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Where are your learners taking online classes that meet?

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Can you share where your kids are taking online classes that actually meet at a certain time?  Some that we've looked at, like the Derek Owens physics, are work at your own pace and don't seem to involved interaction with other learners.  Others, like Potters School French, have a set meeting time each week and there does seem to be conversation with other learners.


I would just love to know about other possibilities that I don't about.



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My homeschool board Wisdom Homeschooling offers online classes for all it's registered students.  In alberta we have to register, and wisdom is by far the most hands off board, most unschoolers go with them, but they offer online classes that are inline with classical education, workshops and mini camps for the same. 

Last year my kids took lit classes (intro to great books, c.s.lewis, before tolkein etc) and a classical poetry class


This term dd14 is taking latin, and then they have their lit classes (history of drama and modern classics for both teens, lord of the rings for ds14), next semester dd will continue with her latin class and they will pick fresh lit classes


Next year dd will take another latin class, and both will be taking high school writing in first term and advanced high school writing in the second term.  Plus trying to convince them they want to take human society which is like a philosophy/ethics class.  They aren't so sure, but *I* want to study along with them, it looks so interesting lol

Anyway last I heard Wisdom accepts registration for their online classes from all over, not just limited to enrolled students provided there is space in the class.

They have assigned reading each week, then meet with their class and tutor for socratic discussion of the work they read, there is an optional essay assignment at the end of each lit course where they can write about something they read, my kids don't get this as an option this year.  This year I am making them write it in each lit class.

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The Lukeion Project has set meeting times for all their classes since the instruction is live online.  Students respond via a chat like system while the instructor has live voice and video feed (not of themselves but more like a powerpoint-whiteboard mashup).  In some of their advanced language classes the students also have voice response.

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My daughter has:

Great Books/Socratic Symposium through Angelicum which meets once/week.  The students interact with the facilitators a lot and with each other only a bit though they do respond to each other's ideas.


Geometry through myhomeschoolmathclass which meets twice/week.  This is our first time so I can't comment about interaction but set class times and deadlines for sure.


Latin through Classical Learning Resource Center which meets once per week.  Lots of interaction for an online class.  The students interact with the teacher in class a lot and with each other a bit.  There is also a forum for asking/answering questions.  Students post their questions and both students and teacher answer.  Last year she also had an off topic board for them.  They really didn't use it much, though.  Last year they discussed getting together in the classroom to watch a (Latin-related) movie but couldn't figure it out with the classroom software.  Hopefully we'll be able to do that this year.  


Classical Greek through Lukion which meets once/week with very little student interaction.  He opens the class room 5 to 10 minutes before class and the students have a bit of an opportunity to interact but not much.  Really, I'd say none that results in my daughter feeling as if she has connected with anyone in class.



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My son is taking his first online latin class with LonePine Classical. They meet twice a week for one hour, then the teacher lets the kids chat/write on the white board freely after class to get to know each other. There is also one free tutoring session provided per week. She provides a discussion board that is accessible to students/teacher only. So far we both love it!

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We are in our third year with Classical Learning Resource Center. Our DD is taking Classical Greek III, Latin I, and British Literature. She took a literature class last year and I was really pleased with the interaction she had with the teacher, Kiernan Schroeder. The Greek teacher, Anne Van Fossen, has been incredible, too. She has been incredibly supportive of DD, sometimes meeting with her outside of class. DD has made some good friends and we are pleased to see that our younger kids have siblings of some of her classmates in their classes.


These classes meet live online and have access to the teachers offline, who are very responsive to questions. We also get detailed comments on work that is turned in.

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My high schoolers are each taking Spanish online with a real time weekly meeting with Ray Leven http://www.petfooddirect.com/Brand/Natural-Balance/Category/Cat


My eldest takes real time AOPS classes, and each of my younger kids have also taken a few real time classes with AoPS, but are not doing so this semester, instead working at their own pace.


Eldest is also taking AP English Language & Composition with PA Homeschoolers. In dd's course, there will be a weekly optional real time meeting. Dd will participate.

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  • 1 year later...

My homeschool board Wisdom Homeschooling offers online classes for all it's registered students.  In alberta we have to register, and wisdom is by far the most hands off board, most unschoolers go with them, but they offer online classes that are inline with classical education, workshops and mini camps for the same. 


Last year my kids took lit classes (intro to great books, c.s.lewis, before tolkein etc) and a classical poetry class


This term dd14 is taking latin, and then they have their lit classes (history of drama and modern classics for both teens, lord of the rings for ds14), next semester dd will continue with her latin class and they will pick fresh lit classes


Next year dd will take another latin class, and both will be taking high school writing in first term and advanced high school writing in the second term.  Plus trying to convince them they want to take human society which is like a philosophy/ethics class.  They aren't so sure, but *I* want to study along with them, it looks so interesting lol


Anyway last I heard Wisdom accepts registration for their online classes from all over, not just limited to enrolled students provided there is space in the class.


They have assigned reading each week, then meet with their class and tutor for socratic discussion of the work they read, there is an optional essay assignment at the end of each lit course where they can write about something they read, my kids don't get this as an option this year.  This year I am making them write it in each lit class.

Do you have to pay for its online classes?(Wisdom homeschooling)

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Ds and dd are taking a Book Study class that meets on Tuesdays.  (separately-one is Middle school and one is high school)  She assigns an essay each week that she grades.


Ds is taking AP Economics.  It meets on Mondays and Thursdays from 6-7:30 pm.

For Bookstudy,are there reading essays also which is graded by teacher but in 125$ per semester fees?

Are their vocabulary words,comprehension and literary questions,Thinking Question,literary allusion,literary analysis and Author Themes types discussions in this class?Are the classes fruitful for your kids?Share your experience please.

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