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Do I HAVE to see my OB so often?


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I'm 31 weeks pregnant and my OB wants me to come in every two weeks now.  I'm so not interested.   This is my 6th child.  Appointments are incredibly inconvenient when I have to find a sitter for five children in the middle of the day.  Baby is moving, I'm feeling great, it's a low-risk pregnancy, I've always been late...  I got this. 


What are my rights here?  Can I say when I'm coming in? 


I just cancelled this week's appointment (my last appointment was 2 weeks ago) and the receptionist gave me a hard time saying that insurance requires me to be seen sometime this week.  So I called my insurance and they said that is baloney, they don't care how often I go in, that it is between me and my doctor.  So I'm thinking I need to have a heart to heart with my doctor and figure out a schedule we're both happy with, but I wanted to ask here first.  Anyone worked out a more relaxed schedule with their doctor before?


If it were completely up to me, I probably wouldn't go back until I'm ready to push, or if I sensed something was wrong.  I really don't like doctors that much.

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You can decide not to be seen as often, but your OB is likely to decide that he or she will not longer have you as a patient.  Their malpractice insurance premiums are sky high, and OBs do NOT mess around with anything that might cause complications for the patient.  If you continue to cancel appointments, expect that they will drop you.

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I can honestly "feel your pain".  I ended up picking up the babysitter and we all just drove to the doctor's office.

But it is absolutely worth every minute of inconvenience.

You are likely pushing your physical limits taking care of the other kids.

You need someone to check you and make sure you are not developing complications.

It's a lot easier to treat the lesser symptoms than to deal with premature birth, preenclampsia, etc.

Your family will directly benefit from it.

(And I made the appointments for first thing in the AM, so we could get in & out quickly.)

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You can decide not to be seen as often, but your OB is likely to decide that he or she will not longer have you as a patient.  Their malpractice insurance premiums are sky high, and OBs do NOT mess around with anything that might cause complications for the patient.  If you continue to cancel appointments, expect that they will drop you.



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I stretched out my appointments by simply calling and rescheduling for the next week. I would say things like, "I don't have a car until [preferred date]." I did not have any health issues in the third trimester and really enjoyed not being at the doctor's office all the time :)


Despite this, I still managed to get to know my care providers and have a great birth.

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I understand! I think a lot of this depends on how your pregnancy has gone, how your past pregnancies and gone, and your relationship with your OB. I am at 41 weeks and have only recently started following a stricter schedule. when most are going in at 4 weeks I was going in every 6. every two weeks I went every 3. AND my ob was perfectly fine with it. BUT I'm very healthy and low risk. I would talk to your OB... she may have a really good reason to see you that often. mine didn't :-)

good luck and congratulations on the new little one!

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Well, my OB did not require appts that close with my last 3 pregnancies and I only discussed the mw last pregnancy. He is the most popular OB in town and widely regarded as the best, he has delivered thousands of babies. I think it depends more on their personalities.

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