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It is only mid-October and I am already BURNT!!

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Maybe I just do not have this in me anymore.  This is our 20th year!  I am spent.  Done arguing, cajoling, begging, bribing, crying and nagging.  We are going to be correspondence school drop-outs,  and I almost do not care. 


I believe in homeschooling. I just don't have the energy to do this anymore today.  Maybe tomorrow....sigh....

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Done arguing, cajoling, begging, bribing, crying and nagging. 

(((Hugs)))  I've had some years when I've felt burnt out! No fun.


Can you take a week off and regroup?


When you restart...don't do any of the above. Be done with them all. I love workboxes because they ended all discussions about what had to be done or not. Some people use schedules the same way (workboxes are kind of like a 3-d schedule). The schedule or workbox says when you are done (and can work for independent work or things done with mom). Free time comes after everything is done. I refuse to argue. If my child comes to me, not respectfully and with a serious, real concern, but just to argue over an assignment, I simply say, "You're arguing. Are you choosing to disobey?" and turn and walk away.


And if they don't then get to work, treat it the same way as if you told your child to do a chore and he or she said no.


Arguing is a child's more sophisticated way of saying no, to get out of something. They know by 5-7 or so what will happen if they flat out say no! Some then become very adept at arguing, wheedling, whining, complaining, or otherwise finding ways to get out of work. Some would make great lawyers!


Don't play their game.


For older students, instead of nagging, I have found that saying, "What is your plan for doing xyz?" works very well.  I'm not saying the child has to do it this minute. I am simply holding said child accountable for doing the chore or homework he or she has committed to doing. He or she gives me a plan, I say, "that sounds good," and walk away, or I say, "you might want to consider..." if I see failure and stress in that child's future over cutting time too short. But I make it clear it's their choice. Failure is a good teacher. Let them fail sometimes and experience what it's like to catch up on a week's worth of work over the weekend. Debrief later. "How did that strategy work out for you? Is it one you will want to use again?"  (I check most things daily, but I don't always check their history notes, and I have one who sometimes then lets them go. Better to experience the pain of procrastination now, right?!)


(((Hugs))) Merry :-)

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You know, I have been burnt out before and I know all the things I should do or try. My kids are soooooo slllooooowwwww....my patience is sooooo thin. They will take hours to do a single lesson. Yes, I sit with them. Yes, I teach them. Yes, I try to keep them on task. I will even do a lot of the writing for my youngest...but, jeez....I am doing way more 4th grade than HE IS!!!!


They remember NOTHING. I mean NOTHING. It is so frustrating. How old do you have to be to remember the months of the year?? Seriously! We have been going over the months at least weekly since....BIRTH. Because this group of kids was around for homeschooling the older bunch. My 6 th grader really should know this! He should know he lives in North America. He should know the definition of a freaking NOUN!! All those years of history and bible stories and they still mix up Noah and Jonah and Joan of Arc. No kidding!!! These kids are not dumb! They can memorize every Doctor Who episode and character and recite every line in loads of movies etc. My kids read. They read a lot. BUT, when it comes to school......not interested!!!! Math???? Memorizing their facts??? Oh my goodness!!!! How many years can you go through the flashcards, fact sheets, games etc. No Capish!! Nope...deer in head lights.


This year I decided to try CLE 's correspondence school to keep us on track. Big mistake for the boys. It is just totally stressing us all out! Yes, I love their program. I really love the content....but, boy oh boy.....trying to get through 5 subjects is total torture!!! Total!! For all of us! I thought I would start them out with lighter loads and they would catch on to the workload, but that does not look like it is going to pan out any time soon. Really, I would be happy if they could finish math and LA in a reasonable amount of time....but it takes them aaaaaaaallllllllllll dddddddddaaaaaaayyyyyyy.


Like I said, I am tired. When I am tired, I am whiny. Sorry.

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I hear ya.  I'm on my 15th year.  My youngest is in 3rd grade.  Yes, I know, I'm also tired of telling him the same thing over and over.  I'm tired of the the blank stares while I'm explaining stuff, or even my older son's melt downs when he doesn't want to work just a bit harder.  It is hard.  The schools here are not an option, so I keep going.  


Yesterday I felt like it came to a head of sorts.  I kept setting the kids up for work then going and swinging my kettlebell (it felt good!).  Later I went for a run in the rain.  There is something about running in the rain that helps get the angst out.:D  


:grouphug:  "Do not grow weary in doing good", is my scripture to repeat to myself on the hard days.  It's hard not to grow weary.  

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(((Hugs))) No words of wisdom. For me personally,I have found I have found I need more sunshine and more time outside. The issue is me. I am more stressed, more tired, more touchy. My kids have really been nothing more than normal kids.....my reaction has not been the same. Realizing that indeed more breathing space......more wide open outside time.......is the only thing that has given me peace. It has often meant going outside near twilight and staying outside until dark bc I haven't been able to make it happen earlier. But.....something has been better than nothing.

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20 years! You are are rockstar!!!


october is always a tough month for me. not only hs'ing, whatever is going on in my life always seems so overwhelming in october. by november I get my mojo back. hopefully so will you. take a few 'fun days' either yourself or with the kids to re-energize. sometimes just recognizing the burnt out feeling and letting it be helps me get through it with minimal damage to my self-esteem and confidence.

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I hear ya. I'm on my 15th year. My youngest is in 3rd grade. Yes, I know, I'm also tired of telling him the same thing over and over. I'm tired of the the blank stares while I'm explaining stuff, or even my older son's melt downs when he doesn't want to work just a bit harder. It is hard. The schools here are not an option, so I keep going.


Yesterday I felt like it came to a head of sorts. I kept setting the kids up for work then going and swinging my kettlebell (it felt good!). Later I went for a run in the rain. There is something about running in the rain that helps get the angst out.:D


:grouphug: "Do not grow weary in doing good", is my scripture to repeat to myself on the hard days. It's hard not to grow weary.

Yep Kim! Went last night and pounded weights like a maniac. All seems somewhat clearer today, I think! It could be because I send youngest to go play. He did enough this week and we are all tired.


No breaks for us just yet. I am one of those who took an extended break to regain my health. We did fall behind a bit in math, but we can make that up IF we keep plugging away.


I am trying very hard not to grow weary. It is also my mantra these days.

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20 years! You are are rockstar!!!


october is always a tough month for me. not only hs'ing, whatever is going on in my life always seems so overwhelming in october. by november I get my mojo back. hopefully so will you. take a few 'fun days' either yourself or with the kids to re-energize. sometimes just recognizing the burnt out feeling and letting it be helps me get through it with minimal damage to my self-esteem and confidence.

October is always horrible for me too. It is the month I want to crawl into my bed and not get move until November. Even with this year's beautiful weather, my psyche is shot to shinola. October is depressing.

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(((Hugs))) No words of wisdom. For me personally,I have found I have found I need more sunshine and more time outside. The issue is me. I am more stressed, more tired, more touchy. My kids have really been nothing more than normal kids.....my reaction has not been the same. Realizing that indeed more breathing space......more wide open outside time.......is the only thing that has given me peace. It has often meant going outside near twilight and staying outside until dark bc I haven't been able to make it happen earlier. But.....something has been better than nothing.

I actually set up a table and chairs outside where the afternoon sun hits just to get a bit more on me and not stop life. I bring the work phone and laptop and soak in some rays at the same time. It just did not seem to help this year!


Ugh! I am afraid I am getting old and crotchety. My kids are just kids and I am turning into shrew woman! Maybe it is pre-menopause, although that is the only sign so far...grouchiness!! Is that a sign??

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I feel a bit burnt out and we haven't even started all of our new curric for the year. I am only in year 7.  That really makes me feel like a loser LOL.  But you guys are my heros.  I will be doing this for at least 20 more with the new one on the way.  I can't even think about how long that is.............

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20 years!?!?! Wow! I'm only in my second year, and am seriously considering returning them to PS. I know it has A LOT to do with being in my first trimester and feeling icky all of the time...this baby does not like chocolate one little bit. I think that may be the problem. ;)

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I feel a bit burnt out and we haven't even started all of our new curric for the year. I am only in year 7. That really makes me feel like a loser LOL. But you guys are my heros. I will be doing this for at least 20 more with the new one on the way. I can't even think about how long that is.............

By the time my 3 yr old is 18, I will have been at this for 35 yrs. I look at pictures of our adult children and it has really only been a fleeting moment. It helps put everything in perspective. Life's minutes are too precious to squander.


Faithe, maybe that is the best thing to do. Step back and reflect on those earliest yrs when our oldest ones were little eager Kers bouncing in their chairs. Does it really seem 20 yrs ago? I look at the man that comes and visits and his precious family and I really am in awe.......just like the awe of that first time I ever held a newborn in my arms in amazement that somehow God had entrusted that soul to our care. He is such a man of character. He is a hard-working man--a loving husband and a devoted father. I am so proud that I can call him son. In a heartbeat, I would do it over again even looking back knowing the sacrifices and struggles it took to get here.


I can't see forward anymore now than I could then. But when I look at my adult children, I know that no matter how difficult it is to press forward, that in the end it is worth every second of inner struggle.

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My mom is in her 24th year of homeschooling with 3 years and one high schooler left. She did the same thing for 22 years and then decided she was just *done* with that. She had lost all desire to do school, and with my youngest sister being one who was perfectly happy to never open a book, it wasn't working well. She tried something totally different last year and they HATED it and didn't get very far. It was a bad year but I dragged her along with me to a homeschool convention (her first real one) and she and my sister found some inspiration and some materials that they are loving this year. :001_smile: Sometimes you just need a change. Especially if you've been doing the same thing for a while. The first thing you try may not work out but it may help you figure out what WOULD be a breath of fresh air for your home school.  


The other thing that may help is just to spend some time around a young mom or new homeschooler who is still full of excitement. My mom says that my excitement and research into new curriculum has helped her get excited about school again. I have a friend who is just starting her first year and talking to her energizes me. I'm in my 5th year with 13 to go so one day I'll have some personal experience with this. :001_rolleyes:

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I so appreciate your honesty!


Yesterday my 11yo could not tell me the definition of a noun after I had her repeat it 5+ times. Weep!


I feel some of your pain. :grouphug:

Oh man! Isn't that the freakin worst. One time I said to my 9 year old dd..." The Minoan Civilization was the first civilization. What was the first civilization???". Blank Stare....I repeated " The Minoan Civilization was the first civilization. What was the first civilization???". Blank stare....repeat. " The Minoan Civilization was the first civilization. What was the first civilization???". This went on for about a lifetime. We laugh about it now .....but seriously??? I think I lost a few years of my life that day and I certainly had to increase the clairol. Lol.

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My mom is in her 24th year of homeschooling with 3 years and one high schooler left. She did the same thing for 22 years and then decided she was just *done* with that. She had lost all desire to do school, and with my youngest sister being one who was perfectly happy to never open a book, it wasn't working well. She tried something totally different last year and they HATED it and didn't get very far. It was a bad year but I dragged her along with me to a homeschool convention (her first real one) and she and my sister found some inspiration and some materials that they are loving this year. :001_smile: Sometimes you just need a change. Especially if you've been doing the same thing for a while. The first thing you try may not work out but it may help you figure out what WOULD be a breath of fresh air for your home school.


The other thing that may help is just to spend some time around a young mom or new homeschooler who is still full of excitement. My mom says that my excitement and research into new curriculum has helped her get excited about school again. I have a friend who is just starting her first year and talking to her energizes me. I'm in my 5th year with 13 to go so one day I'll have some personal experience with this. :001_rolleyes:

This was inspiring! Thank you! When I think I still have 8 more years!!! UGH!!!!! I just try to think of one day at a time. I tried something new this year too....and it is turning out not so good. But maybe that will give me the impetus to go back to teaching the way that I did in the begininng when I was excited.

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Oh man! Isn't that the freakin worst. One time I said to my 9 year old dd..." The Minoan Civilization was the first civilization. What was the first civilization???". Blank Stare....I repeated " The Minoan Civilization was the first civilization. What was the first civilization???". Blank stare....repeat. " The Minoan Civilization was the first civilization. What was the first civilization???". This went on for about a lifetime. We laugh about it now .....but seriously??? I think I lost a few years of my life that day and I certainly had to increase the clairol. Lol.


I'm not alone!  I'm not alone!  I'm not alone!  :smilielol5:


BTW, apparently someone put her brain back in overnight.  Today was better. :)

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The other day my 13 year old said that the Pilgrims came from Czechoslavakia. My 10 year old suspected that they came from Germany. All of this was due to me asking them how "New England" got that name and where did the original settlers come from.


(We will be studying US history next year...)

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