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What Craft/Hobby Thing are you doing this week? week 10


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Wow - we've been doing strong for 10 weeks!


What crafting or hobby things are you doing this week?  Share here with the rest of us.


Just started weaving the baby blanket for my grand-niece.  It should go very fast now.  I have a ton of stuff starting to back up that I'd like weave, so I'm eager to finish this up.


Also still plowing away at the 3 scarves I'm making for my daughter's friends.  Really regretting not having a deadline on this.  It's been going on FOREVER.   Here's a picture of the 2nd scarf - in blue.



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I have a scarf, hat, gloves combo I am making right now.  I have the scarf and hat done already, and I am working on my first pair of fingered gloves ever.  This could get interesting.  As I live in the deep south, I have no idea who is going to receive these items, but I had yarn that needed to be used.

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I knitted a sleeve for my modified Shalom cardigan. Then ripped it out, since it puckered and rippled at the back of the sleeve. Then I re-engineered the pattern and tried again. Success! So, it looks like I did absolutely nothing, but I now have a smooth, nice fitting sleeve, instead of a puckery one. I hope to have this finished by the end of next week.


Debbi--Love the scarf! That shade of blue is gorgeous.

Jenn--It is amazing the things a nice hank of yarn will make us knit, isn't it? Gloves in the Deep South? LOL! You need to cultivate some nice Northern friends to wear your knitted things!

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I'm finally going to do the quilting on my son's quilt! Tonight I spent about one hour practicing free motion quilting and then another hour playing with the different feet and settings on my sewing machine. There is so much on it that it seems like I'll never master it all. I started longing for a sewing table so that I can set my sewing machine in at a lower height. It will be a while - I have to wait for ds to move out so I can take over a room! 

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Jenn--It is amazing the things a nice hank of yarn will make us knit, isn't it? Gloves in the Deep South? LOL! You need to cultivate some nice Northern friends to wear your knitted things!


Eh, we are wimps here.  We definitely get to gloves weather, occasionally to hat weather, but never to scarf weather IMO.  I might offer them to my little sister to send north for one of her friends though.  The yarn is pretty but not really my style.

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Wow - we've been doing strong for 10 weeks!


What crafting or hobby things are you doing this week?  Share here with the rest of us.


Just started weaving the baby blanket for my grand-niece.  It should go very fast now.  I have a ton of stuff starting to back up that I'd like weave, so I'm eager to finish this up.


Also still plowing away at the 3 scarves I'm making for my daughter's friends.  Really regretting not having a deadline on this.  It's been going on FOREVER.   Here's a picture of the 2nd scarf - in blue.




That is gorgeous!!


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There is a great pattern for a bassinet redo in one of the Mason-Dixon knitting books.  And they are old enough to be in the library!


I didn't know that there was another weaver here on the boards!  I have not woven for a long time, but it's my favorite craft.  I have an 8 harness Gilmore floor loom, an 8 harness Schacht table loom (24 inches wide, so extremely usable), and an inkle loom.  And TONS of yarn.  One of these days I will get back to this!


Right now I am working on knitting a scarf in the colors of the San Jose Sharks, for the women's group at my church.  They have a benefit sale every year at Christmas time, and it should be a good gift item.

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What style of bassinet? Are you just trying to refresh it or repurpose it?

Refresh it, it's white with dark blue designs on it (we are having a girl). It's a Kolcraft tender vibe deluxe 18167-CH. Dd and dh got it at a yard sale for me, the vibrating part didn't work so I took it off (besides do I really need another battery eating thing??) I don't know how to knit (I can crochet though), I'm going to have dmil help me or at least let me use her sewing machine (sewing machines hate me but her's is an older one so hopefully it won't be as bad)

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There is a great pattern for a bassinet redo in one of the Mason-Dixon knitting books.  And they are old enough to be in the library!


I didn't know that there was another weaver here on the boards!  I have not woven for a long time, but it's my favorite craft.  I have an 8 harness Gilmore floor loom, an 8 harness Schacht table loom (24 inches wide, so extremely usable), and an inkle loom.  And TONS of yarn.  One of these days I will get back to this!


Right now I am working on knitting a scarf in the colors of the San Jose Sharks, for the women's group at my church.  They have a benefit sale every year at Christmas time, and it should be a good gift item.


Weavers do seem to collect looms, don't we?  I have a Macomber (48"), Harrisville (22"), a Louet table loom (15"), and a tablet loom.  I'm planning on getting rid of the table loom.  I don't really have a need for it and it takes up storage space.  I'd love to see some of your stuff someday. Are you on any of the weaving groups at Ravelry?



Refresh it, it's white with dark blue designs on it (we are having a girl). It's a Kolcraft tender vibe deluxe 18167-CH. Dd and dh got it at a yard sale for me, the vibrating part didn't work so I took it off (besides do I really need another battery eating thing??) I don't know how to knit (I can crochet though), I'm going to have dmil help me or at least let me use her sewing machine (sewing machines hate me but her's is an older one so hopefully it won't be as bad)


I hope you'll post a photo when you're done.  Sewing is not my strong point either, but I really want to do it more.


started crocheting a few months ago to see if it would help my hands and it has....I have a whole laundry basket full of place mats-hot pads.....decided the other day to try to make a purse and I've done 3-have to put liners in,a button closure, and straps and they will be done.....


Was it to help with arthritis?    Please post a photo of the purse when  you can!

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Today I'm working on the collar of Maleficent's cape.  


Then I need to make a turtle tummy -- someone else made a fiberglass shell, I made the leggings and hoodie for the body, and I'm not quite sure how the turtle's underside is supposed to work with all of this.


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Refresh it, it's white with dark blue designs on it (we are having a girl). It's a Kolcraft tender vibe deluxe 18167-CH. Dd and dh got it at a yard sale for me, the vibrating part didn't work so I took it off (besides do I really need another battery eating thing??) I don't know how to knit (I can crochet though), I'm going to have dmil help me or at least let me use her sewing machine (sewing machines hate me but her's is an older one so hopefully it won't be as bad)


Something like this, or this?

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I'm trying to figure how to do it, so if any one help please do.


well... I only know how to do it with Flickr.  Do you have a flickr account?


Here is how I do it and maybe it's similar for other photo accts.


I go to my photo in Flickr and click on it.  Then I go to the part where I can choose photo size.  I choose something that will fit here (usually medium).  Then I right-click the photo and choose "copy image location".  then come here to the thread.  Click on the image icon and paste the copied URL in the box and it's done. 

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I'm trying to figure how to do it, so if any one help please do.


I usually just post photos from my computer. But first I have to make a copy of it so I can shrink it down. I open the copy with Paint and just reduce it about a gazillion percent--kidding, but it feels like that--to get it so it's under the . . . what is it? 100k? . . . limit for photos. Then to actually post you just click the box Choose Files below the Attach Files note below the reply box. Choose the modified photo and voila!

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I'm trying to finish knitting dd's Quidditch sweater (Gryffindor colors, of course). I've got the front and most of the back done...then just the sleeves, collar and sewing the seams. 


I've got a few hats waiting to get started. I've almost always got a sock on needles somewhere.  :)

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The gloves I am making have been altered significantly.  I made it all the way up to the making the index finger and adding the split for the doing the fingerless options with the tips, then tried it just to the knuckle and just do fingerless.  I went to the next two fingers but decided after a round or two on the ring finger that I didn't like the feel of the yarn between my fingers so I ripped it all the way back to where I had to ad the split for the pinkie and just made a few rounds so it would be taller.  Now it is a true fingerless style.  Now I just have to remember what the heck I did to the first one to duplicate for the other one.

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I'm trying to finish knitting dd's Quidditch sweater (Gryffindor colors, of course). I've got the front and most of the back done...then just the sleeves, collar and sewing the seams. 


I've got a few hats waiting to get started. I've almost always got a sock on needles somewhere.  :)



I have eyeballed the Quidditch sweater (Gryffindor colors, of course!) but since I despise knitting ribbing, I thought it might drive me right 'round the bend. I'd love to see a pic when it is done! I am looking a the Gryffindor house bag for a first colorwork project--http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/hp-house-fair-isle-pouch-bags



The gloves I am making have been altered significantly.  I made it all the way up to the making the index finger and adding the split for the doing the fingerless options with the tips, then tried it just to the knuckle and just do fingerless.  I went to the next two fingers but decided after a round or two on the ring finger that I didn't like the feel of the yarn between my fingers so I ripped it all the way back to where I had to ad the split for the pinkie and just made a few rounds so it would be taller.  Now it is a true fingerless style.  Now I just have to remember what the heck I did to the first one to duplicate for the other one.

That's always the trick, isn't it? Remembering what the heck you did on the first side! LOL! I scribbled a bunch of notes for the sleeve redo and hope they make sense when I go back to finish the other one. :laugh:
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I have eyeballed the Quidditch sweater (Gryffindor colors, of course!) but since I despise knitting ribbing, I thought it might drive me right 'round the bend. I'd love to see a pic when it is done! I am looking a the Gryffindor house bag for a first colorwork project--http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/hp-house-fair-isle-pouch-bags



Ooh, I made one of those. I hurried a bit, so it's a little bumpy. I ended up lining the bag & strap so that it wouldn't stretch out when filled with candy.  ;)


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Ha! I love the costume! You obviously did a house sweater as well! Your dd is a very lucky little Gryffindor! I think I will give the bag a try-- I have wanted to learn colorwork, and that pattern seems fairly simple. Do you think it would be a good starter pattern for a beginner? (Well, beginner to colorwork. I've knitted for years.)

Not too long ago I got my hands on an inter-library loan copy of Charmed Knits and I suddenly have a much longer list of stuff to knit!

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I'm crocheting those pretty cotton kitchen dishcloths.  And, drum roll, I'm 3/4 of the way done with the top of a quilt for a wedding present! I haven't quilted for a few years. It's fun to watch all the pretty fabrics come together. It's in different Adirondack prints. I'll post a picture when it's done. 

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Ha! I love the costume! You obviously did a house sweater as well! Your dd is a very lucky little Gryffindor! I think I will give the bag a try-- I have wanted to learn colorwork, and that pattern seems fairly simple. Do you think it would be a good starter pattern for a beginner? (Well, beginner to colorwork. I've knitted for years.)

Not too long ago I got my hands on an inter-library loan copy of Charmed Knits and I suddenly have a much longer list of stuff to knit!

It's not bad. It's mostly checkerboard. You just have to be careful on the areas of the lion where you use the same color for a longer time. Just twist the other color now and again to carry it along. Good luck!


(yes, she needed the house sweater...I wish that I'd made it a bit longer as she's planning to be Hermione again this year)

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I'm crocheting those pretty cotton kitchen dishcloths.  And, drum roll, I'm 3/4 of the way done with the top of a quilt for a wedding present! I haven't quilted for a few years. It's fun to watch all the pretty fabrics come together. It's in different Adirondack prints. I'll post a picture when it's done. 


Woohoo!!  Can't wait to see it.


Bug'smom - color me impressed.  That costume is awesome. 

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Ack! This sweater may just kill me. This is the second time I have pulled out the finished second sleeve because it is inexplicably longer than the first! Same number of stitches, same yarn, same needle. The gauge fairy is out to get me this time around for some reason. I hope to get it figured out and finished tonight.

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Wow, a duct tape chair.  We love duct tape at our house too.  


Strawberrymama - that shawl is going to be beautiful. I love that lacy look. 


urpedonmommy - it's still knitting/crocheting - even if you're pulling out.  But, how frustrating.  I hate, hate, hate having to undo weaving.  But, I hate wasting yarn even more, so I unweave rather than cut it out.


Okay, I'm obviously behind once again!  :closedeyes:   I should have had a week 11 thread going by now... but don't.   I'll go start the new thread now....

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