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Should I respond?


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I find this to be such an odd response. I don't "deal" with anything on Facebook. If you don't post or respond to people in a way that you wouldn't speak to them face to face, you're golden.



I agree. I find people blame Facebook for drama all the time. Facebook drama is almost entirely avoidable. If people carefully word their posts--a good exercise in self-control and tactfulness--problems shouldn't happen. If people chose not to argue over Facebook (this rarely turns out well and never changes anyone's mind) Facebook is a fun way to catch up and connect with old friends.


People that have drama on Facebook, almost certainly have it in real life, too. If they don't censor themselves well in general, they will likely have more drama on FB because the Internet seems to embolden people in odd ways.


This isn't directed at the OP. We are veering off topic here. :)

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I agree. I find people blame Facebook for drama all the time. Facebook drama is almost entirely avoidable. If people carefully word their posts--a good exercise in self-control and tactfulness--problems shouldn't happen. If people chose not to argue over Facebook (this rarely turns out well and never changes anyone's mind) Facebook is a fun way to catch up and connect with old friends.


People that have drama on Facebook, almost certainly have it in real life, too. If they don't censor themselves well in general, they will likely have more drama on FB because the Internet seems to embolden people in odd ways.


This isn't directed at the OP. We are veering off topic here. :)



:iagree: I could not agree with this more (and also, I'm far from the OP's issue now and we really never knew what was actually posted anyway). I have ZERO drama on my facebook. If I start seeing drama - buh bye! Actually, I am no longer friended with one of my SILs. I turned her off my feed at one point when she was constantly ranting about my brother, and maybe she perceived that, and she unfriended me. Doesn't bug me in the least.

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Yesterday on Facebook I posted something that has been on my mind for a long time. To paraphrase, I basically said that the children I have now are not what I would have if they were in ps. And then I offered to be available to anyone thinking about homeschooling. My sil responded with how offended she was about me slamming ps, because some people (her) can't homeschool. And btw she still loves me.


I want to tell her that if certain people made better life choices they could homeschool. But I really want to say that I was trying to be supportive to other homeschooling parents and that I wasn't trying to start drama. So if I should say something, what or should I ignore her?



I don't find what you wrote offensive at all. I think your sil has a problem...maybe she's jealous of your being able to homeschool. I don't think you owe her, or anyone else an apology. I would respond w/ the red, and leave it at that. If she continues w/ the drama- delete her posts. Period.

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Yesterday on Facebook I posted something that has been on my mind for a long time. To paraphrase, I basically said that the children I have now are not what I would have if they were in ps. And then I offered to be available to anyone thinking about homeschooling.


So what exactly was your exact FB status, without the paraphrase? Can you copy it here? I'm very curious.

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"Yesterday on Facebook I posted something that has been on my mind for a long time. To paraphrase, I basically said that the children I have now are not what I would have if they were in ps."



I have not read all replies...


I would be cautious about the attitude "my kids are great because we homeschool". Unless every homeschooling parent is a 2nd generation homeschooler, then this statement cannot generally be true. If you went to ps, you would then be saying that you are not a great person. I happen to like how I turned out, and I graduated from ps. I thank Jesus, my parents, extended family, and even the small high school in upstate NY for giving me the rich soil from which to grow.


I like to think that my kids are great because they have great parents! :001_smile:




ETA: for clarification

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I'd just leave it and not respond. People don't need to be offended by every damn little thing.


This is why, btw, I quit Facebook. I couldn't say anything except really dumb crap like what I was eating at the moment or what the weather was like. Someone even got mad at me because someone posted something on my wall that they were offended by (I didn't even know the person who posted it).


So . . . how does someone you don't know post something on your wall? ... I have a couple of fb friends who use "shares" to express their controversial beliefs. The person seeing it always has the right to ignore it. Me, I may agree or disagree but I will rarely say so, because even in my tiny circle of friends, there's a lot of diversity. It isn't worth it - to me. But I don't usually get ticked when others do it. (Except when it's taunting, like one of my friends did repeatedly on election night. I kept quiet, though.) ... But I agree about the "dumb crap." I sometimes want to say how proud I am about one of my kids' accomplishments, but I'm afraid it will be taken the wrong way. Mostly I post little excerpts from conversations I thought were funny or freaky. Then after a day or two, I usually delete them. ... A few people friended me because I seemed like a sensible person in an argument on a facebook group. I'm sure they are sorely disappointed at the lack of meat on my actual page. Oh, well.

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There is a difference in saying "I am so thankful we can homeschool. It works best for our family and I would love to help anyone who is interested in homeschooling in finding a way to do it." and what you said.


I would be offended if someone came on and said that Public School allowed their child the opportunity to receive a full ride scholarship to XX School and they would never have had that opportunity if they had homeschooled and they would love to help any homeschooling families transition and find out more about going to public school.



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There is a difference in saying "I am so thankful we can homeschool. It works best for our family and I would love to help anyone who is interested in homeschooling in finding a way to do it." and what you said.


I would be offended if someone came on and said that Public School allowed their child the opportunity to receive a full ride scholarship to XX School and they would never have had that opportunity if they had homeschooled and they would love to help any homeschooling families transition and find out more about going to public school.



LOL, I would be amused, not offended. I have had lots of people try to give my helpful advice about making ps work for me so I could get my kids back in, since they are so smart/ great they are really missing out on ps. I never do say, "they are smart and charming because of home schooling," even though I do believe that my kids would not be the same if they were ps. I sent my oldest for the first four years of ps and the last four years and believe me, it was not impressive. I do actually believe that middle school damages the character of many children, not all, but many, enough not to take a risk, but I would NEVER say that out loud. I may get in trouble for posting it on here, lol.

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I still don't think she needs to apologize, or be humble, or anything else. I think the way she worded it was not the best, but I don't think she needs to apologize for it. It's over. Least said, soonest mended.

I'd just leave it and not respond. People don't need to be offended by every damn little thing.




If the OP had posted her comments on her SIL's FB page and her SIL took offense, I could understand the suggestions that she apologize for having upset her, but as it is, the OP posted her comments on her own FB page, so I don't understand why she should backpedal, delete, and/or apologize. She posted her own feelings on her own page. If her SIL doesn't like it, that's just too bad for her, and perhaps the SIL should stop visiting the OP's FB page.


I'm sorry, but I'm so sick and tired of everyone feeling that there's some incredible need to be politically correct all the time, and to feel that they have to worry that everything they say, do, or write might possibly offend someone. The OP had an opinion. She posted it. End of story. So what? The world isn't going to end for anyone who disagrees with her. She didn't state that she'd just killed some puppies or beaten her children with a baseball bat. I'm sure most people who read her post never gave it a second thought. It simply wasn't a big deal.


Personally, I think the SIL was entirely out of line for trying to create drama where none was intended, and if anyone's comments were out of line, it was hers, yet no one is suggesting that the SIL apologize for being a big crybaby over a FB post that wasn't even directed toward her.

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If the OP had posted her comments on her SIL's FB page and her SIL took offense, I could understand the suggestions that she apologize for having upset her, but as it is, the OP posted her comments on her own FB page, so I don't understand why she should backpedal, delete, and/or apologize. She posted her own feelings on her own page. If her SIL doesn't like it, that's just too bad for her, and perhaps the SIL should stop visiting the OP's FB page.






Personally, I think the SIL was entirely out of line for trying to create drama where none was intended, and if anyone's comments were out of line, it was hers, yet no one is suggesting that the SIL apologize for being a big crybaby over a FB post that wasn't even directed toward her.



:laugh: :iagree:

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