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I will pay someone...


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to come plan my science and history for me. As I said in another thread, I've just run out of steam.


I know what books I'm using, I just need to lay it all out, day by day, with specifics on requirements leading to a grade. I need to do this, we consistently fall behind each year because I don't, and I'm trying to take 7th grade more seriously. I think it hit me when I had to create a report card so DS13 could do the high school swim team - I fudged on grades for those subjects, and I want a clear plan including grading scheme from here on out for him. And the DC have filled the coming week before school starts with field trips and playdates, so I'm out and about instead of home planning.


Please???? I can pay in coffee, dark chocolate, wine, money...I'll even find a kilt and someone to wear it (no, not DH, who hasn't heard about the whole kilt thing).



ETA: Thank you so much to all who responded! In looking at the replies, many of which were variations on "do a search for plans someone has already created," I realized that part of my problem is wanting pieces of many different resources - and no one has done quite the combo of resources I am doing.


For history, my solution was to simplify. DS13 uses K12's Human Odyssey, so I read the intro to the TM. (How novel, to look at what the authors intended. :001_smile:) I decided to use their general pattern of reading a single chapter over 2-3 days (read part of a chapter, do a bit of discussing and writing, read more, etc.) and intersperse with geography work (we like Pandia Press's maps) and researching a focused topic from the chapter (many different options for resources). I'm cutting back on other general resources unless it's something we absolutely love. I'm rethinking historical lit as LA, rather than history, so history is more straightforward.


Science will be harder. We have done a year of life science and a year of chemistry, and the DC didn't want a whole year of something this time. Thus, we are doing a smattering of various things - motion/forces/energy (loosely following the Science Explorer book of that title with various experiments thrown in), inside earth (ditto), and astronomy (various resources). Still need to look at this more closely.

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:grouphug:  Good luck. My dh looks FABULOUS in a kilt. He is a Scots. If kilts were not so darned expenisve to buy, I would have him wear one every Sunday.

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Start a couple new threads with titles like "Need schedule/plan for XYZ Science" and see if there are some schedules/plans that other folks have already done for those specific programs. It is much easier to then tweak what they have to fit your student/school. It is not always necessary to start from scratch.


Also, IMHO, it is perfectly ok to fudge grades prior to high school.  We even just used "pass/fail" rather than assign grades.

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There are a lot of homeschooling parents who have already created lesson plans for some of the most commonly used books/programs. Some of them charge a small fee for such plans and some have provided plans for free on their blogs, etc. Have you looked for anything like that? What are you using?

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I plan science for people over on the logic board (and sometimes k-8 board).  I'm not usually over here, so post there and I get around to it.  Here are some other threads to get you thinking:



Advanced science for a dyslexic child

Systematic unschooling for a student who dislikes most science programs

Designing a program using only resources you have and adapting for travel opportunities

Learning physics and chemistry under the umbrella of astronomy: post 14

Studying biology and earth science by way of gorillas and snakes post 16

Creating high school 'Science in Society' courses for non-STEM kids: posts 37 and 38

Making science into unit studies that incorporate language arts and math



You say you have already chosen everything, but I have a habit of getting people to think more clearly about what they and their children actually want to achieve. Once the hard thinking is done, the weekly schedule is easy.


Lucky for you, I do it for fun not cash (or wine, although you are welcome to mail me some)!


Ruth in NZ

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I'm battling the same beasts. I'm seriously considering getting a cheap hotel room and a lot of chocolate with nothing but history and science to focus on. I just can't seem to work up the motivation to push through with all the household activity.


We are starting our 2nd week of school today, but I had those same thoughts as I raced the clock planning my history and science.  

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I'll make a trade. I love planning, but I hate cleaning. I'll do all your planning if you come to my house and give it a good "before school cleaning".

I'll do the cleaning if you do the planning.


I started this spring then it all fell by the wayside. Now it is crunch time. I need to plan and only plan this week.

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