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My indoor cat has fleas


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We've had him for 8 years and he has always been completely indoor so we've never had to treat him for fleas. Yesterday, I noticed fleas on him :( I bought Frontline and treated him with that. What else do I need to do to make sure they are out of my house!


thanks ya'll

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We once had a flea infestation. We had no pets and lived in a second-floor apartment. What???? Fleas don't care whether you're human or feline or canine. They need warm-blooded hosts, and they'll hitchhike on your pantleg into your home. Fleas and cockroaches...the bane of civilized existence, lol.


Ok, so you need to treat your cat and flea-bomb the house. This needs to happen simultaneously, as in you flea-bomb the house while you take the cat for a dip. You may need to do it again in 10 days.

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If you caught it right away, the Frontline and vacuuming should take care of it all (Frontline stops the fleas from reproducing). If you have a lot of carpet or you think there have been fleas for over a week or so, then you may want to consider sprinkling diatomaceous earth (completely non-toxic, safe for people and pets) on the carpet and in the corners and cracks of the house near the baseboards. You can get it a Lowe's or Home Depot for pretty cheap.

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The problem with flea dips is that you're not going to submerge the cat, and the fleas can stay on the head.


We've had great success with Frontline plus a program of rigorous vacuuming that includes furniture. I also washed up any bedding the cats had been on.

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I've never had a flea problem not completely solved by four months of Advantage/Frontline etc., except one incident in which a room was shut up for the winter without heat. The flea eggs hatched in the spring when we opened the room.

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Comfortis can be used on cats! It used to be off label, but now it is labeled for cats, too. It is truly awesome. It will take care of the problem. If she is your only pet, then two monthly doses will likely eradicate the fleas. It kills every flea on the pet within a few hours, and keeps doing that for a month. It is sold in six doses, but you may only need two or three. Then you can save the other doses for next summer. :) Call your vet. Truly, don't bother with anything else.

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