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My life just drove off in a blue mini-van...

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I know that sounds like a bad country song.

I know I'm not supposed to be on the board today.


But as much as I'm grateful for so much time alone this week to plan our school year, I have to say that I felt kind of sad as they drove off for a day of fun and frolicking.


And because I tend to be morose, it occurred to me that if there were some terrible tragedy today, the people that I hold most dear in the whole world are in that one vehicle. If something happened to them today I would be all alone in the world.


Why am I like this? :001_huh:

They'll be fine. They'll have a blast. I have History notebooks to compile and Spelling Power to figure out and grammar workbooks to order. No time for borrowing trouble.


Okay, bye again!

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I know that sounds like a bad country song.

I know I'm not supposed to be on the board today.


But as much as I'm grateful for so much time alone this week to plan our school year, I have to say that I felt kind of sad as they drove off for a day of fun and frolicking.


And because I tend to be morose, it occurred to me that if there were some terrible tragedy today, the people that I hold most dear in the whole world are in that one vehicle. If something happened to them today I would be all alone in the world.


Why am I like this? :001_huh:

They'll be fine. They'll have a blast. I have History notebooks to compile and Spelling Power to figure out and grammar workbooks to order. No time for borrowing trouble.


Okay, bye again!




First off, I'm like that too. Enough that sometimes I scare myself (and my peeps) in that twisted way that one can laugh outwardly but think, "Woman, you really oughta go get some therapy." ;) This weekend, the girls and I were sitting in Bay Bridge traffic when we happened to come to a stand still underneath an overpass. I said aloud, "Okay, so, if this bridge over us collapses, we'll all be flat." Yea, like I said...twisted.


I'm pretty sure what you're feeling is a mixture of the richest love anyone can have iced with a light glaze of jealousy. We love them madly. And, we want it all - alone time, together time, support in every way shape and form. Like, what's wrong with that man that he can't manage to keep the house quiet for a week, diverting all distractions from you, but still be there to cheer you up and encourage you, serve you lemondade (soft or hard) while you have your nose to the grindstone?


They'll come back to you, and it will be a beautiful homecoming. Good luck, anj! Sending you motivation and diligence. :D

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I completely understand what you mean. Anytime all my kids and dh are in the car I always think the worst, well anytime I see them doing something, I see the worst thing happening. I just take a deep breath and try to push those thoughts from my head. Get your planning and purchasing done so you can rest in front of the computer and chat with us. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: Just another note of..."I understand exactly how you feel, it must be hardwired into the mom gene.."


I know that sounds like a bad country song.

I know I'm not supposed to be on the board today.


But as much as I'm grateful for so much time alone this week to plan our school year, I have to say that I felt kind of sad as they drove off for a day of fun and frolicking.


And because I tend to be morose, it occurred to me that if there were some terrible tragedy today, the people that I hold most dear in the whole world are in that one vehicle. If something happened to them today I would be all alone in the world.


Why am I like this? :001_huh:

They'll be fine. They'll have a blast. I have History notebooks to compile and Spelling Power to figure out and grammar workbooks to order. No time for borrowing trouble.


Okay, bye again!

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I tend to think along those lines, too, ang.


I always think about it if dh and I are traveling alone somewhere. What would happen to the dc if we were involved in an accident?? And we have guardians named in our will that we are completely happy with.


I don't think that way when we're just around town here, but those thoughts do cross my mind if we happen to drive to another city alone. That happens once in a blue moon; it is probably good that it doesn't happen more often or I would probably be a basket case.


Hope you can relax and have some very productive time by yourself.

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I know that sounds like a bad country song.

I know I'm not supposed to be on the board today.


But as much as I'm grateful for so much time alone this week to plan our school year, I have to say that I felt kind of sad as they drove off for a day of fun and frolicking.


And because I tend to be morose, it occurred to me that if there were some terrible tragedy today, the people that I hold most dear in the whole world are in that one vehicle. If something happened to them today I would be all alone in the world.


Why am I like this? :001_huh:

They'll be fine. They'll have a blast. I have History notebooks to compile and Spelling Power to figure out and grammar workbooks to order. No time for borrowing trouble.


Okay, bye again!


:grouphug: to you Anj! As other posters have said: You are NOT alone. I feel the same way whenever we all travel together.

I think worrying this way is programmed into the MOM gene as another poster said.

Your kiddos will be fine. When DH takes the kids for the day so I can plan I worry for about 5 minutes, then I do my happy dance - because I am NEVER alone - and get to work.

Finish your stuff and come play with us!:)

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I know that sounds like a bad country song.

I know I'm not supposed to be on the board today.


But as much as I'm grateful for so much time alone this week to plan our school year, I have to say that I felt kind of sad as they drove off for a day of fun and frolicking.


And because I tend to be morose, it occurred to me that if there were some terrible tragedy today, the people that I hold most dear in the whole world are in that one vehicle. If something happened to them today I would be all alone in the world.


Why am I like this? :001_huh:

They'll be fine. They'll have a blast. I have History notebooks to compile and Spelling Power to figure out and grammar workbooks to order. No time for borrowing trouble.


Okay, bye again!


Anj, you're really not alone in your thoughts and feelings. I always think things like that even when they just pop in their aunts car and go for a visit. They are our lives...our purpose for now. That is where my trust in the Lord comes in and the realization that the kids are His, only on loan to me, and that He will take care of them. I try not to even entertain the ideas of something bad happening to them...it'll bring me to tears. So go get busy...your babies will have a blast today, and you will get much needed work done. I'll pray for some peace for you!

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This weekend, the girls and I were sitting in Bay Bridge traffic when we happened to come to a stand still underneath an overpass. I said aloud, "Okay, so, if this bridge over us collapses, we'll all be flat." Yea, like I said...twisted.


Oh, thank goodness I'm not the only one who thinks like that! In my mind I have a plan for when we drive off the twisting mountain road and into the river. I won't let dd go down river with anyone else because they don't know the plan.

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I know that sounds like a bad country song.

I know I'm not supposed to be on the board today.


But as much as I'm grateful for so much time alone this week to plan our school year, I have to say that I felt kind of sad as they drove off for a day of fun and frolicking.


And because I tend to be morose, it occurred to me that if there were some terrible tragedy today, the people that I hold most dear in the whole world are in that one vehicle. If something happened to them today I would be all alone in the world.


Why am I like this? :001_huh:

They'll be fine. They'll have a blast. I have History notebooks to compile and Spelling Power to figure out and grammar workbooks to order. No time for borrowing trouble.


Okay, bye again!


I'm totally like that too. DH takes my boys to Colorado in September and as much as I'm looking forward to (and need) the time alone, it is definitely a scary thought!




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I have the exact same feeling when my husband takes the boys out of town. BUT I so enjoy it when he does, and so far, they have come back in one piece. LOL


Seriously, those sad feelings usually fade in a couple of minutes once I realize I have some much-needed alone time. My husband keeps contemplating taking the boys away, but each weekend, it doesn't happen. His parents live in the Shenandoah Valley area of VA, ad he takes them canoeing and such each summer. I think one weekend alone a year isn't too much to ask.


So, have a blast and just remember to pray throughout the day.

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Well of course you were all right. They came back full of stories and memories and sweets. And then we all went to a big street fair type thing in our town, where they ate more sweets. Amazing, only one meltdown when we got home, and it was from dd9 who I'm starting to think is just a tad hormonal.


Thanks for all of your kind words!

I did get a lot accomplished today!! :001_smile:

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I'm so glad to hear others are like this too. I really am not alone!!:party:


I'm glad to hear it too. I know exactly what you mean. So I guess we're all a little nutty, but maybe that means that we're the normal ones and the others are nutty. Hmmmm....

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I'm the same way, I love the idea of time alone till it actually happens. Then i start feeling the same way as you.

I think it's because we love them sooo much. :)




I know that sounds like a bad country song.

I know I'm not supposed to be on the board today.


But as much as I'm grateful for so much time alone this week to plan our school year, I have to say that I felt kind of sad as they drove off for a day of fun and frolicking.


And because I tend to be morose, it occurred to me that if there were some terrible tragedy today, the people that I hold most dear in the whole world are in that one vehicle. If something happened to them today I would be all alone in the world.


Why am I like this? :001_huh:

They'll be fine. They'll have a blast. I have History notebooks to compile and Spelling Power to figure out and grammar workbooks to order. No time for borrowing trouble.


Okay, bye again!

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Oh, thank goodness I'm not the only one who thinks like that! In my mind I have a plan for when we drive off the twisting mountain road and into the river. I won't let dd go down river with anyone else because they don't know the plan.


Your line of thinking sounds very familiar.


Anj, I hope you can get your mind off of your worries and get everything accomplished. :grouphug: You're going to start school with a bang! With a plan! With notebooks!


Now get 'er done.

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I'm glad they came back in one piece. :)


My dd's first year at Worldview camp she was in NONE of the pictures they posted online. None. I kept wondering was she really there! Maybe something happened to her. :ohmy: Then Friday morning, right before we left to go get her, there was her smiling face. Whew! She was there after all.


Hope your day was refreshing.

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