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So what are some of the best inventions ever for you?

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Of course, I don't buy them with the intention of them being "disposable". But the fact that they are frees me up from the inevitable frustration that I feel when I lose them. For whatever reason, I just can't seem to keep track of our cups. This makes losing them much less painful.

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There is so much STUFF useful for school on the internet, and also I can communicate with ya'all here on these boards!


Growing up, I remember reading about Howard Hughes having his own projectionist and film collection so he could watch whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. I was so envious! Now, of course, we are ALL able to rent/buy whatever films we want and watch 'em whenever we want. For a person who started her own silent film collection at age 11, this is big stuff!

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and waiting for the "handshake"...


1. Internet - made the world smaller and bigger at the same time KWIM?

2. Microwave (come on, admit it - our mom's slaved over dinner)

3. Digital media (cameras, dvds, cds) - we think nothing of documenting our lives for future enjoyment now that it's as simple as downloading images and documents to our computer and burning them to disk or uploading them to YouTube.

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My laptop, iPod (music & audio bks anywhere), digital camera (I need a better one :p), dvd player (love movies), and my daughter's insulin pump. Now if they can only invite a device that checks her blood glucose and delivers insulin or sugar, given her numbers, so I can sleep at night; I would trade all above.

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My laptop, iPod (music & audio bks anywhere), digital camera (I need a better one :p), dvd player (love movies), and my daughter's insulin pump. Now if they can only invite a device that checks her blood glucose and delivers insulin or sugar, given her numbers, so I can sleep at night; I would trade all above.


I wish someone would invent a television that would automatically adjust volume levels. Most movies I get on dvd are annoyingly loud at certain time (big action sequence) and annoyingly quiet (important dialog)!! Drives me nuts!! I tend to turn the volume way down and leave the subtitles on to compensate.:confused:

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Bread Machine (along with this some oldies but goodies; crock pot & rice cooker... basically anything that I can put ingredients into and set a timer so the finished product will be ready at a predetermined time, lol)


Earth Box (a whole garden without weeds or worries about watering! It's revolutionized my gardening!)


Ok... yes, internet, cell phone...


and yeah, the Desk Apprentice has really kept our school things organized and easy to get to!

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I once hugged my DH and said, very sincerely, that I wanted to thank him as a scientist for all the lovely things that medical research has brought into my life:

- eyeglasses so I'm not blind

- contact lenses so I look good while not being blind

- a Nuvaring so I don't have to suffer through my horrible periods anymore

- assisted reproductive technology so I could have my first son

- Effexor, so I'm not sad all the time (a very effective anti-depressant)

- antibiotics


and on, and on. Yup, I'm a big fan. :D

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The internet and our cell phones. We had internet since it was first available and for someone who enjoyed reading the encyclopedia as a child I love "exploring" on the web.


Cell phones, so I can reach my lovely dh at anytime. He's in construction and I never know where he is location wise, but he's only a phone call away. That is quite comforting.

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I think a lot does have to do with your local climate. I'm in CA (right in a N. CA farmland area), and we have a long growing season.


Last year I grew kitchen herbs and tomatoes in two Earth Boxes just to try it out. I was very impressed, even though I started at the wrong time in the growing season (July!). So this year, I'm ordering more so I can have a complete garden & can get it started at the right time. The boxes can use the same soil for up to three growing seasons (if I'm remembering correctly), but you need to replace the fertilizer with each new crop. The best things are that you use less water and there are no weeds!! All the work is in setting up the boxes and planting. Then you pretty much just leave it alone until harvest. (Well, you have to make sure vining plants like tomatoes stay supported... the trellis that Earth Box sells does work pretty well, but you need to help it a bit.) I am using the auto watering system so the boxes always stay at the right water level. This also makes it possible to go away for a few weeks on vacation without worrying about keeping the garden watered.


You can use regular fertilizer or organic... both available from the site. I know there are instructions somewhere for using your own organic fertilizer too. I will most likely blog about the entire growing season coming up! There is a picture on my blog of the Earth Box on the deck with the herbs in it from last year on the sidebar if you want to take a look. (link in sig.)

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They have made for a lot of LONG, QUIET rides with my 4 kids, and a lot of enjoyable rides for me now that I can plug my iPod into my car stereo!


I have to admit that I love my Bosch and grain mill, and use them nearly daily, but they haven't brought near the peace that those 2 electronic devices have! :)

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