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8/7 Runners/Walkers/Bikers/Swimmers

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I didn't see a thread so here we go.


Dh and I went about 2 miles this morning. Not quite half running. Soooooo hot. But I think the heat wave is breaking soon.



You guys are doubling up on these posts now to bring guilt and shame upon those of us who are just in the "Breathers" catagory, aren't you?!? :tongue_smilie:

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Scarlett! We posted a thread at the same time! Your time says 9:19 and mine says 9:20! How funny! Maybe we can keep this one at the top so that my thread will just go off the first page and get lost. :) Or, we can double post! :)


I did an 11 mile bike ride. Took 44 minutes. It was a good ride, but seemed like it was taking forever for some reason! I definitely enjoy getting out during the cool of the day! :)


Glad to hear you went out! Way to go!:)

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I did an 11 mile bike ride. Took 44 minutes. It was a good ride, but seemed like it was taking forever for some reason! I definitely enjoy getting out during the cool of the day! :)


Great job on the bike! Way to crosstrain!


I should be able to pick up my new bike today!

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I had a day of rest this morning. And, when I say rest I mean I slept in and didn't exercise today at all. :tongue_smilie: My SIL, who is my exercise partner, and I were shopping last night and didn't get home until 11:00, so we decided to forget it this morning!!! We'll make it up Saturday morning. :)

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Early for me, but not early for some.


It was 75 and I was thinking great! But the humidity was up again. Yuck. I ran 3 miles, 31:??, 10:38 pace. My first mile has got to be getting faster. I'm now almost dragging the dog through the first mile. After that he's fine.


I should get my new bike today! :hurray: We went to the bike store last night to ask where our bikes were - dh's should have been ready on Friday. My old one on Monday, new one yesterday. My old bike (needed new brakes) was ready but they had noticed we had 2 bikes in so they stapled the papers together so we'd only have to come once. DH's parts came in but weren't placed with the bike so it hadn't even been started yet. The new bike was still in the box. Steve put all dh's stuff together and moved his bike to the front of the cue for today. He said if I really needed my bike he could hold someone's hand over the fire and have it ready last night. Or I could even go pick it up at noon. Well, dh has the truck so we'll be in tomorrow evening (tonight now) He even offered to bring the bikes out to the house! Steve is the owner BTW. Nice guy. A little weird looking, but nice. I get my bike today, I get my bike today!

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I went bike riding. I did 11 miles and it felt great. I have not tried to ride a bike in several years due to my dry eyes. I had to stop once to put more ointment in my eyes , but that was really not a problem. My legs felt like jello afterward, which I figure is great because I was using different muscles from walking/running. I really had a blast, it was so wonderful to feel the wind on my face(I wear special glasses to kept the wind out of my eyes)

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I had a day of rest this morning. And, when I say rest I mean I slept in and didn't exercise today at all. :tongue_smilie: My SIL, who is my exercise partner, and I were shopping last night and didn't get home until 11:00, so we decided to forget it this morning!!! We'll make it up Saturday morning. :)


You need rest too! I don't have a sis or a sil so I can only imagine how fun it is to shop with someone you are that close too. But it does sound fun!

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Yeah! Are you going to be adding biking to your workout plan now?:)


I should probably add more biking to the overall plan. Right now I bike on Saturdays in the woods with dh. It's almost a date. We have breakfast with the kids and then go. The kids clean the house while we are gone and then life goes on. I enjoy it. We don't really talk in the woods, it's a single track course for the most part. But I am getting better. DH decided after I'd fallen off my bike 3 times (out of 6 rides) that I needed a bike that fit me.


It was funny as we ordered the bike. We were also dropping off the old one to get new brakes. We were there on a Monday. I made no secret of the fact that I ride on Saturday. The old bike would be ready the next Monday. The new bike would be in the shop in 10 days, the following Wednesday. I told them "that is unacceptable!" The person actually helping us totally understood. The new guy at the next register over was horrified! Last night when we were talking to the owner, he totally got it too. I was just teasing. But Marcie and Steve have both dealt with dh and know how he is (joking all the time) so they just attributed that to me as well. The new guy is so new that he has no clue who we are.

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I went bike riding. I did 11 miles and it felt great. I have not tried to ride a bike in several years due to my dry eyes. I had to stop once to put more ointment in my eyes , but that was really not a problem. My legs felt like jello afterward, which I figure is great because I was using different muscles from walking/running. I really had a blast, it was so wonderful to feel the wind on my face(I wear special glasses to kept the wind out of my eyes)


Great job Karen! Take care of your eyes!

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A pleasant morning for a long walk. Dh and I did an hour of walking through neighborhoods and the park. Brisk pace.


After yesterday's hour and a half nature hike and today's walk, my feet are tired. ;)


It feels GREAT to be active.

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I mentioned yesterday that I've developed a very painful pain (as opposed to a pain that's not too terribly painful:tongue_smilie:) on the outside of my lower leg. Even lying in bed last night it hurt quite a lot. Frustrating. So part of me is thinking I shouldn't run. The other part is thinking that I took Tuesday off and that didn't help. Meanwhile, the temps are climbing higher by the hour as I ponder whether or not to get out there. Stay tuned for an update later either way.:)

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Great job everyone so far!! I'm in a hurry, so I can't respond to everyone.


Colleen - I'm sorry about your leg. No suggestions - just commiseration!


I'm taking a rest day in preparation for my long run tomorrow. It's so beautiful out, I'm wishing I had gone though!!! But, tomorrow I'll be happy I waited!

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Runninggirl I guess we are on the same schedule...:) I always check for the thread first but these overlaps happen.


Great job everyone. I read this thread several times during the day and I get such inspiration from all of you.


I would love to start biking, but I don't have a good place to do so without loading up and going down to the local bike trail. We run/walk on our street and can leave ds8 sleeping.

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I mentioned yesterday that I've developed a very painful pain (as opposed to a pain that's not too terribly painful:tongue_smilie:) on the outside of my lower leg. Even lying in bed last night it hurt quite a lot. Frustrating. So part of me is thinking I shouldn't run. The other part is thinking that I took Tuesday off and that didn't help. Meanwhile, the temps are climbing higher by the hour as I ponder whether or not to get out there. Stay tuned for an update later either way.:)


Do you think you pulled something? I know what you mean about not knowing whether to continue resting or not. When my hip and back and neck hurt it actually does no good to rest---it does MORE good to keep working it in some fashion. It is hard though to work out through pain.

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A pleasant morning for a long walk. Dh and I did an hour of walking through neighborhoods and the park. Brisk pace.


After yesterday's hour and a half nature hike and today's walk, my feet are tired. ;)


It feels GREAT to be active.


It does feel great doesn't it. I can't imagine not feeling this way. I can imagine having the time though! But the feeling is wonderful!

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Well after searching 08/07 runner/walker under the search button twice and reading 3 pages of thread titles I found nothing and post a new thread looking for you guys. :lol:


Anyway workout was grueling this morning and I have to say that since I began I have never showered so much. Ahh the price I must pay for getting in shape.

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Okay I am here! For the encouragement of all the other newbies, I will now post my progress:


We are using the Prevention 5k training plan. We began week 1 two weeks ago, had a week of rain then a week of vacation. This week we are repeating week 1, with today as day 2.


Also two weeks ago we purchased a fancy strength building machine (Gold's Gym GS 2700 or something like that). We used it the first week, then went on vacation and are now back on track with out workouts this week. Yesterday I split my workout because it took too long (90 minutes with the bike ride). So I am now working out every day for a shorter period alternating muscle groups on different days. On the days we don't run, I spend 20 - 25 minutes on a stationary bicycle then work out for 30 minutes or so. On the running days I do a 5 minute warm-up on the bike then my work out.


So who else is just starting out?

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I did cardio kick box and 30 day shred level 3.

Wow lynn, you go girl! How's the Level 3?


I'm going to try Level 2 today and see if I die! :001_smile: Hopefully it'll stretch me a bit more and I'll do okay! I stink at push-ups, but I can do everything else okay.


Hey, did ya'll notice my little thing in my siggy line that I stole from DB in NJ? I don't run so that's what mine has to say! :D


I had mac and cheese for breakfast. I've been eating very healthfully and I was craving it! :001_huh: So I need to make sure I exercise today! :tongue_smilie:



You all are doing great, keep up the good work!

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We are using the Prevention 5k training plan. We began week 1 two weeks ago, had a week of rain then a week of vacation. This week we are repeating week 1, with today as day 2.


Also two weeks ago we purchased a fancy strength building machine (Gold's Gym GS 2700 or something like that). We used it the first week, then went on vacation and are now back on track with out workouts this week. Yesterday I split my workout because it took too long (90 minutes with the bike ride). So I am now working out every day for a shorter period alternating muscle groups on different days. On the days we don't run, I spend 20 - 25 minutes on a stationary bicycle then work out for 30 minutes or so. On the running days I do a 5 minute warm-up on the bike then my work out.


So who else is just starting out?


This sounds like a great plan!! Vacations always mess me up! We're going to Disney in September and I have a race in October. I HAVE to run while we're away. Wish me luck!!


I'm going to try Level 2 today and see if I die! :001_smile: Hopefully it'll stretch me a bit more and I'll do okay! I stink at push-ups, but I can do everything else okay.


Hey, did ya'll notice my little thing in my siggy line that I stole from DB in NJ? I don't run so that's what mine has to say! :D



So, didya' do it yet, hu, huh, huh???? Did ya' die???? My strength training video has a lot of pushups too. I still can't do more than 7 - and that's the girly type too! It's embarassing when the kids come down and watch me struggle!


I like your siggy line!!

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The biking was again just up to town and back at an easy pace. No great shakes there. Running-wise, I had to stop and get my breath a couple of times. My exercise-induced asthma of bygone years sometimes makes an appearance if I run in hot weather. Regardless, I'll take these warm, sunny days!

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acting up again. Since I had kids my right hip sometimes "pops out", but pinches something when it goes back? So I switched to the bike for 10 miles.


I get that pinchy thing in my ankle, but only at night. It doesn't interfere with my running.


At least you got a workout in!

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Okay I am here! For the encouragement of all the other newbies, I will now post my progress:


We are using the Prevention 5k training plan. We began week 1 two weeks ago, had a week of rain then a week of vacation. This week we are repeating week 1, with today as day 2.


Also two weeks ago we purchased a fancy strength building machine (Gold's Gym GS 2700 or something like that). We used it the first week, then went on vacation and are now back on track with out workouts this week. Yesterday I split my workout because it took too long (90 minutes with the bike ride). So I am now working out every day for a shorter period alternating muscle groups on different days. On the days we don't run, I spend 20 - 25 minutes on a stationary bicycle then work out for 30 minutes or so. On the running days I do a 5 minute warm-up on the bike then my work out.


So who else is just starting out?


Great plan Cindy! Good job!

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The biking was again just up to town and back at an easy pace. No great shakes there. Running-wise, I had to stop and get my breath a couple of times. My exercise-induced asthma of bygone years sometimes makes an appearance if I run in hot weather. Regardless, I'll take these warm, sunny days!


Colleen, great job on getting both in!

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I get my bike today, I get my bike today!


I have my bike! I think I got another mile in while fitting and testing it. Steve is a great guy. He spent all the time I needed. In fact when I said that's not what dh has been telling me, he told me why dh was telling me that and then correcting both of us! :tongue_smilie:


(I just like the :tongue_smilie: ok.)


When I came back after riding and said this thing sounds funny. He tried to discern what the noise sounded like and then took it back to the mechanic guys and had them take care of it. Truly a good experience. The nice thing about buying a bike locally is being able to say I ride at Crabtree and they know exactly what I'm talking about - how hard or easy the track is. Even how I should be riding - what gears I should be in.


Dh even mapped out an 11 mile and 14 mile route for me to ride on the roads. Of course, it's a mountain bike. But if I'm going to ride in the woods, I need a mountain bike. I think I'm riding tomorrow instead of running. :001_smile:

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How was/is your leg?


Thanks for asking. It didn't hurt at all while I was biking, and not too much when I ran ~ but now it feels worse again. That happens with my chronic lower back pain, too. The faster I move around, the better it is; it's worst when I stand in one place, and sitting in one place for a long time or walking slowly is difficult, too. Not that the leg thing is chronic. And not that you asked about my back. Just rambling.:tongue_smilie:

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Thanks for asking. It didn't hurt at all while I was biking, and not too much when I ran ~ but now it feels worse again. That happens with my chronic lower back pain, too. The faster I move around, the better it is; it's worst when I stand in one place, and sitting in one place for a long time or walking slowly is difficult, too. Not that the leg thing is chronic. And not that you asked about my back. Just rambling.:tongue_smilie:


I'm so impressed with what you did today with your leg hurting. I aspire to do that much. Dh has the bug now and I like running with him, but he is so much bigger and faster...:(

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15.4 minute pace, which I'm thrilled about. I've taken over a minute off my pace in a little over a week. I am so excited to be past my plateau and getting faster!


No run scheduled for tomorrow, but I may do some upper body weights. We'll see, though. I do enjoy those days off. :D

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I have my bike! I think I got another mile in while fitting and testing it. Steve is a great guy. He spent all the time I needed. In fact when I said that's not what dh has been telling me, he told me why dh was telling me that and then correcting both of us! :tongue_smilie:


(I just like the :tongue_smilie: ok.)


When I came back after riding and said this thing sounds funny. He tried to discern what the noise sounded like and then took it back to the mechanic guys and had them take care of it. Truly a good experience. The nice thing about buying a bike locally is being able to say I ride at Crabtree and they know exactly what I'm talking about - how hard or easy the track is. Even how I should be riding - what gears I should be in.


Dh even mapped out an 11 mile and 14 mile route for me to ride on the roads. Of course, it's a mountain bike. But if I'm going to ride in the woods, I need a mountain bike. I think I'm riding tomorrow instead of running. :001_smile:


Yeah!!! I'm really excited for you and your new bike!! So, which route will you ride tomorrow? (Or are you so excited you're going tonight?)


I love those local stores. They always have the best service. We bought dh's bike from a local place and they are always SOOOO helpful!



Thanks for asking. It didn't hurt at all while I was biking, and not too much when I ran ~ but now it feels worse again. That happens with my chronic lower back pain, too. The faster I move around, the better it is; it's worst when I stand in one place, and sitting in one place for a long time or walking slowly is difficult, too. Not that the leg thing is chronic. And not that you asked about my back. Just rambling.:tongue_smilie:


So, you're saying that you need to be running/biking/walking fast all the time! :lol: I sure hope you figure it out!!


15.4 minute pace, which I'm thrilled about. I've taken over a minute off my pace in a little over a week. I am so excited to be past my plateau and getting faster!


No run scheduled for tomorrow, but I may do some upper body weights. We'll see, though. I do enjoy those days off. :D


Great job!!! I was wondering about you! When is your race?

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I'm so proud of all of you who burned extra calories... I was supposed to swim today but it was thunder/lightening all day... we swim in an outdoor pool and I didn't think that would be too safe. I could have / should have ran on the treadmill but didn't. Tomorrow is another day...



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Yeah!!! I'm really excited for you and your new bike!! So, which route will you ride tomorrow? (Or are you so excited you're going tonight?)


I love those local stores. They always have the best service. We bought dh's bike from a local place and they are always SOOOO helpful!



I'll go 11. My tushie isn't ready for 14. I know it's not a big difference, but... well it is. Of course I will be going later 'cause dh wants me to go not during rush hour! :glare: I know, he loves me and wants me to be safe. He even told me where the big hill is!

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So, didya' do it yet, hu, huh, huh???? Did ya' die???? My strength training video has a lot of pushups too. I still can't do more than 7 - and that's the girly type too! It's embarassing when the kids come down and watch me struggle! I like your siggy line!!
Well, I'm still alive, but honestly, it's only because I didn't get to do the Level 2 video :( Each of my boys has a friend staying for this whole week. One leaves tomoorw, one Saturday night. One sleeps in the room where I exercise, so I haven't been able to get in there very early. Then during the day they're playing games, playing computer, etc. in that same room.


Today I took them to an Aquatic Center. They had a lot of fun, and THEY go exercise...but I didn't. PLUS, we all ate icecream when we got home! Last "fling" for the kids, and I want them to have a great time!


So Mac & Cheese for Bfast and icecream for dinner. NOOOOO! I was doing so well!


Okay, I'll try to get exercise in tomorrow, but DEFINITELY have to get back to my healthy diet and get back to the good exercise. There are only so many hours in a day, and I just couldn't fit it in today.

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