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I've decided that I do NOT like book clubs

Heather in Neverland

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I am currently reading a book for a book club and feel the same way! A friend of mine just started one up, so this is my first one. I am feeling like having to finish it by a deadline is taking the fun away. If I don't finish it before the club, I'm sure there will be spoilers.


So yes, I feel the same as you about it. :)

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I feel the same way you do.


Ten years ago, I ran a book club.   At one of the meetings, we were talking about this very thing and came to the same conclusion:  we like getting together, we like discussing books, but we don't like having assigned reading.


So...we switched things up.  We no longer assigned books.  People were asked to come and share about any book they were reading.  We spent some time at each meeting going around and discussing the various books we were reading, and the rest of the time we just talked about whatever.  It was perfect.  No pressure, everyone got to read what they wanted to, and we all learned about a whole variety of books we might otherwise have never heard about.  Best book club ever.   :)

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I feel the same as you do.


And it extends to library books -- Although I typically read a lot and at a relatively fast speed, I detest having a deadline hanging over my head so that I feel like I *have* to read in order to finish a book by a certain date.  Totally kills the enjoyment of it for me.  And thus I end up spending a lot of money on books!

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I feel the same, except when I'm the one who had the idea in the first place. You could say I have some control issues that I'm working on. ;) Several years ago, my very close friend and I started a book club, and it was so much fun! We rotated through the members, so everyone had the chance to select a book. This way, we read a fantastic variety of books, and everyone felt included. We also met at different locales, which were selected by the person "in charge" that month. Sometimes it was at a restaurant, or the person's home, or a park, etc. Everyone tried to make the food and drinks fit with the book in some way. We were very casual, and the conversation was part social, part book discussion. Eventually, people moved and the group slowly disbanded, but it was a blast while it lasted.

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I like getting together with friends. I like discussing books.


But for some reason, being assigned a book to read with a deadline to read it by just kills it for me. I start procrastinating and then I get cranky about it.


I do not know what my problem is.


Do you like being in book clubs?


I've been in two book clubs and felt that same way.  The only reason why I kept either one going is because I wanted to see the ladies in the book club.. It was the only time I got to see them.  Now, I see none from my first book club and only 1 person from the 2nd one I joined.  


I just don't like *having* to read other people's book choices.  Kinda like being in school again.  Our parish started a book club about a year ago, everyone keeps asking me to come, but nope - I just have no interest. 


Plus, I've found that group discussion of a book is usually inane.  Sorry, I guess that makes me a book snob.

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Oh no!  Don't tell me this!  :lol:

I've never been a part of a book club before.  I guess the moms group I went to was sort of a book club, but it started as a bible study and in the end they were just reading books, a chapter or two at a time, and it never bothered me. 


Anyway, I just started a book club!!  We haven't met yet.  I started it with the premise of working through books in the WEM, and we're starting at the beginning with Don Quixote.  I was hoping the book club would do the opposite for me - I started reading that book once and did NOT get very far - just never got around to reading it (never got into it at all).  So I was hoping the accountability of the book club would help me with that...

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Plus, I've found that group discussion of a book is usually inane.  Sorry, I guess that makes me a book snob.


I only find book discussions interesting when discussing nonfiction.  Biographies, personal development books, etc. can lead to some very insightful, worthwhile discussions.  Discussing fiction just seems pointless to me.  The book club I mentioned in my post above was a nonfiction book club.  

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Oh no! Don't tell me this! :lol:

I've never been a part of a book club before. I guess the moms group I went to was sort of a book club, but it started as a bible study and in the end they were just reading books, a chapter or two at a time, and it never bothered me.


Anyway, I just started a book club!! We haven't met yet. I started it with the premise of working through books in the WEM, and we're starting at the beginning with Don Quixote. I was hoping the book club would do the opposite for me - I started reading that book once and did NOT get very far - just never got around to reading it (never got into it at all). So I was hoping the accountability of the book club would help me with that...



Don't listen to me. I'm just cranky. I am not a good book club member because I like to pick my own books and I usually end up waiting until the last minute to read the assigned book, then I just cram it all in. UGH.


I'm sure yours will be a great book club!!!!

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Once, I had the perfect book club. Perfect book choices, fun people, met only once a month. 


Unfortunately, no one but the leader and myself read the books. So it turned out to be the two of us trying to encourage the ones who showed up to finish the book (no spoilers), while getting more in-depth between the two of us. Then my son got sick, and I heard while I was gone she suspended it and then moved. *sigh*


I don't really live in a book club area. 


I've started 2-3 internet book clubs and its standard for only 25% of interested individuals to complete the reading. I've had people super excited and committed never show again. I've had even more people only show up for the books they chose. 


Its tough to run a book club. 

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I don't like the book clubs I've been in. The first one was way too big and everyone was just really touchy-feely. The second one was more an excuse to drink and gossip. I think I need a book club with people who have a deeper understanding of and love for analyzing literature. I know that sounds really snarky and snobby, but I was an English major and have always been a voracious reader. I cannot stand the discussions that go, "I really liked such-and-such character because, well, she was so sweet and really reminded me of my grandma, you know, the way she helped people out, my grandma was like that too, like this one time I broke my foot..." No more book clubs that want to read Twilight. No more book clubs that evolve into discussions about the movie before we've even discussed the book. I need a book club of smart, bookish people who aren't full of themselves and choose good books. Is it so much to ask?  :rolleyes:

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