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today is my daughter's...


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First birthday.


We are going out to dinner tonight with friends, and I made cupcakes during naptime. Then I got a shower while the kids were sleeping.


After the shower I went out to the kitchen to discover the beautifully decorated cupcakes on the table, complete with one single, small, three-year-old size bite taken out of each.



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LOL! I'm on three-year-old burnout right now (specifically the one that just peed in my bed) but that kind of stuff is just so ridiculous and funny you can't help but laugh.


You know those luxury condos on HGTV with the glass walled bathrooms smack in the middle of the open floor plan? I always thought they were impractical, but now I realize it's so mom can take a shower or pee and still see everything that is going on in the house.

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LOL! I have a picture on my cell phone of a pan of cinnamon rolls I had baked and set out to cool. While my back was turned, my then 3yo came along and ate the centers out of several of them! Thankfully we hadn't planned them for anything or anyone else!


You can extend the celebration and eat the cootie-laden ones at home later :D. Happy birthday to your DD. I can't believe it's been a year. I remember you posting her scary birth story. Glad you're both here and well!

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LOL! My daughter did something similar...My older daughter's 8th birthday we were doing the cupcake pan cake, and similar cupcakes. She popped the molded tops out of the pan, took a bite out of each top, then put them back into the pan!

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Oh, I am so sorry, but I am laughing... I am quite sure there's a good reason that three year olds are so very cute, despite their antics! I was just watching a pair of them at karate this morning, thinking bak to when my own were that little. Pesky but precious!

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How frustrating, I know that feeling. DD did that to our cake last year (our being my bday and her 4th too). It just looked strange when we served it and everyone else thought it was cute. The perfectionist in me did not agree but now looking back a year later, yeah, small beans and not important.

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I used to think it was cute when my oldest did that sort of thing back at 3. I stopped bothering baking/decorating cakes when he was STILL doing it at 10. I would bake a theme cake, spend 3-5 hours decorating it, only to find 1/2 of it missing when I went to put on candles. I stopped making them and the kids now pick a dessert of their choice from the grocery store instead. Too many upset kids and birthdays ruined by a ticked off mom.

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When DS was that age he ate all of the frosting off of his birthday cake. He was usually such an easy-going, well-mannered, child that I didn't worry when he was quiet for a while. Big sister loves to tell the story and about how mad I was at him (I remember being angry from fear that he was going to get really sick from all the frosting). I wish I could have gotten over my worry long enough to take a photo!

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I didn't get a photo. We were rushing to get out the door. I'm not even sure I was able to get all the frosting off his face, lol.

I should know better than to take a shower but...they were napping. :-)


Thanks for the good wishes. Yes, I had a rough both with DD...a freak partial uterine rupture. We are very very blessed with our lovely little girl!

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