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Has anyone seen Jean in Newcastle today? She seems to be MIA since she hasn't posted a Sunday Chat yet. So I'll hijack, just for today.


Is this a restful day for you? Or 'other'? Me: other. Had to vent my feelings on a matter to hubby this morning. Not ever pleasant when there's conflict but it went relatively well. After church I had a headache so rested on my bed and slept an hour later than intended. Took Tylenol but still have headache. Bleah. Need to study but distracted.


How's your weather? Here: still "oven temperature" according to Jean's description of our over-100 F temps.


Talk to me!

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Today was a very restful day.  We had a wonderful time of worship at church.  Then all the kids, except the 5 year old, went to a friends house.  So we spent the afternoon with dd playing Hi-ho Cherry-o, then "skating" at Home Depot (we run across the floor then slide) while dh was chatting with the worker. Then we took dd to Dairy Queen for ice cream.  When we got home we watched Dora the Explorer.  Dd has dubbed this to be The Best Day EVER!   :thumbup:


All the kids are home now and dh is getting take out for us.  I don't have to cook, so that makes me agree with dd that this is the Best Day EVER!


What makes it even better is that we are having a rare summer storm and temps went from 104 down to mid 80's.  I love everything about rain.  Rain makes me ridiculously happy!  Possibly because I only get to see it maybe 3 times a year.


Scrapbookbuzz, I'm so sorry that your day didn't go well.  I think you should go eat a cupcake!

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Bring on the cupcakes! Well, earlier I did have a brownie. I'm currently at a Village Inn to study because it's relatively quiet here. I suppose I could have a piece of pie but I have to run in the morning. Probably will skip the pie. A fun distraction I indulged in this afternoon was perusing iTunes. I was looking at possible soundtracks to purchase. May have to purchase the one to Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol just because the titles of the 'songs' are so dang funny!

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Today is my birthday. Super happy to wake up to a cooler than average temp and rain falling. It made a good excuse to be lazy. When I got bored of lazy I tried out four new recipes to eat latr this week. Best part I did not have to clean the kitchen. Birthday girl does not have to clean.

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Is this a restful day for you? Or 'other'?

"Other." I worked the closing shift at my retail job last night, getting home at about 11:00 to find a kitchen full of dirty dishes and assorted stuff that had been oh-so-thoughtfully left for me by my beloved family. I spent the next 30 minutes cleaning it up and reminding myself that they really do love me. This morning, I took the dog for a longer-than-we've-been-doing-lately walk, because I'm trying to get us back into the routine of walking for at least 30-45 minutes a day, then went to work again, after which I ran some errands before coming home. My son made dinner (presumably in part to cheer me up following yesterday's dirty kitchen incident), but then left me the dishes. Still, it's progress.


We got the e-mail with the results of my son's dance team auditions for this year, and he was placed in two more groups than we anticipated. I, therefore, have spent the last couple of hours running numbers and trying to decide how many hours I'll need to work at said retail job in order to finance his involvement. The answer turns out to be: Too many.


I finished enough laundry to make sure my husband has dress pants and shirts for work for this week and then spent some time chatting with a friend online. So, that's a nice way to end the evening.



How's your weather? Here: still "oven temperature" according to Jean's description of our over-100 F temps.

Hot. Muggy. According to www.weather.com, our high today was only 90-ish, but humidity has been holding at about 85 - 90%, which makes it feel significantly warmer. We've been stuck in this same zone for a couple of weeks, now, and I'm pretty tired of it, personally. I kind of can't wait for October.

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Happy birthday, lmrich! Today is my dh's birthday as well.


Today was just kind of eh. We headed out to church this morning but there was a huuuuuge traffic jam. Caltrans had several freeway lanes closed down so they could replace a sign. Why they couldn't do it at night,  I don't know. So we ended up being a half-hour late.


Then this afternoon I decided to once again try to find some marbles for my dd's 4-H project. Went to several stores before I finally found some at Toys R Us. Did I mention it was hot and muggy today? Yuck. At least I can cross that off my list now.


Came home, took a nap. Going to go do some dishes and read a book or something.

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Very restful here.  I woke up with a killer sore throat and so DS17 (who had a headache) and ( stayed home from church.  DH and DD12 went and had lots of fun - church picnic day with a potluck and pouring rain so they moved everything inside and had a nice fellowship.  After those two got home, DH took a nap and everyone else just chilled out.  I had soup and pudding for dinner, everyone else ate fish and now they are winding down watching Rise of the Guardians on the TV.

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I'll chat. I've not done so before, but I hope I'll be welcomed or ignored. ;)

I hear all the time it's been hot here this summer. But the heat doesn't bother/register with me, so that is one thing I can say I don't complain about. I don't get stressed or bothered by traffic either. Since I live in the Houston metro area, it's a good thing on both counts!


I went to 2 AA meetings, and went to part time job # 1 because  #1 starts back tomorrow. We had prep week all week last week. Parents could bring supplies, get textbooks, get schedules, settle administrative issues. Tomorrow is orientation. I'll have a dual role - Administrative and Teacher. This year I am facilitating dual credit English and dual credit History. I'm teaching sociology - which I am totally looking forward to! I've got term 1 planned out in detail and a good "shell" and pattern for the rest of the year.


At part time job # 2, I have training for our "facilitators" - the trained lay persons who guide the grief support groups. It's 9 weeks, and this will be the only training where I don't have a role other than to attend.


The worst part of my day so far has been that my oldest allowed his friend to store his motor/dirt bike in our garage and the smell of gasoline permeated my garage and home. I'm up doing laundry, praying that the odor will dissipate. I'm washing and drying a load of clothes for the second time, saturated in odo-ban.


But it has given me the time to plan breakfast and lunch for tomorrow! And dinner for the kids although I won't be home.



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Yesterday was not restful for us.


My youngest had to sing (with the Elem group) in all 3 services so we had to leave the house at 7am.


We also have several in home organizing projects we are working on, so when we got home I spent most of the afternoon/evening cleaning and organizing two closets, taking things to the Goodwill truck, doing 6 loads of laundry, DH mowed the lawn, did some cooking, etc.....


I am TIRED today and my week has just begun.  UGH!

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