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Kitchen Nightmare-you have to watch this!


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I've been multislacking the day away



Mulitslacking! I LOVE it!



She reminds me of Kate Gosselin. Sad.



Thank you! I was trying to figure out which crazy it was that Amy reminded me of! It's the crazy eyes. Both Amy and Kate have the crazy eye. Well and the fact that they are both bat shit crazy too!


All I can think in watching this is -- this is a man that will do anything to make his wife happy. And something in that is so sweet, well except for the whole drama involved too. But that thought just keeps coming back to me over and over again.



I was thinking that too. I sort of felt sorry for Sammy.

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Wow. I'm only 8 minutes in (and unfortunately can't watch the whole thing right now), but I have a hard time believing these people are for real. And how can they possibly keep their employees? No matter how hard up I was for money, I wouldn't work for people like that beyond one day. I have to think that the novelty factor is the only thing keeping their business afloat - people go there to experience the crazy. :001_huh:


I went to a place like that once, at least every 15 minutes one of the servers would put on an Elvis show. (he ran amok saying, "Thank you, thank you very much!" over and over)

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BTW, I've never seen Kitchen Nightmare before. So Gordon is crazy? How?



I've never seen Kitchen Nightmare before either, but I've watched Gordon's other show, Hell's Kitchen, a few times. Here's a clip of him on that show on one of his rants (and there's at least one every episode from what I've seen).


WARNING: Strong language in this clip (and it's not bleeped out - I looked at several clips to try to find one that was censored, but every single one was uncensored for some reason)


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I am going to stick with my statement in the other thread on this....seriously, can anyone really be this crazy? Especially on TV? Surely it is a publicity stunt, right? I mean, who doesn't want to hop in their car and go there just to see for yourself? I would go and order just to see if it was for real :tongue_smilie:

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That was 10 pounds of crazy in a 5 pound sack.


I am unconvinced that Ramsey did not know what he was walking into since his camera crew filmed all the drama the night before. I am also unconvinced that the couple was clueless about what they were getting into. Delusional about what the experience would be, I believe. Clueless..........more like calculating if you ask me.

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These shows are usually staged, just like the lot of them; but Ramsey is sort of a one-of-a-kind. He really is a Michelin Chef with absolutely stellar skills in the kitchen. And yes, he doesn't always wear his big-boy pants and throws temper tantrums.


However, the point of Kitchen Nightmares is so that Ramsey can help people who need it. He's lost his cool with many on the show over its time, but never to the level of Hell's Kitchen (at least not in the many episodes I've seen). It is staged and edited of course; but this episode, I don't think was as staged/edited as the previous shows. There's just something about the way they presented it. Usually Ramsey does more talking, more walking them through things, more showing them how to do things, more instruction if you will. This episode really lacked that and I think it's because Ramsey and the producers realized that this situation was not like the others and they just went with it as best they could.


As Amy said, their only reason for calling Gordon was to find out why such a high turnover was occurring. He found that out plus a number of other things (did you know she only cooks one meal at a time?) and tried to get them to see all these changes that need to be made (like the way they treat their staff). Amy and Samy had one thing in mind when calling Gordon (that it wasn't their fault they had a high turnover, so Gordon help us devise a plan to fix this) and they got and Gordon got so much more than they bargained for.


I actually felt sorry for Gordon watching this.

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I felt sorry for GR too.


I've only watched a few shows, but do they usually play the day before tape as long as they did in this show? So much happened the day before he arrived, and showing that ate up a LOT of time. I'm not sure if he realized how bad their reactions were going to be when he went in for the sit down. If he already knew he was going to walk out going into that or not. I'm thinking he did not, and when he did, they had to use so much tape time up with the problems of the night before to fill up their time. Usually after he sees everything, doesn't he do the sit down with them, and then work another shift with them implementing his ideas?


I don't think you can stage something like this. Not in today's world. Back in the days before Facebook, and internet reviews and Yelp type things, sure. You could set up a mock restaurant, film something like this, and the only people that would really be the wiser would be people living in the nearby area, who realized there had not been a restaurant there a few months before. But who would they tell other than other locals? But now with the internet, things are world wide as they happen. You can't stage something like that now. And there are too many real reviews from before the show talking about similar problems.

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I felt sorry for GR too.


I've only watched a few shows, but do they usually play the day before tape as long as they did in this show? So much happened the day before he arrived, and showing that ate up a LOT of time. I'm not sure if he realized how bad their reactions were going to be when he went in for the sit down. If he already knew he was going to walk out going into that or not. I'm thinking he did not, and when he did, they had to use so much tape time up with the problems of the night before to fill up their time. Usually after he sees everything, doesn't he do the sit down with them, and then work another shift with them implementing his ideas?


I don't think you can stage something like this. Not in today's world. Back in the days before Facebook, and internet reviews and Yelp type things, sure. You could set up a mock restaurant, film something like this, and the only people that would really be the wiser would be people living in the nearby area, who realized there had not been a restaurant there a few months before. But who would they tell other than other locals? But now with the internet, things are world wide as they happen. You can't stage something like that now. And there are too many real reviews from before the show talking about similar problems.



I think that is the whole reason they went on the show.


Apparently there was a bad review on Yelp and Reddit and Amy and her husband went berserk. Apparently this had been going on for some time.


So they thought going on the TV show would prove they are right and everyone else is wrong.


We are doing standardized testing this week (boring) and this has kept me seriously entertained.

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These shows are usually staged, just like the lot of them; but Ramsey is sort of a one-of-a-kind. He really is a Michelin Chef with absolutely stellar skills in the kitchen. And yes, he doesn't always wear his big-boy pants and throws temper tantrums.


However, the point of Kitchen Nightmares is so that Ramsey can help people who need it. He's lost his cool with many on the show over its time, but never to the level of Hell's Kitchen (at least not in the many episodes I've seen). It is staged and edited of course; but this episode, I don't think was as staged/edited as the previous shows. There's just something about the way they presented it. Usually Ramsey does more talking, more walking them through things, more showing them how to do things, more instruction if you will. This episode really lacked that and I think it's because Ramsey and the producers realized that this situation was not like the others and they just went with it as best they could.


As Amy said, their only reason for calling Gordon was to find out why such a high turnover was occurring. He found that out plus a number of other things (did you know she only cooks one meal at a time?) and tried to get them to see all these changes that need to be made (like the way they treat their staff). Amy and Samy had one thing in mind when calling Gordon (that it wasn't their fault they had a high turnover, so Gordon help us devise a plan to fix this) and they got and Gordon got so much more than they bargained for.


I actually felt sorry for Gordon watching this.



She said that she wanted Gordon to tell people that her food was good, so they would believe him and not the 'online bullies'. They just wanted validation, not input to solve the problem. I don't think they accept that there is an internal problem, it is all everyone else's issues that are inflicted upon them. Those are two of the most egocentric people I have ever seen.

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She did say that she only wanted Gordon to tell people the food was good, but then she changed it to add that she also wanted to find out why they had such a high turnover. But in the end, Gordon was smart and refused to tell a lie. :D

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A chance to be redeemed:


Not 100% sure if this is real but here it is: SCOTTSDALE, AZ. MAY 15, 2013 — Amy’s Baking Company will host a Grand Re-Opening on Tuesday night, May 21, following unflattering portrayals on national television. Customers will be able to decide who is correct: a famous celebrity chef or the marketplace that has supported the small, locally-owned business for six years. When re-opened, a portion of proceeds will benefit a charity organized to bring awareness to cyber bullying. Seating is limited. Reservations may be made by emailing sjones@rosemoserallynpr.com. Diners will also have the opportunity to meet, and judge for themselves the character of owners Amy and Samy Bouzaglo, who have devoted their lives to and earn their living from their small restaurant. The Bouzaglos have been married for 10 years, after Sammy emigrated from Israel. The owners will likely be holding a press conference before the Grand Re-Opening and answer falsehoods depicted on a reality television show, including assertions that the restaurant confiscates tips from servers.

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A chance to be redeemed:


Not 100% sure if this is real but here it is: SCOTTSDALE, AZ. MAY 15, 2013 — Amy’s Baking Company will host a Grand Re-Opening on Tuesday night, May 21, following unflattering portrayals on national television. Customers will be able to decide who is correct: a famous celebrity chef or the marketplace that has supported the small, locally-owned business for six years. When re-opened, a portion of proceeds will benefit a charity organized to bring awareness to cyber bullying. Seating is limited. Reservations may be made by emailing sjones@rosemoserallynpr.com. Diners will also have the opportunity to meet, and judge for themselves the character of owners Amy and Samy Bouzaglo, who have devoted their lives to and earn their living from their small restaurant. The Bouzaglos have been married for 10 years, after Sammy emigrated from Israel. The owners will likely be holding a press conference before the Grand Re-Opening and answer falsehoods depicted on a reality television show, including assertions that the restaurant confiscates tips from servers.

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I'd like to see this one blow up in their face. EVERY server working for them now and then said they take tips. They even admitted it on the show! How are they going to back out of this one?


They are rotten. I hope it fails, miserably. What I saw of her food did not look appetizing either. Even though I love a good greasy burger now and then, that burger was rank. And her pizza? I make a better one using nothing but tortillas.


**On the tip issue: The servers make salary, which is what people have always said someone in that position should be making (that they shouldn't rely on tips). Even when I made salary as a server, we were still allowed to keep the tips (we had an elaborate system for claiming them too). That POS system they use is the exact system used at restaurants like Denny's and allows for the server to claim tips right in the system. They are stealing tips from their employees. What they should do is place a sign that says "Tipping optional. We pay our servers salary" or even better "We take our servers tips, so don't tip them or else we will take them".

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Diners will also have the opportunity to meet, and judge for themselves the character of owners Amy and Samy Bouzaglo, who have devoted their lives to and earn their living from their small restaurant.



This will not go well. All it will take is one customer complaint about something and Samy, Amy, or most likely both of them are going to go ape again. And when that happens, what will they do? Host a Grand Re-Re-Opening? :001_rolleyes:


I would love for these people to be able to turn things around, but I just don't see that happening.

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