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Favorite Audiobooks

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We loved the Narnia books, The Hobbit, Alice in Wonderland... DS has listened to Rikki Tikki Tavi several times. I liked Elijah Woods' Huck Finn, DS did not. I just bought Sign of the Beaver Kindle book and Audible for under $4. I think that deal goes to the end of the month. Buy the Kindle ebook and the audio deal shows up on thank you page, $1.99 each.

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We just finished tom Sawyer. It was so much better than me reading aloud, great accent, different voices and music at the end of each chapter.




Can you tell me what version this is? Who is it read by? I want to have the boys listen to Tom Sawyer and Huck FInn this summer and someone else reading them would save my voice and probably be more enjoyable.

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The Cricket in Times Square - better than me reading it because the music the cricket makes is great


Charlotte's Web - I loved the version with E.B. White reading the story.


BBC production of the Naria series


Lord of the Rings - because who could read all those names, songs and poems out loud!

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We are about halfway through Peter and the Starcatchers. We all are loving it. We also have enjoyed The Sign of the Beaver, the American Girl historical figure stories (especially Kaya), anything read by Jim Weiss, and just about anything from Odds Bogdins.

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I made a post with screenshots awhile back with instructions on how to get many classics on audio at Audible for free (or very cheap). The awesome Elijah Woods Huck Finn is one of the free ones!


Audible doesn't have it, but we love Cherry Jones' Little House & Peter Dennis' Pooh.


A couple years ago we listened as a family to The Tale of Desperaux in the car on a trip and we all enjoyed it! It was one where the narrator's expressive voice made the story. I recommended it to a friend, who just read it herself, and she thought it was rather morbid. But she was just reading it straight, whereas the narrator brings out the irony and humor in the way he reads it. It's engaging and funny (though not all Nicey-nice). That's one of the reasons I love audio books. :)

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Sisters Grimm. We got the audiobooks from the library. Both the 6/7 yo boy and 8/9 yo girl enjoy (there's boy and girl characters and we've gone through a few of the titles in the series.)


Percy Jackson series might be fun. My daughter like the Kane Chronicles (also by Riordan but based in Egypt.)


My kids loved Jim Weiss's Greek myth stuff. They enjoyed some of his other items too, but ask for these the most.


You could try Inkheart by Cornelia Funke or Eragon by Christopher Paolini.

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I absolutely second the Ramona series read by Stockard Channing--she nails the whole Quimby family, and grows with them through the series. We have listened to this over and over.

We also completely loved the Henry Huggins series read by Neil Patrick Harris.

The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia (both the dramatized and the unabridged), The Railway Children, Pollyanna, War Horse, Tom Sawyer, 5 Children and it, Swallows and Amazons series, Anne of Green Gables.

We listen to books a lot. These are the ones from this past year that my kids just called out off the top of their heads, but I absolutely agree-- they made a huge impression on us and we couldn't wait to listen more.

My daughter has been listening to Black Beauty and my son is currently enjoying Huckleberry Finn.

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We LOVE books on cd. We check them out from the library, and most are listened to in the car. Here are some my kids have really enjoyed (like, let's go drive around in the car so we can listen to our story):

Chronicles of Prydain

Benedict Society

Chronicles of Narnia

Lemony Snicket series

Sisters Grimm series

Land of Elyon books

Dark is Rising series (currently on book 1, but I can already tell they're going to be looking for the rest asap!)

As you can see, we like the books that are series. Or maybe those are the ones I remember best since they went on and on!


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Wow great thread! Amazon has a bunch of cheap audible books what you buy the book right now. I bought the Bronze Arrow kindle book and audio book for $3.98 for both. I was pretty excited. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003K16PXM/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B003K16PXM&linkCode=as2&tag=theamames-20 I am considering getting Ginger Pye book and audio for the same price. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003UV90QQ/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B003UV90QQ&linkCode=as2&tag=theamames-20

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