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S/O Age for AG dolls?


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Full disclosure: I desperately wanted an AG doll growing up. It was never something my parents could afford and I never got one.


Now I have a sixteen-month-old daughter. I can afford an AG doll now. I don't know if I will be able to down the road, though it's likely that we will continue to be set financially. But one never knows.

I am seriously considering buying one now(though I missed that wonderful sale) and just holding onto it until she's old enough for it. Or do you think that's silly and just a projection of my own childhood wishes?

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I would buy it now. Honestly, it will probably go up in value if you buy the girl of the year or Molly. My daughter showed interest in them around age 3, but I didn't really allow her to play with one (my old) until she was 4 and pretty mature.


Be prepared to buy another one when she's older though. It was a very special experience for my daughter to go and buy her own.

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My dd got her Bitty Baby for her first birthday.  It was ALWAYS her favorite doll.  I'm not sure why!  She is now 7 1/2 and still plays with it.  So, I think you could reasonably get the Bitty Baby and give it to your dd for Christmas.  


My dd got her first big AG doll at 6.  She LOVES it.  Most of her friends are older than she is and they still play with theirs.  She's since added to the collection quite a bit (thank you sales!).  I don't think it would be at all silly to buy one now and save it for her later!  But, I also don't think it'd be silly for you to buy one for YOU!!!  I think I have more fun playing with dd's dolls than she does!

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My primary reason for buying it now would be finances down the road. If she wants one five years from now and we can't afford it then, I would feel bad that I didn't get it when I could.


On the other hand, there is no real reason to expect that would be the case, and I wonder if it's just my childhood desire to have one but not get it due to finances.

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I don't think it's silly at all to give your kiddo something you wanted as a child. Just don't be disappointed if she doesn't have the same interest in it - or if she, say, is a tomboy and cuts the doll's hair off :)


I would have loved an AG doll as a child, because I was as girls as they came. My not-much-younger sister, however, would have set the darling dolls on fire - after she decapitated him - because that's just the kind of gal she was, lol.


I wouldn't GIVE my child an AG doll before 8, personally. My daughter collected them between 10 and 12 years old. They still hold a place of honor in her room (at 12), although she doesn't actively play with them now.

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Here's an idea.  Get one for yourself.  Really.  Just do it.  I want the Molly doll.  I have always wanted her.  I'm seriously considering buying one for myself and putting her under the Xmas tree for me because my hubby wouldn't have a clue.  


So my vote is to get yourself a big one of your choice, get your daughter a bitty baby for now and if you really, really can't afford it in the future, you can always (*wince*) pass it down to your daughter when she is old enough.  ;)

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I don't think it's silly at all.  Buy the doll and enjoy it!  If your daughter likes it later, then great.  If not, you enjoy it.  I always loved dolls as a child.  I didn't ever have a doll as beautiful as an American Girl, but I know I would have loved them.  



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I would wait a bit, unless you are going to get the Bitty baby but I wouldn't wait for AG's age recommendation of 8 years old. After jumping the gun on a couple of other toys that were labelled for older kids, I faithfully waited until my dd was 8 to get her an AG doll, and she got a full year of enjoyment out of her, but then began to tire of dolls and was done with it by the time she was 10. She would have loved the doll at 6 and would still have been old enough to care for it.

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My dd got a Bitty Baby when she was about 18 months old and then Bitty Twins when she was 3 years old. She got her first "big girl" doll when she turned 6 years old. If you really desire to buy a doll for your dd, I would suggest the Bitty Baby. I really enjoyed taking my dd to the American Girl Store to let her pick out the doll of her choice for her 6th birthday.

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Set aside the money now if finances are a concern. $10 a month for a few years and you'll be able to give her the AG shopping trip of a lifetime later on. And if she turns out not to be a doll girl, you can spend it on whatever it is she wants be that robots, video games or a violin.


My niece is getting her first one for Christmas and she is 6. It will really depend on if she likes dolls or not though. I am not entirely convinced my brother isn't buying that doll for himself ;)


Also, totally buy one for you if you love them!

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I'd buy one now if there is one you want.  I waited until my dd was 6 before even thinking about them only to find out that my favorite "Kirsten" is no longer sold.  I think that dd would love that time period, but she had a few wishes from the current catalog.  I pushed her toward Molly because that doll line is being discontinued.  I then bought a used Kirsten from ebay for myself so our dolls can play.  Next I'm going to look for another prairie outfits, and our dolls can pretend to be Laura and Mary Ingalls too. 

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My DD was 6 when she got her first big doll.



Set aside the money now if finances are a concern. $10 a month for a few years and you'll be able to give her the AG shopping trip of a lifetime later on. And if she turns out not to be a doll girl, you can spend it on whatever it is she wants be that robots, video games or a violin.

My niece is getting her first one for Christmas and she is 6. It will really depend on if she likes dolls or not though. I am not entirely convinced my brother isn't buying that doll for himself ;)

Also, totally buy one for you if you love them!


:iagree:  If you have the money now I would just take $150 put it in an envelope and then you can always use it later.

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