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any tips for getting my child into his carseat?

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I give my ds warning about when it is time to leave etc. However, he has his days where he just doesn't want to get into the car seat. You know the arching his back and the screaming and taking off the straps if I do get them on. He is only 2. Any tips? We don't spank.

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I have been through it with all of the kids. First of for avoiding the arching back, I simply press into the hips and they relax back for me to buckle. Once in was another story. My oldest was the worst he would not even undo the straps, he was just so slim and agile he would wiggle out of them. SO I started car toys. They were toys etc that they could only have if sitting in their seats buckled up. If they took of the seat beat, I pulled over, matter of factly buckled them back in and removed their toys. When we made it a whole trip without incident I gave a reward. At age 2 that would be a cookie, or a sweet they liked. The longest it ever took was my oldest and it was almost 2 weeks of doing this. I made a point of driving somewhere daily until he was trained to keep his seatbelt on. Right now my almost 11 month old is starting the back arching, so I put the pressure on her hip bones and she sits. You just have to be very firm and consistent about it, and instill a rule that the car does not go until everyone is buckled securely.

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I sure do remember this. My oldest (now 12) hated her carseat! Trips were a nightmare.


She did better if someone was in the back with her. Not sure if that is an option for you or not.


I kept special treats that she really liked (teddy grahams) and only gave them to her in the carseat.


My gf lets her toddler listen to audiobooks using a headset - but only in the carseat. That has worked well for her.


We kept trips short and quick as much as possible and she did grow out of it. this is a tough battle - you cant lose but solutions are few and far between.


Our pediatrician at the time suggested desensitization. Bring the carseat in and let dc chose to sit in it while watching a video or looking through a book. Sort of "carseat is your friend" type thing. Encourage dc to get in without assistance and relax.


Also, we talked to dc about making carseat more comfortable. Neck wrap type pillows, the terry cloth shoulder harness wraps, blankies, snack cup that attaches to seat. We put a nursing pillow in dd's lap. You know, the kind that looks like a lima bean type. That gave her a stable base for coloring or reading, playing with My Little Ponies, etc. We kept a bag of toys in the car that she could only play with in the car seat.



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I let my 2 yo dd play in the car. She did start crawling into her seat and back out of it. I was right there just in case!


Anyway, then, when we needed to go somewhere, I'd ask her to climb into her seat. She'd do it fairly willingly and then I'd buckle her in.


There are, of course, times when I need to push in her little hips and buckle her screaming ******/body in, however.


Good luck!!

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When mine was that age, like cin, our car wouldn't "start" until he was safely in his carseat. Also, if he were to undo the straps, the car would "automatically" pull over to the side of the road and stop until he was safely buckled.


Of course, in a few short years we could have a car that does exactly that...:auto:

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I've done that pushing down on the hips thing. I always feel badly about that even though I know it isn't hurting dc.


Our little guy actually doesn't mind his car seat so much. He does like to do everything himself. Which adds 5 minutes or more to every trip, one way. He wants to push the button to shut the van door but can't do it once he is in the car seat and I can't get him in the car seat (if I need to help him) if the door is shut. I actually gave him a leg from some broken doll to use as a tool to reach the button. Or we let him push the button from the remote to shut the door.


His problem is mostly when he doesn't want to leave a place. Say the park for instance. I guess maybe that is a different problem then not wanting to get into the car seat, it is not wanting to leave and having a meltdown. So not having the car move until we are all buckled doesn't work. The rest of us are just uncomfortable while the little guy is having a temper tantrum. Of course we don't leave until all are buckled. It just doesn't help it getting done any faster.


I think the car toy idea might be helpful. Of course we will have the meltdown the first time the car toy can't come into the house!


Boy my little guy sounds naughty, but he isn't. He is very sweet. I guess this to shall pass.


Thanks everyone for your replies. You are always helpful!!!

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Our car doesn't 'start' unless everybody's buckled in. It would be too bad if we couldn't go to the park because one person wasn't buckled in. Or to McDonald's, or some such fun place....


I used to do this - I'd calmly walk a few steps away from the car and look at a flower, say hi to a neighbor - like I could care less if we ever got going. The other kids would then be angry at the unbuckled one and tell them to "SIT DOWN NOW!!!" - nothing like peer pressure (sibling pressure?).


Sometimes, instead of using our muscles, we have to outsmart the little whippersnappers!

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You could try gently but with force pushing his knees back to cause his bottom to scouch back as someone else buckles the buckles. Or maybe distraction. Talk about his favorite thing or say, "wow, look at that......" as you are putting him in. If you don't mind my thoughts, honestly, spanking is good for our children. Not abuse, but disipline. Our kids test the waters with us to see how far they can go. Without disipline they will walk all over us. I encourage you to look up Proverbs 13:24. It's not speaking of beating your child, but loving disipline. Please look it up, it opened my eyes to the topic. :) Hope this helps.

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Most of the time with my 2 yr old, it is not really an issue of her not wanting to be obedient but it is a matter of her wanting to climb in herself or to buckle her chest clip herself or put her arms in herself (it always changes). Maybe offering a choice "Would you like to climb in or would you like me to put you in?" etc.

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Set up a back up person ahead of time. Get ready to get in the car. If he pitches a fit, calmly remove him from the car, hand him to a waiting safe adult and wave, smile, and tell him you will see him later. Drive away and make sure you do something fun with the other kids, etc.


I had to do this ONCE with a foster child that was never made to buckle up before he came to me. He was 4. He tried the pitching a fit thing and I calmly removed him from the car, set him on the steps and called my dh up from the basement. I said, " B doesn't want to get buckled so he can't go to the birthday party with us. I will see you later".


B buckled right up after that.

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I used to do this - I'd calmly walk a few steps away from the car and look at a flower, say hi to a neighbor - like I could care less if we ever got going. The other kids would then be angry at the unbuckled one and tell them to "SIT DOWN NOW!!!" - nothing like peer pressure (sibling pressure?).


Sometimes, instead of using our muscles, we have to outsmart the little whippersnappers!



Oh yeah, this works great. And when they are all screaming in the car, you pull over, get a book out and read (to yourself) until everyone is quiet. That sibling pressure is great stuff, isn't it? :lol:

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You are stronger than he is. You can physically restrain him. Do not let him manipulate you w/ his crying and pitiful screaming.


If my child did this, I would make sure to practice "carseat sitting time" everyday until he stopped that fussing. Put the carseat in your kitchen, on the floor. Put him in it (buckled) and tell him he is to sit there until he stops the carrying on. I'd make sure he was quiet for at least 5 minutes before letting him out. Do it while you are making supper.


It sounds like your little guy is testing your parental authority. It may be carseats now, but it will change to something else in the future. I'd strongly suggest that you nip it in the bud or you won't like him in the future.


As a mother of 6 boys, I imagine it would be hard to assert authority and expecation w/o corporal punishment. I know it can be done....but I seriously cannot imagine. Good luck to you.




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