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Facebook creeping is never a good idea


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I decided to lookup old friends and crushes from high school.


I found one guy that I had a HUGE crush on in high school. He was always nice to me, but dated girls waaaay out of my league. I was always such a spaz around him because I thought he was so cute, but I guess he didn't like spazzy girls with badly permed hair haha. Anyways, turns out he went on to graduate Top Gun school in the navy. A frickin Top Gun fighter pilot!! He now flies commercial jets. He has a lovely wife who is very artistic. They look very happy with their family. I guess being cool and super sexy just never wears off! :laugh:


Another guy who had a crush on me but I didn't like turned out to be a very talented cartoonist. He was always very funny in high school but I was too busy running after the future Top Gun guy to consider him. Pictures of him and his wife look like they have a blast at life. Sigh.


Is there a "do-over" button anywhere? :blush:



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((HUGS))  If you are unhappy with what you have then it's never a good idea to look at "what could have been".  Work on your current situation first. 


I have looked up old friends/flames too but luckily it just makes me want to run to my DH and give him a passionate kiss. 



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((HUGS))  If you are unhappy with what you have then it's never a good idea to look at "what could have been".  Work on your current situation first. 


I have looked up old friends/flames too but luckily it just makes me want to run to my DH and give him a passionate kiss. 

Hahaha yes! I am always thankful, too.

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Yikes, beware. I know some people think this kind of perusing/nostalgia is harmless, but I believe it can feed discontentment with potentially disastrous results. I don't know if you're married or not, but if you are, spend some time thinking about your dh's qualities and why you married him. Looking over the fence never helps with gratitude or passion or intimacy, in my experience. Run away!

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When hubby was on facebook he looked up some old friends.  He was surprised to see that they had never really grown up (not all, but some).  Made him thankful that they were no longer part of his life.


I was on for a short while but refused to look up highschool firends.  I am sooo happy to be married and beyond all that.  No desire whatsoever to dig up those bones.



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It is natural and understandable to be processing what ifs. I trust you won't stay there in a way that impacts your current situation.

Reminds me of the song "Skater Boy." ;)

I may be confusing posters, but I think the OP might be going through some transitions.



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I looked up hot guys from high school just to show my daughter how the "Hot Guy" you see now turns into the fat, middle aged, bald guy later in life.   I also looked up some of the "Nerdy" guys to show her how they sometimes mature into quite nice looking men.  Seriously, NONE of the hot guys from my high school stayed hot.  Quite a few of the nerdy guys I wouldn't give the time of day turned out to be really nice looking later on in life. 



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The post was kind of tongue in cheek .... I am happy with my life/hubby/kids.


It did remind me, though, to tell my daughters not to disregard the guy with the great personality who may not be the coolest. If I have to spend 50+ years with someone I want it to be someone who makes me laugh!





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I love doing this.  It's fascinating to me to see how people have turned out.  I feel proud when I read about my ex-boyfriends and former friends and acquaintances.  Almost all of them have turned out well, and I feel honored to have known them in those formative years.

This is largely how I feel. I give myself kudos for my obvious good taste as a 13 year old and go on with my life.


The only one I get particularly weird about is the one who is not on FB or, as far as I can tell, anywhere else on the internet. He had a website a decade ago, but that's since disappeared. Last trace I found of him was that he worked for the military.  That particular trace seems to have disappeared as well. So obviously he's now a secret agent with a super high security clearance that doesn't allow for FB. I'm sure that if he were on FB I'd lose all interest in him.


I did find his sister today. I also found someone who looks like him with a name spelled slightly differently, which makes me wonder if I'm just misremembering, but there's not enough public info on that guy's page for me to make a good guess as to whether it is him or not.

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I was looking up people not to long ago because our high school is having a huge reunion.  I wasn't going to go because I've gained some weight over the past 20 years, but when i saw all the pictures of everyone else, surprise, surprise, they have gained weight too.  So, I'm going and dragging my best friend kicking and screaming with me.

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I did find his sister today. I also found someone who looks like him with a name spelled slightly differently, which makes me wonder if I'm just misremembering, but there's not enough public info on that guy's page for me to make a good guess as to whether it is him or not.


You could go to veromi.net and plug his name and state in. Try both spellings and see what shows up.  While it will give you an option to click through and then have to pay for info, I have NEVER done that.  I get enough info on the first page, between cities of residence, age and relatives' names. 


Or try spokeo.com. There are other similar websites too.


My sister and I enjoy this kind of internet stalking occasionally.  It's always great to get a call from her, practically shrieking, "GUESS WHO I FOUND!!!!" and see what people are up to now.  :)


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You could go to veromi.net and plug his name and state in. Try both spellings and see what shows up.  While it will give you an option to click through and then have to pay for info, I have NEVER done that.  I get enough info on the first page, between cities of residence, age and relatives' names. 

Well, he's on there, listed as living in the town where we grew up, with the name spelled as I remember it. So I guess the similar-name doppelganger from Antarctica (no, I'm not making this up!) wasn't him. I wish it was. Super Secret Agent in Antarctica would be kind of a cool high school crush.

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