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I want something to read....


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I'd love a list of fun, interesting, upbeat fiction books to read this summer. Winners--engaging characters, solid story lines, and happy endings. Beach books about being at the beach would be lovely since I probably won't get to go myself...I enjoy romance, sci-fi, mystery and non-fiction. (A sci-fi romance with a mysterious story line based on some historical area or event would be dandy. :hurray: ) Any suggestions? Really entertaining non-fiction would work, too.

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I just finished Surviving the Island of Grace: Life on the Wild Edge of America by Leslie Leyland Fields. It is nonfiction, but I was completely enthralled with her depiction of her life in Alaska as a commercial fisherman. Not exactly the beach you had in mind, but it was such a good read! She is a Christian, but I would not call it a Christian book at all--not all Bible quotes or anything (not that there is anything wrong with that).


I also loved The Geography of Bliss, above; very interesting.


I will have to try to think of some fiction titles, which is what I most commonly read. Hoping some people will add to this; now that school is almost out I look forward to some summer reading!!


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Anything by Sarah Jio, starting with Violets of March.



Agreed. I resisted Violets (as I tend not to like that particular framing device), but I really enjoyed it.


Elin Hilderbrand writes engaging beachy books; I think they're all set on Nantucket.

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I've been enjoying Georgette Heyer's Regency romances. So far I've read Cotillion, The Black Sheep, The Foundling, and The Convenient Marriage, and I'm in the middle of Frederica - they're all *awesome*. Great characters, fun plots, and happy endings :).

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Bill Bryson's I'm a Stranger Here Myself is hilarious

Jenny Lawson's, Let's Pretend This Never Happened

The Amelia Peabody's are awesome, just got my Mom into them.

For old school fantasy, I recently fell in love with the Demon Cycle series by Peter V. Brett, best I've read in a long time.

One of my favorite, totally ridiculous summer reads are the MEG books by Steve Alten


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