believe she has some cirrhosis of the liver. I'm assuming that is from her diabetes or something because she's never drank alcohol. They are going to be doing more tests.


Thinking of your mom, Amy :grouphug: .


Between dd's breakdown yesterday over physics ("But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy do I have to do this? Why can't I just study the things I like?" followed by my lecture on physics being the fundamental science and how will she ever understand XYZ if she doesn't understand forces blah blah blah...) and the fact that I was up until 2am working on that blasted costume, I have declared today to be a half-day!


Definitely a half day!


What a beautiful costume and I'm in awe that you are making it yourself!

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I've had a rough week, so I haven't been online the last couple of days (major van trouble, financial issues, some school issues, etc).  I've wallowed in it for a few days, but am now ready to move forward and tackle life again.


daycare child (8-4:30)


      dd6: phonics, math

      dd9: Megawords, TT, handwriting, FLL, 

      ds:  TT, English, science

      dd16: APUSH, AP English, Govt., Chem,

history for dd9 and ds

thaw meat for meatloaf

bake Halloween cupcakes with daycare child & dd6

write out bills

get stamps at post office so I can mail bills

household chores: vacuum, clean kitchen, do 1 load of laundry (keep fingers crossed that dryer doesn't stop working--it's having issues), wipe down bathrooms, sweep & mop bathroom floors, empty & reload dishwasher

contact Smith regarding church conference

send email about Thanksgiving

dd9- art class (12-1pm)

quick grocery store trip

contact mechanic to see if the van is worth fixing

dd16 dance class 4:30-5:30

cook dinner (cheesy meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, green beans)

eat an early dinner

Trick or Treating around neighborhood




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I've had a rough week, so I haven't been online the last couple of days (major van trouble, financial issues, some school issues, etc).  I've wallowed in it for a few days, but am now ready to move forward and tackle life again.


:grouphug: MamAkins :grouphug:


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Get dd up and drive to school- done

Dishes- just got the 3 pans soaking left

Laundry- folding and putting away is all I gotta do-done but found enough laundry while tidying for a load

Tidy up- done

Go to dd's school for Saint parade and then have her switch costumes for ToT at nursing home (parade starts at 1 leave home at 1230) nursing home at 3 (school gets out at 235)- done

Go home to wait for dh to continue ToT in town- waiting at home :)

ToT in town

Probably eat out for dinner

Bedtime routine

Self Ed- well I got a little accomplished

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Hmm, I thought I posted, but it didn't.

So, AM practice-done. 

Got grumpy man off to class-done

school for dd2, ds3

weekly meeting with ds2

oversee teens

start AP syllabus-see how I have lowered my expectations  :lol:

General pick up of house

wipe down bathrooms

Stress about my failure to plan for NaNoWriMo

PM practice

Get home in time for dd2 and ds3 to TOT

Turn off porch lights at 9 or whenever the candy runs out




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I can tell! :lurk5:

Hey you!  The Fentanyl's worn off so now I can  :boxing_smiley:


I totally forgot that today is Halloween.  It's pizza for dinner tonight!  (So. . . what do I do with the crab cakes that are in the fridge?  I bought them on Tuesday.  Should I freeze them?  Keep them for one more day in the fridge?)

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I'm highly drugged so I hope this makes sense.


Clean kitchen

Repair man for washing machine.

Do laundry in washing machine.


Probablly moer.  Hopefully I can think better tomorrow morning.  


There could have been a dangerous typo or two but you cleverly avoided them. 

Hope you feel better my friend.

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Hi Everyone!   :seeya:


Jean, hope your test went well.


MamaAtkins...I totally have been there.... :grouphug: hope things will get better quicky.


Amy...hugs to you and your mom!  :grouphug:


Luckymama....sometimes you just have to pull back and take a mini break to make things better.


Today so far I've:

  • vacuumed and dusted the first floor
  • tidied the house
  • took out trash and recycled everything that needed to be done.
  • showered, dressed and cleaned up bedroom

What's left:

  • prepare dinner
  • school
  • greet trick or treaters 
  • handout with hubby and chill :)





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Monday I called the doctor's office because I hadn't received my invitation for the flu vaccination. (First time ever, last year we had the flu 3 times....I'm not going to go through that again!) They apologized, apparently they hadn't put me in the system when I called them in the summer. The secretary would write an recipe and leave it at the desk, I could pick it up this afternoon and get vaccinated.


This afternoon I biked to the doctor's office, to be told that there was no receipt....The secretary apologized and wrote a recipe. I took it to the farmacy, which did NOT have any flu vaccinations any more. They are sold out throughout the Netherlands. :banghead:  Now I have to wait and see *if* the European farmacy is going to deliver new vaccinations to the Netherlands......


Helpful advice from the farmacy: I should have called for a recipe a couple of weeks ago, then they would have had plenty of them.


I.called.in.July! :banghead:

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1:15ish update


DD14 finished her latin class and is now called beastly there because she zooms through the translations no problem.  She is really excelling at this curriculum.  Picked up pay cheque from job #1, went to bank, got gas, spent entire pay cheque at grocery store feeling so greatful that I could afford to buy groceries again (I am so sick of asking for help from the food bank). Also greatful that today was child support day because that is what paid for gas, breakfast, and pet supplies which we picked up today at the pet store.  Now unloading the car, putting away the groceries.  Will be making lunch, and getting on costumes before I drop the teens at the library and head to work at job #2 where I will work for 2.5 hours and pick up that pay cheque too.  Teens will go over to the drop in center themselves when it opens and then I will pick them up after work for a bite to eat before we do our halloween fun today.  So far we are doing well.

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Ok, I just have to share this.... because it has just "made" my day! Ok, today is Halloween...the one day of the year a kid gets an absolute haul of candy, he just has to wait till it gets dark... And this morning my oldest son sneaks into my room with the step-ladder and once again steals candy (hidden high up in the closet) from our soccer candy sales. He leaves the step-ladder in there and then eats the candy and I catch him from the scent on his breath. And the step-ladder he left, that I know I didn't. And the wrapper, that he insists he got from Awana. I told him if he didn't 'fess up quick and tell the truth (he lies and lies and lies, even when confronted with all the evidence in the world) he wasn't going with us tonight to the Fall Festival. He did tell the truth, and has been suffering the consequences for stealing and the other lies the rest of the afternoon. He'll go with us tonight, but will have to shadow us, and not run off with his friends. It's just unbelievable to me that today, of all days.... when he knew what he had to look forward to tonight....

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Sorry about your machine, Jean. How frustrating!


Today went really well. A few more hours and the AP syllabus will be done. Dd1 is out on a rare social event with swimming friends. Dd2 and ds3 are TOTing with a friend. Dh, ds1, and ds2 are playing Settlers.


Best thing, ds1 (grumpy man of earlier) is treating us all to pizza tonight!  We are waiting on delivery and answering the door.


Happy Halloween, everyone!

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Jean, yay for washing machine repair!!  We ran some errands today, so very little of my to do list actually got done.


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinne




School (if Indy's feeling better)









1 load of laundry (maybe 2 since I didn't do one today) Actually, I ended up doing 3, because Bella had a tiny accident on the sofa, so I had to take the cushion covers off (I figured if I was doing one, I should do them all) and wash them


Sweep the kitchen


Give Bella a bath 


Vacuum loft and stairs


Empty dishwasher


Work on holiday decor for my mom (Now there's going to be a reporter there to take photos and interview me!  WHY?)


Unpack a few boxes-yes, we still have unpacked boxes and likely will for...ever


Think about Captain Hook for OUAT Oh, yes, thinking I did!


Count down the hours until Elementary comes on  Still waiting!  One hour to go!




Take the boys TOTing!  Holy cow, almost forgot that one!  We went downtown this afternoon for the local businesses TOTing and then James Bond took them out this evening while I stayed home and passed out candy


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Had a good day today mostly.  Work was interesting.  We have 4 spec ed (behavious) kids in our group.  Today is not a good day for them all.  One that is normally really hard to handle was an absolute sweet heart most of the afternoon but he couldn't get out of his costume fast enough in the bathroom and I had to track down spare clothes etc.  He took it in stride but was worried about other kids knowing of course.  Another was just completely overwhelmed.  He had a massive meltdown and started smashing his head on the chalk board, another staff in the room threatened him with time out and calling gramma to come get him right away(both things we do not do in that room), I went to move him away from the space he was in (and where he was hurting himself) and she yelled at me to give him space and leave him alone.  Um no, we do not let kids hurt themselves while threatening to time out.  The program director is having a meeting with her monday(she is not working tomorrow) and it will also be discussed in general terms at our staff meeting next week how we handle situations like that.  It turns out this woman regularily likes to think only she can handle the spec ed kids and won't trade off with another staff(which we do to prevent any one staff becoming overwhelmed with a situation) and she actually does more harm than good, I guess there was a big issue last year regarding this sort of thing too with her.  At any rate, his aide happened to be walking by to leave for the night and asked him for a hug and that calmed him right down.  I took him to the gym to play with the others as soon as he was calm and it was on the way there that I encountered the boy with the accident.  Our other 2 behaviour kids were more hyper than usual but over all pretty good, though the one who normally has a foul mouth was really careful of his words today, until he got hit accidently in the crotch with broom from a witch's costume.  In that moment he quite loudly yelled "thanks for hitting my nuts" just as his dad walked in.  Dad busted him for it.  I couldn't help but laugh.  I let dad know how wonderful boy had been language wise today, he just had "perfect" timing in dropping that one comment.  All things considered given the type of holiday it was(and the classroom parties today etc) it was a good day at work. 

Then we went to the church party and the kids had a blast, we wrapped up with dd6 getting about 30 minutes of ToTing time and the teens getting about 90 minutes. This was ds15s last year ToTing, and we had a good night.  The weather held, it was windy but no snow, the rain from earlier had stopped, not bad at all.  He did announce after they finished their final house for the night that he wasn't ready to give up his childhood yet, that he wanted at least 6 more years.  But alas, I can not freeze time.  I did say he needs to stop being a bugger if he wanted to have any childhood left in a tongue and cheek kind of way and dd6 pipes up from the back seat "is that how he is growing up so fast? because he is a sh*t head?"  Yikes apparently I have said that too often(when he is tantrumming and damaging stuff lately I have been known to say "stop being such a sh*thead"  I thought I was out of dd6s earshot but apparently not.  Thankfully ds15 thought it was hilarious.

Now home, house was not egged or Tped this year.  Last year we were TPed, we gathered it all up, folded it and put it in the bathroom.  Ds and dd heard who had done it and thanked those teens for the tp.  They pointed out tp is expensive and that I thank them for the generous gift of something we needed.  It took the wind out of their sails thinking they had done something to bug us lol. 

DD6 is now fast asleep.  Teens are in their rooms gorging on candy and reading.  I have switched the laundry, taken out a bag of garbage, washed a load of dishes, laid out dd6s clothes for tomorrow, packed her swimsuit and am now headed to bed.  630am comes far too early in the morning imo and I have to make sure I am up in time to shave my legs...it is a non-school day for the ps kids tomorrow so I work all day at the afterschool care and we are going swimming in the afternoon.

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