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I feel awful, terrible mom moment


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My kids signed up for camp this week expressly because there was an ice skating outing today. They have been talking about ice skating with their friends all week. Well, i didn't realize that they had to be at camp EXACTLY at 9 am for the outing today--up til now, anything outside of camp started at noon. When my husband arrived at camp, the bus had already left. He then drove an hour to the ice skating rink, only to be told the kids couldn't join the group. The kids are so upset. I feel awful that I didn't realize they had to be there early. My husband is missing work and the kids are so upset.


I feel awful. Simply awful. They have been looking forward to this day for ages. How could i be so remiss!?:(

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Why in the world were they not allowed to join the group? That seems a bit ridiculous.



:iagree: Why on earth did the camp not let them join the group? I'd be having a very serious conversation with the camp director about that, as well as lack of communication with the parents.

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Well, they said it's a security issue or something. I don't know. Usually they are quite accomodating (we go to the Y for afterschool and they know us well) but this time, they were very firm. We tried everything: calling the director, etc. No go. The woman at the front desk pointed out the sign that said be here at 9 but I didn't pick them up yesterday as I was at work, and DH....well, DH doesn't notice things. And the kids swore it was in the afternoon. I really was just negligent and not on top of it, what with working so much I just dropped the ball, majorly.


But we have decided to make lemonade out of lemons. I am cancelling my patients this afternoon (they are happy to move to tomorrow, thankfully) and my dh will let them skate once the campers have left (they are leaving at noon to go to a nearby park) and then I will meet them at the water park, then off to see Epic and then we will all go out for Japanese at their favorite restaurant, just to show them that days that seem to be ruined can be salvaged.


My older is in tears, but I hope to make it up to him.

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Ah, I'm sorry. I get how awful you must feel, but I think there is a great life lesson in redeeming those bad moments instead of wallowing in them. I'd have a good cry in the closet and then go out and have a good time.


Great parents do what you are doing. Bad parents would blame the kids for not having the details themselves, don't be too hard on yourself.

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How horrible! I'm so sorry for the disappointment felt all around. Would there be a way to take them ice skating outside of the camp? Was the rink only open to the camp group?


The rink was only open to the camp group. They stop at 12, so DH will stay with them for an hour while they skate. Then they will drive back to our home town, and I will take them to the water park and then to see Epic (complete with popcorn, soda and candy--a big no-no usually) and them we'll all go out to eat.


We haven't had a true family day in a loooong time. This will be good.

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Hey, psst. don't tell anyone but Halcyon is.....human! :D


Seriously, there is only forgiveness in a situation like this. Step into that stream and follow it all the way to its source and you'll be humbled by your own visceral and breathing humanity. Hug your boys but more importantly give your own guilt away as an offering to be transformed and polished and softened by the sacredness and wonder of what it is to be a alive with all the emotion and ambiguity inherent this wild and precious life.

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I'm so sorry the day started out badly, but it sounds like you're more than making up for it.


Thanks! And I just found out that DH accidentally bought a groupon for Learning Express, but not the one in OUR town. It turns out the Learning Express he bought for was in the town next to the ice skating rink! So the boys get an unexpected toy out of this, too!

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Hey, psst. don't tell anyone but Halcyon is.....human! :D


Seriously, there is only forgiveness in a situation like this. Step into that stream and follow it all the way to its source and you'll be humbled by your own visceral and breathing humanity. Hug your boys but more importantly give your own guilt away as an offering to be transformed and polished and softened by the sacredness and wonder of what it is to be a alive with all the emotion and ambiguity inherent this wild and precious life.




Thank you. Beautiful.

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Oh no! I know how awful you must feel, as I've done something similar and really did feel quite badly about it.


I think the not-being-able-to-join things is probably liability related. I know that when I chaperoned my daughter's field trip to the Renaissance Festival this year I could have driven myself but not my daughter, to or from the event. Had I driven her there myself she would not have been allowed to participate in the activities with the other kids. It was all insurance related.


Anyway, it sounds like your kids will be having a great day out of it.


Please let it go. We need to be kinder to ourselves in these circumstances. It isn't as if we do it intentionally!

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I can see what a let down this is for the kids and you feel awful...but it can be used for a lesson in the future.

They can ask personnel and confirm dates and times and relay info to you, especially since you are not there with them and have to juggle work and outside activities. If they are really young, I would confirm information by email or phone but it would still teach them to take responsibility for knowing what happens when.


Once the initial sadness is waning, would it help to sit down with them and make a plan so this can be avoided in the future?


I don't mean to come across as lacking empathy because I would feel awful too but I am such a "identify the problem and seek a solution" person. Can you take a big bucket of their fave ice cream home tonight? :)

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{{Halcyon}} I'm so sorry for the disappointment all around but you are making the best of it and down the road I bet the boys remember it fondly, they won't hold it against you. My three older boys are 31, 29 and 26 and can I just tell you, they love their mom!;) I can remember lots of times I failed them but they don't seem to or at least they never bring it up;) I'm so glad it's turning into a great family day, something I think you really needed.

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Hey, psst. don't tell anyone but Halcyon is.....human! :D


Seriously, there is only forgiveness in a situation like this. Step into that stream and follow it all the way to its source and you'll be humbled by your own visceral and breathing humanity. Hug your boys but more importantly give your own guilt away as an offering to be transformed and polished and softened by the sacredness and wonder of what it is to be a alive with all the emotion and ambiguity inherent this wild and precious life.


What a wonderful sentiment!

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Oh, no, you are far from a terrible mom -- these things happen, and it does sound like communication with the parents wasn't spectacular (like, I'd have expected that they would really emphasize to the kids that they needed to be there at 9, and/or to have mentioned it to your DH when he picked them up; the reality is that kids ARE forgetful) -- but man, you really stepped up and made some fabulous lemonade for your children! That's going to take so much of the sting out of missing the skating, especially when they remember it in the future.


I hope y'all have a fabulous evening!

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Thanks all!

We just got back from our day--whew! Dad took them to Five Guys after skating and then to Learning Express for a little gift. Then I took them to the local water park and did every single ride with them (yes, I normally read my Kindle while they play :leaving: ) and then we went to see Epic (really fun movie!) with a big bucket of popcorn and Skittles and then we were going to go out to dinner but they were so exhausted from the day that we decided to go home, picking up Thai food on the way. Older is sound asleep and younger is on the way.


I am wiped, but I think we saved the day, at least a little. Thanks for all the very kind words of support.

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