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What gifts do you buy for your younger children when they have everything from the older ones?


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I have three girls.....9, 6, and 2. The 2 year old just had her party yesterday and we got her some Doc McStuffins shoes and a doll stroller. Our older girls had cheap doll strollers that broke and we threw them away a couple of years ago. Now Christmas is coming up. I haven't a clue what to get her. We get the kids three gifts plus some stocking giflts....then "Santa" brings a gift too. Santa is bringing her one of those toddler flip open sofas. Our older girls had those and they got used daily until they were dirty and ripping and we threw them away. So hopefully she'll enjoy one as much as they did. But otherwise, I'm absolutely clueless. There's not a single thing I can think of that she needs or would want. The last two years I could get away with barely getting her anything. This year she'll be really into the gift opening though.

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More play food? I love the velcro-linked wooden kind. Now they have sushi and fun things like that.

Does she have play silks? More colors or the big rainbow one?

A dress up cape? Heartsong made one in red that we used for years. 

Can you make her a baby doll blanket or quilt? 

New ball? Gertie Balls are soft and yet good to throw.

Sensory bin (homemade) with fun things to find in it?

Tin of several balls of scented, colored, homemade playdough? Playdough toys?

Race track--Zip Track from Discovery Toys?

New puzzles?

New books? (Lots of board books now--maybe something has come out that wasn't out when the other girls came along?)

Water doodle mat?

beeswax crayons and some new coloring books just for her, or new paper just for her (big pad or a new sketchbook)


I'll keep thinking.

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I have three girls.....9, 6, and 2. The 2 year old just had her party yesterday and we got her some Doc McStuffins shoes and a doll stroller. Our older girls had cheap doll strollers that broke and we threw them away a couple of years ago. Now Christmas is coming up. I haven't a clue what to get her. We get the kids three gifts plus some stocking giflts....then "Santa" brings a gift too. Santa is bringing her one of those toddler flip open sofas. Our older girls had those and they got used daily until they were dirty and ripping and we threw them away. So hopefully she'll enjoy one as much as they did. But otherwise, I'm absolutely clueless. There's not a single thing I can think of that she needs or would want. The last two years I could get away with barely getting her anything. This year she'll be really into the gift opening tho

Does she have her own rocking chair, tea set, doctors kit, dressup gown.  Donate some older stuff to make room for baby girls new things to keep clutter down. 

every little girl needs their own tutu, tiara, and wand


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I have three girls.....9, 6, and 2. The 2 year old just had her party yesterday and we got her some Doc McStuffins shoes and a doll stroller. Our older girls had cheap doll strollers that broke and we threw them away a couple of years ago. Now Christmas is coming up. I haven't a clue what to get her. We get the kids three gifts plus some stocking giflts....then "Santa" brings a gift too. Santa is bringing her one of those toddler flip open sofas. Our older girls had those and they got used daily until they were dirty and ripping and we threw them away. So hopefully she'll enjoy one as much as they did. But otherwise, I'm absolutely clueless. There's not a single thing I can think of that she needs or would want. The last two years I could get away with barely getting her anything. This year she'll be really into the gift opening though.

following as i could have written your post. i have 4 girls- 8, 6, 4, and 20mos. we have baby dolls, barbies, dress up, ponies, cabbage patch, strawberry shortcake, legos, blocks, cars, animals, play dough, magneatos, knex, puzzles, puppets, games, videos, books, stacking pegs, leapsters, play kitchen/food, etc, etc, etc. i have a bday coming up in 2 weeks and then christmas. we also do 3 gifts, stockings, and a "big" gift. big gift will be a doll house and stockings are things like tape, lip gloss, pens, notebooks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair bands, etc. i am also at a loss. plus i have to give ideas to the grandparents! they don't need anything! help! i do know she is getting a lapdesk like her sisters have. they use them for school, crafts, eating in the living room, etc. and i think mil is getting her a pillow pet so she feels like a big girl like her sisters.

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Since at that age they are more about opening the gift than what is actually in the gift, I've been known to take toys around the house and wrap them up.  Especially if it was something you had put away so it would be new to her.  It's also nice using recycled toys because then they don't have to wait for you to undo all the packaging before they play with it.

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All girls here- two with birthdays very close to Christmas!


We often wrapped up practical things that they needed anyway- new undies- especially with a favorite character or color, new socks- they ALWAYS need new socks. Umbrellas, room accessories- new bedsheets, big-girl bath towel set, Turbie Twist for the hair. FOld-up camp chair in mini-size? Outdoor toys? 

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I have 2 boys and 2 girls. I also feel like we own every toy ever made. :-) I find that getting them consumables as helped a bit. As some others suggested - replenish things like art supplies, bath supplies, even a snack basket can be fun for a 2 year old.

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Thanks for the suggestions everyone! We do have pretty much every toy listed, even "boy" toys since my oldest is quite the tomboy. Ugh, I'm still clueless lol. We did sell our Duplos before she was even born because my other two rarely touched them. Maybe I can try a small set of those.

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My youngest got a LOT LOT LOT of doll babies and accessories, as that was what she wanted., and, as you are experiencing, my youngest didn't need much since she already had so much from hand-me-downs. Many times, it was totally ridiculous, as we already had too many dolls. But, well, it was what she wanted. She ended up with endless doll accessories. 


I also aimed for craft/art supplies that get used up. For a toddler, a big set of playdough and tools for it is quite entertaining.


For my littles, I aimed for physically LARGE items instead of costly items. They like packages to open, and they like BIG things, but they have no concept of cost. $10 worth of homemade playdough and tools in a big bin is just as exciting as $100 of something else.


A play tent/fort for the bed is nice. One year Santa brought our youngest a tent thing that hung from the ceiling and a big "dog bed" that went on the floor under it.


My youngest also often got dress up stuff as the dressup stuff tends to get worn out/broken/torn over time. A few pairs of dress up shoes, a new feather boa, a new dress/skirt . . . (Shop the costumes after Halloween!!)


Glitter glue, clay, paint sets, markers/crayons, etc all were frequent Santa gifts. 


A special doll could be a good idea, too, if she likes dolls.

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Experiences & consumables.


What does she love to do? Where does she love to go? Does she enjoy special time with a parent or favorite relative?


Make up "tickets" or "gift certificates" with pictures of those things / places, put 'em in a box, and wrap them up. Explain how they work as she opens them, that it means she gets, for example, a whole afternoon with Daddy at Chuck E. Cheese or a picnic lunch at the park with Aunt Susie.


Consumables: food, (finger) paint, play-doh, bubbles, or anything else that gets used up.

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