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Public vs Private School


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This was in my Facebook feed tonight. http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2013/08/private_school_vs_public_school_only_bad_people_send_their_kids_to_private.html




I have one friend who feels very guilty over wanting to give her child better by homeschooling. She feels as though her efforts to better her child's education in a public school setting could better education for all.


Obviously, I have no such compunctions. :D

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That's just stupid. I will support public schools in general, but my dc have a limited time to get the best education I can manage for them. If I have better options no way will I have my dc suffer for the greater good. In my nineteen years as a parent I have had dc in public, private, and homeschool. I'm going to choose the best thing for each of my dc when they need it. I will not put my dc in something bad and spend time "advocating" when I could provide something better during that time. The time we have to provide formal schooling for our dc is short, I refuse to waste it.


BTW my 2 dc who are still in K12 are in public school now. Youngest s in sp Ed program at the neighborhood elementary and dd is in a very demanding IB program in the neighborhood high school. If things were bad for either dc, I'd make a change.

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In principle she has a point. I am in NZ where there aren't very many purely private schools so it has not been an issue for most. My family would probably agree with her. The same arguement is made about private medical insurance here too - if people have private insurance the state the service to the rest of the country will drop (elective surgery is definately faster).


The problem is I am not going to sacrifice my child for other people's grandchildren. In my case that would mean changing public schools or home schooling rather than private school but the point is the same. And she is wrong about gifted kids being fine anywhere.

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Parents are not obligated in any way to put their children into government schools. They are not obligated to sacrifice their children for the greater good.


Even if public schools were doing a good job, which they have not for a long time, every study has shown that children learn better in small groups, with as much one-on-one instruction as possible. Most public schools--and private schools--cannot do that.


Does your friend want her children to be part of yet another failed educational experiment like whole language or common core? Hundreds of thousands--perhaps millions--have not recovered from the failed whole-language debacle of the 80s. It's a risk *I* would not want to take.

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okay, so in the private sector if we are unhappy with something or it's failing and we continue to buy the product, that will encourage the company to change the product?    It's one of the reasons the Soviet Union dissolved... they kept propping up failing gov't run businesses.


Besides, I've heard that suggestion for the last 25yrs, since I started learning about homeschooling, and I know people who did just that (sent kids to public to be part of the solution).  The schools have not changed for the better in that time.  How much time do they want?



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okay, so in the private sector if we are unhappy with something or it's failing and we continue to buy the product, that will encourage the company to change the product?    It's one of the reasons the Soviet Union dissolved... they kept propping up failing gov't run businesses.


Besides, I've heard that suggestion for the last 25yrs, since I started learning about homeschooling, and I know people who did just that (sent kids to public to be part of the solution).  The schools have not changed for the better in that time.  How much time do they want?


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

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I spent a decade teaching in inner city public schools and Head Start programs and banging my head against that brick wall of trying to improve education from the inside out. I feel NO guilt at this point for keeping my DD out of a system that admitted, when first seeing her at age 4, that they couldn't meet her needs and weren't going to try.



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Posted this in another thread, but reposting here:


Her logic is flawed.  Her oldest child is only 4, so she does not have personal experience.  Putting kids in a school does not automatically improve the school.  Also, you can be invested in your local public schools without sending children there.  We still support ours (i.e. labels for education, etc), the taxes go to ours, though we get nothing out of it.


Basically she's an idiot with ideals that are unrealistic.  We already import foreign workers for highly skilled white collar jobs because we don't have citizens who are qualified for them.  A lot of those jobs held by US citizens are those who went to "richer" school districts or private schools.  Without that, we'd have to bring in more foreign workers.  I don't think she has a realistic idea of how our country works at all.

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