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Recommend a baby carrier?


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I couldn't find my other post about my very fussy little guy quickly. So I'll recap: He's 3 mos and 16 lbs. He screams. He does not nap beyond a few minutes and only with the boob. He does not like to sit down. He also doesn't like for me to sit down while holding him.


So, now I wonder if I get a carrier, what's the best kind? Are ergos good? Because they're on sale on zulilly right now. I've read the best carrier for nursing is a ring sling. Any recs about that? I don't have a huge budget; I'd prefer to keep it less than $100.

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I love, love, love, my Ergo!  I have used it with the last three and it is ready for the upcoming one.  You can use it a long time, especially great for these babies that want to be held.  7yo dd used to fall asleep everywhere.


BTW, I have a Bjorn.  Like it, but not good for nursing.  I use Ergo for that.  I did have a ring sling for nursing, but works just as well in the Ergo,

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I like a ring sling for around the house and when they are small, and I like my ergo for carrying out and about and for older kids. The ergo is very comfortable to use and I can carry for quite awhile before getting sore. I even used my ergo last fall to carrying my youngest on a 2-3 mile hike. He was almost 3 at the time but he is a tiny guy. It is easier for little ones to sleep in a ring sling but you have to make sure they are positioned safely. :)

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I think a ring sling is easiest to nurse in, but I'm hesitant to use anything pouch-like if I want my baby to nap in it, kwim? Too easy for their airway to be blocked. I have a cute pouch sling, but I only use it for quick shopping trips and when I want something easy to, say, vacuum quickly.


I have heard great things about Ergos. I prefer carriers without buckles and snaps and whatnot, so I have not used one, but I would go for it if that's your thing. I like my mei tai (from Mei Tai Baby) a LOT. I also like my Moby for this age, but not so much once baby is a little older/heavier.


I think an Ergo or an Ergo-type carrier could work well for you. I personally would nurse baby and then put him in the carrier to settle to sleep. Neither of my babies have been able to resist the lull of being worn if they were full and sleepy, no matter how cranky and fussy they were! :)

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I think you would get better use out of an Ergo (or similar soft structured carrier) just because it will be comfortable up to a higher weight. It get hard to carry all the weight on one shoulder after a point. Plus, the Ergo would give you the option to wear him on your back easily. I would wear my little guy on my back for hours sometimes. Do you have a friend with an Ergo you can try on? It's more comfortable on certain body types.

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I'd get an Ergo. I love ring slings, but the one shoulder can become uncomfortable quickly as the baby grows. An Ergo will let you wear him with both shoulders, plus it will be able to go on your back as he gets bigger. At his current size, you will probably not need the infant insert to wear him on your front. As for nursing, I do find a ring sling a bit easier for that, and I don't really like the Ergo for that very much, but for overall wearing, the Ergo wins over the ring sling. However, I'm really short, and so it's tricky to nurse in any carrier; I tend to sit down and nurse the baby, then pop him/her into a carrier. If you're taller, nursing in the Ergo might be easier for you. A woven wrap (I wouldn't get a stretchy, like a Moby, at his size) might also be a good choice; my little boys were worn in those for hours as infants, and they were great because they'd really support the baby well and keep the head tucked in and all, so that my slight movements wouldn't wake the baby. There are also mei tais, like a Kozy, and those are great too, although if I were hoping for sleeping, I'd look for one with a sleeping hood (which the Ergo has).

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My youngest practically lived in her Maya Wrap as a baby. The only time she would play on the floor or sit in a bouncy seat was when someone was right there next to her. Wearing the sling was hard on my back at first, but once I learned to adjust it better I was fine. I loved that I could face her outward if she was awake or snuggle her up to me to nurse or sleep. She loved being able to see what everyone else was doing, so once I started using the sling she was much happier. She also liked having easy access to her milk, and she slept very peacefully in the sling.

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A friend of mine has a new Mayawrap, and it's really nice. My profile pic shows an asian'style baby carrier. My first one was a Kozy carrier. I prefer the tie-on kind to the soft'structured carriers because it's super easy to adjust to a nursing position by lowering the shoulder straps so baby sits lower (once they have good head control).

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I had a Boba G2 with my last - it was great because she is a BIG child (9lb 6oz at birth and at 4yo still in the 95% ). The Boba is very similar to an Ergo, but I think I chose it because of the higher weight limit. We even carried my 5yo in it on occasion. Has great support.


I don't know about the nursing bit, though. A Maya wrap might be better suited there - they look so comfortable!

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This thread is making me have baby fever. I love baby wearing. ;)


Want my littlest?   :tongue_smilie:


So, I grabbed an Ergo while it was on sale.  I'm hoping I'll love it.  But right now 12-16 days seems like FOREVER.  I might have to buy a ring sling from Amazon too...  I just need to not have my back hurt from lugging this kid around and also find some way to have him stop screaming all of the time and still school or help my bigger kids...

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