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is this normal?? tired 9 year old....


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lately my almost 9 year old has complained about waking up tired. He plays hard during the day like any normal little boy. His tiredness usually doesn't slow him down or keep him from activities. He usually complains when he first wakes up and before he goes to bed. Sometimes during the day....but not often...and when he does, if something exciting catches his attention...he is off and going again.


He is in bed by 8:45 (don't know what time he falls asleep) and unless he needs to be up for something, lately I have let him sleep until at least 7:30..sometimes 8...and I dont' always have to wake him...sometimes I do.


Like this morning...he slept until about 7:50, woke up on his own...but the first words out of his mouth were "I tired".


His room is dark and there is a fan in there (to circulate air), but it also makes noise...so he can't hear every little noise outside his room.


He also has said many mornings that he woke up in during the night...and I have no idea if he just woke up long enough to see the time on the clock and then rolls over and goes back to sleep...or if he actually is awake for a while...


so, what would you think? could his tiredness be from playing hard, possibly growing, normal summer like activity...or something else?


I wouldn't be worried if this is "normal" for him...but this is sort of new in the last month or two.


Just for more information...he came downstairs this morning, crashed right away on the couch, complained aobut being tired. Shortly later, he stood up, and crashed to the floor saying he was so tired. Then minutes later he got up and asked for breakfast....he is eating now and is more alert.


I know it might be normal to be groggy when you first wake...but before about 2 months ago he would wake up, ready to tackle anything from the minute he woke up. SOme mornings are better than others...but more often than not he wakes up "tired"


normal? or not?

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I would have him tested for infectious mononucleosis.


We had this exact scenario with DS9. He was this way weeks after having a cold. When I took him to the pediatrician to be certain it was not more serious, the pediatrician stated it was just a virus.


One month later, he still complained of being tired, even upon waking. I was concerned he might have Lyme disease. I took him to his allergist to verify that it was not related to his allergies. He listened very carefully to us and gave him a thorough examination. Then, he stated that he suspected mono. He ran blood tests to check his vitamin levels and to check for mono. To our surprise, it came back positive.


He is fine now, with normal energy levels, but it took months for him to fully recover. It was scary and difficult to watch him struggle and wonder if he would ever be the same again.


ETA: The only symptom DS had when I took him to the allergist was that he was tired all of the time. He was so tired that he would choose reading over riding his bike or playing outside.


I hope you get a diagnosis soon!

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this really doesn't impact his day...after breakfast he ran upstairs to get dressed and now is outside swinging with his brother. He says he is tired, but he doesn't stop playing either. So this is what makes me think that he is tired BECAUSE he doesn't stop playing. If he chose to read instead of play, I would be more concerned (because he would do that if he didn't feel like being active)....ds doesn't do things that he doesn't want to do...or at least not for very long...he will stop and do something else.


I am not against taking him to the doctor...just can't spend the money if he is simply just tired because he is more ative than he is used to being.


Oh, he hasn't been sick or suffered from allergies symptoms...he is on allergy meds....oh...now that i type that...maybe that is the problem...although his meds say "non'drowsy"....he is taking zyrtec and naseonex (Zyrtec in the morning, nasonex at night)...but he also has been on that for a year now...and has only complained the last couple months...(maybe not even that long...I honestly haven't been keeping track.)....and it's not every day either...


yesterday we all biked about 2 miles (to the river to play in the water)...and he led the group....played in the water for about an hour and then biked home (the entire trip was about 2 miles...not one way)


do you all still think I need to take him to the doctor??

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With that added information, I think I'd add a mandatory rest period in the middle of the afternoon and see if that helps. I'd also try Melatonin and see if maybe it would help to start the night with good sleep.


Nasonex shouldn't usually impact sleep. Zyrtec made one of mine so tired he was literally falling asleep at the dinner table.

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With that added information, I think I'd add a mandatory rest period in the middle of the afternoon and see if that helps. I'd also try Melatonin and see if maybe it would help to start the night with good sleep.


Nasonex shouldn't usually impact sleep. Zyrtec made one of mine so tired he was literally falling asleep at the dinner table.



where do I get Melatonin and how much do I give a small sized 9 year old?


Should I change the time of his Zyrtec to night instead of morning...would that hurt? Can he take that and the nasonex at the same time??


the rest time thing...that is something else that has changed since school has been out. We did that EVERYDAY during school and we haven't since...that might do the trick too.



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In addition to what the others have posted, I'd keep track of his drinking through the day. He could be more dehydrated than he normally is and that can make you tired. Especially when nothing else is going on and you then notice it. I've had that happen. Too much caffeine the evening before and I wake up feeling tired and foggy. Just an idea.

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I will watch his water intake...he never has caffeine...so that is not the issue. thanks for those thoughts.


we are off to swimming lessons...and he is all gung ho.


oh, my husband thinks that maybe he is getting TOO much sleep...because his memory says that when he wakes up with his older brother at 6ish...he doesn't wake up tired. Could that be the case...too much sleep??

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He's on allergy meds for allergies, right? Is it his allergy season? Maybe that is affecting him, or the meds. I would say not normal. I have a 9 year old like this and I don't consider it normal/his health is not normal. But allergies and allergy meds could certainly cause what you're seeing.

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Another idea: reflux?


DS9 was having trouble with night waking, and we mentioned it to his allergist, thinking it was only asthma related. Asthma patients can sometimes have trouble with nightwaking around 4 am, due to an increase in mucous, lying prone, etc. DS9 was clearly having asthma during these nightwaking episodes. Allergist mentioned that sometimes another cause for night time asthma was reflux triggering asthma. She prescribed 6 weeks of Nexium. It cleared up the nightwaking right away. DS's nights and days have been calmer ever since.


FWIW, here, DS9 always woke up a bit groggy, but played hard despite the lack of sleep. But I can definitely see a difference in his day to day behavior now that he gets a better night's sleep.


Hope you find an answer soon!

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Maybe he is equating groggy with tired in the morning? I wake up and feel tired but I'm ready to go after I get moving if I had plenty of sleep the night before. I'm not a morning person. But it isn't like I can go back to bed and sleep either. I just have to move my body. I know Zyrtec does not help with that groggy feeling. You might try switching it to night but I think you might have more morning complaints. I think you should see if this passes. If his energy level is fine during the day, don't be too concerned.

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If he has been on Zyrtec for a year, that shouldn't be the issue. It sounds to me like it might be a sleep issue, like apnea, or just just sleep disturbance. And I don't think too much sleep is the issue. Our bodies know how much sleep they need, we just don't normally listen.


I would re-institute the afternoon rest period for at least a week, and see if that makes the difference. If not, I would take him in for a check up and insist on some blood work.


Also, melatonin is good for helping to fall asleep, but not stay asleep. Try valerian root, it helps you stay asleep.

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I just asked him this question: do you feel sleepy tired? or is your body just tired?...he said his body was tired. That he wasn't ready to go to sleep yet. So what is that an indication of?


BUT he has been playing for most of the day. Swimming lessons this morning, swimming in our pool here at home, running around and playing with his brother. During the hottest part of the day he was inside but he was playing...not lying around or anything.


So I am sort of confussed as to what might be going on. I will probably call the Dr tomorrow just to see what they think.

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We went to the doctor today....they took some blood and ran a bunch of tests....mono, thyroid, red and white blood cells, liver, kidney and electrolytes, iron...maybe more. But they all came back just fine....so now what???


They suggested dehydration since it's been hot...so I will be really pushing liquids and seeing if that makes a difference.


Can anybody else think of anything we might be missing???

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I know you said he's been on Zyrtec for a year, but honestly that is my first suspect. When I switched to Zyrtec a while back, I spent three days sooooo exhausted that I wondered if I was pregnant. Nope, not pregnant. So I started wondering if I was dying. :lol: I was just soooooooo incredibly tired. It was DH who suggested it might be the Zyrtec. Stopped it and got my energy right back.


On a separate note, I quit dairy and my allergies went away entirely, so I also wouldn't rule out dietary factors.

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no Vit D test that I know of....I will ask the doctor about that. As for the Zyrtec, I will ask about that too...and see about switching to something else...but if that's the problem, I will be REALLY bummed...we have tried other things and nothing brought my son relief from his allergies like Zyrtec....sigh!!!!

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Good to see his tests came back normal. :)


You might take his temperature several times a day over the course of a week. Morning, noon, late afternoon, and bedtime. If he has a low grade temperature every day, then you might want to take him back to the doctor. This is not medical advice, I'm just telling you what I as a mom have done when my son complained of fatigue. He had mono, but there are other viruses that your son could have that make him tired but not symptomatic.


You might try putting him to bed a little earlier and letting him sleep until he wakes up on his own; he might just be going through a growth spurt and need more sleep, especially since he seems to feel fine later in the day and is active.

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although he plays, he complains of being tired. Like this afternoon for example. we had JUST gotten off of an hour (or little more) rest time and he complained of being tired....climbed into a comfy chair...sat there for about 10 minutes and then his brother caught his eye with a toy on the floor and off he went...playing and laughing...just like everything was normal...and when I asked if he was feeling better he said, no, I am still tired.


These are the confusing messages I have been getting for 2 1/12 weeks. I tried letting him sleep more, but he seemed a lot groggier in the morning when I did that, than when he is waken at his normal time.


So, I am totally confussed!!!

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yeah...I thought starting tomorrow i would give him his own container of water that he needs to drink during the day....what will be hard is that we won't be home...we have swimming lessons in the morning and a firend invited us to the pool for the afternoon...I will just have to be creative is all...


how much should a 9 year old be drinking anyway??

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I've been stalking this thread. My ds had these exact symptoms a while ago. He was lethargic, feverish (100 - 101), lying on the couch every day. It was horrible. EVERY test came back negative. He eventually outgrew it. No explanation. We'd already had a child with Lyme Disease and he was tested. Nothing. I hope you figure it out!!


My son is now 17 and is FINE!!! I still wonder if we didn't have a false negative for mono.

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my son has never had a fever, would only stop playing once in a while...eats normally, acts normally etc...except complains of being tired. If this was my dd I would probably be less worried because she complains about EVERYTHING....but this son doesn't complain ever about anything unless it is truly bothersome. He is the kid who won't say his tummy hurts until 3 seconds before tossing his cookies EVERYWHERE....unlike dd who would complains for hours first. Just the difference in kids. But it makes me take notice a lot faster and more seriously than not.


It is really all so puzzling and I am praying that hydrating him will be the quick and easy fix and we can go on our 3 week vacation in 10 days and not worry any more.

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My son is now 17 and is FINE!!! I still wonder if we didn't have a false negative for mono.



This is what I was thinking as I read more of your responses, NEprairiemom. Your description of your son is almost exactly like mine (except that his did start with a cold months prior). Mine is rarely sick, and rarely complains. He always wants to feel good and wants to be active.


I hope it is only a hydration issue, but I wonder if you should ask the doc to check his vitamin D levels, and to run the mono test again. I would also ask what illnesses are often mistaken for mono since his symptoms are so similar.

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