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Did you know that wild turkeys will attack?


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A turkey hen will CHASE horses and act like she is going to attack them if you ride the horses too close to her nest. A friend and I found that out today during our early morning ride. The hen was flapping her wings and squawking and coming after us. She did not appreciate our presence. My friend's horse spooked a bit as she was in the lead and mine just stood there and looked for the most part.

We have seen turkeys and flushed them out before but usually they go away from us. Never had one chase us before.

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Any wild animal has the potential to attack. Last fall I was walking from our garden to the front door when I saw something very large in the road in front of our house. A car stopped and a lady got out and looked at it and then me. She said it was a turkey and picked it up and moved it to the other side of the road, which is an empty field. I thought she was very brave. It eventually got up and moved away.

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The horses handled it very well esp. since she had been out of state and hadn't ridden her horse in almost 3 weeks. She is a good rider which helps. My horse just looked at it but didn't really spook. We just decided to avoid that section of the field until the babies grow up.


Just helped to give me confidence that my horse is a good horse for me.

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Birds in general freak me out, so yes, I'd think they may attack! I've been attacked and chased (and bit...if a thing without teeth can bit?) by Canadian geese before. And my moms terribly mean parrot has trapped my sister in her room on more than one occasion.


I see kids chase ducks and geese at parks and think- whoa, little dude, just wait until they day they turn around, beat you with their wings, and bite you on the butt. Big birds are no joke!

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