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Sanity check: chicken nugget on fire ....


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First reaction would be to turn off the heat source... then I'd get the tongs and grab the nugget, throw it in the sink and douse with water from the faucet.  Kids would have run in by then because the smoke alarm goes off every time I cook and they've been trained to check and see if it's really a fire, so one would be using the broom handle to turn off the smoke alarm, and the other would be being told to stay out of the kitchen.  DH wouldn't move from the couch unless there was screaming involved.

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There's a controversy over a woman who was fired from a daycare after the "heroic" act of putting out such a fire.  She had left her charges during their nap to go heat up some leftover nuggets for her lunch, not noticing that a nugget had been dropped and left on the bottom of the oven.  Later she smelled smoke and again left the kids to investigate.  She opened the oven and tried to put out the fire, but set off the fire alarm (which automatically calls the fire department).  Then she got the kids out of the building and went back to fight the fire some more (not sure how, but one account says she threw water on it).  The fire department arrived minutes after the alarm went off.  The employee was fired for leaving her post, which was in violation of state laws.  That's pretty much all I know, assuming any of it is the truth, LOL.

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My thought was that in the daycare situation, where a fire alarm means evacuating the children, I would have shut the oven and turned it off.  The fire would have stopped on its own.  Attending to the kids would have been more important than the nuggets at that point.


I don't know how big this "fire" ended up once the woman started trying to put it out.  They make it sound like it was a massive conflagration, LOL.  Maybe she threw thew the nugget at the paper towels or something, I dunno.

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PS, I have a smoke alarm that goes off every time we use the toaster, LOL.  My kids think that the thing to do when they hear the alarm is run into the kitchen, grab towels and fan the smoke detector so it will shut the heck up.  I realize this is not ideal.  :P

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turn off oven

pull out pan of nuggets

if nugget is really flaming, throw a handful of baking soda on nugget

pull nugget out with tongs & put in the sink

if other nuggets are not done yet

stick nuggets back in oven

turn oven back on

later when oven is cool, drag the vacuum into the kitchen and use attachment to vacuum up baking soda


This also works the same for cookies, garlic bread, corn dogs, French fries....you get the point

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If the oven is relatively new, shouldn't it be sort of a vacuum? I mean, wouldn't the fire eventually just burn out on its own due to no oxygen source?


Seems I remember being taught some time that you are not supposed to open the oven door, it feeds the fire.

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OK.... so she was fired for leaving her charges alone during their nap.... not for trying to put the fire out.  And this is the fire that wouldn't have started in the first place if she hadn't left the kids napping?


Sorry, but yes, I would have fired her too.


But the original question was what would I do - assuming it's a home setting, I would have picked out the burning nugget and gone on with life.  But I have a gas oven, so it's not like I am going to electrocute myself somehow on the oven element......

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OK.... so she was fired for leaving her charges alone during their nap.... not for trying to put the fire out. And this is the fire that wouldn't have started in the first place if she hadn't left the kids napping?


Sorry, but yes, I would have fired her too.


But the original question was what would I do - assuming it's a home setting, I would have picked out the burning nugget and gone on with life. But I have a gas oven, so it's not like I am going to electrocute myself somehow on the oven element......

Are daycare providers supposed to sit and watch the kids sleep? Serious question!

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Are daycare providers supposed to sit and watch the kids sleep? Serious question!

Yes. There are daycare children who are sleepwalkers and there are those who pretend to sleep. Most would read a book or magazine during their daycare charges naptime.
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RaeAnne, it's a matter of state law that someone has to stay with the kids in a daycare.  If there were a massive fire for example, you wouldn't want the teacher to be separated from the toddlers.  Now there is a record that this daycare broke the law, and it could get its license revoked if it turned a blind eye.


I don't actually mind the fact that she went up the hall for a moment to see where the smoke was coming from, if there was nobody else around to do it.  But then she should have got her tail back to her kids and called for help.  We hire childcare help to do child care, not firefighting.  That's what fire insurance is for.

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That situation doesn't mirror a home oven / nugget fire.  I wonder why they didn't have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen at a daycare center; that would have put the nugget out pretty fast.  Day Care centers are going to have policies in place regarding a fire alarm going off.  I imagine they were short of staff and she was starving, but it's too bad she lost her job over a chicken nugget.


Here, I have an extinguisher, but I might have turned off the oven and attempted to get it with long tongs too; my next step would be the fire extinguisher. 

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